milan — 07.05.2016 18:52:55

I cannot join high latency, it says connecting to server, connecting to server(2).... and so on finally cannot connect to server.
But I can join low latency and death match server then what's the issue with high latency
I tried changing nick, restarting my system and even tracert but nothing changed :closedeyes: :/

Px — 07.05.2016 21:01:27

You may be banned by nosteam emulator because you're using some crappy version of the game, I see warnings in Low Latency log

milan — 08.05.2016 15:50:16

Px написал:

You may be banned by nosteam emulator because you're using some crappy version of the game, I see warnings in Low Latency log

Okay I will fix it thankyou:yes: