Рейтинг пользователя :.:War Lords:.: | GhOst  [+15 / -4]  

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Serg1e ban me|n|tal ranx WHY???

it will be so much [fAiL] :)

+ 26.02.2013 17:27:06
Serg1e plz unban..

kot=cat (name_KATerina)=))))

+ 22.02.2013 13:28:49
Mr. Smiley Banned by Px

What a stupid...

- 03.02.2013 21:05:33
Sir Derp Windows 8, Patch not working

Responsive and helping

+ 04.01.2013 14:26:58
-= Fr34K | MaF!a =- .:War bots:. keep complaining please .

my bro  :)

+ 02.12.2012 09:59:31
CTpeKo3a Для моей дорогой бабушка Px

cool 00))))

+ 17.09.2012 13:21:43
Skunk Request to Increase Ping limit

It's true

+ 06.09.2012 21:26:07
srdjan Žalba

Kid, you are boring.
Ufll not there, to you sycophancy him.

- 02.09.2012 19:09:59
5fps) PcW Challenge [fAiL] VS :.:War Lords:.:

They are [fAiL] )

+ 24.08.2012 19:30:48
3rAs3r we have a cheater in game need admin fast........

you know that you dont have to comment on every topic on this forum,right?

- 24.08.2012 18:20:14
-= Fr34K | MaF!a =- Žalba

funny bro :)

keep rawking :P  \m/ :D

+ 22.08.2012 19:05:00
5fps) PcW Challenge [fAiL] VS :.:War Lords:.:


+ 19.08.2012 01:20:13
5fps) Your Favorite HLS Player ?

Sry 4 BOT but play hard go pro)

+ 17.08.2012 23:42:14
-= Fr34K | MaF!a =- PcW Challenge [fAiL] VS :.:War Lords:.:

Dont be over proud and over excited

- 16.08.2012 20:14:23
5fps) Беззаконие на КС серверах со стороны Админов!

U broke Google translate :)

+ 12.08.2012 00:18:00
5fps) Беззаконие на КС серверах со стороны Админов!

bro :)

+ 31.07.2012 23:04:08
5fps) Slip vs Players

meeeeeeeeee :lol:

+ 16.07.2012 02:21:01
Aleksej Slip vs Players

:D pysch :D

+ 15.07.2012 08:02:49
5fps) Slip vs Players

:lol: :lol: :lol:

+ 15.07.2012 00:40:59
Reputation system for PunBB

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