I've been having lag problems lately and its really frustrating.
The weird thing is,lag is there without any ping change.my ping is constantly around 70 to 90 but i still lag pretty much.
i recently did a format on my PC but it didnt help much.
Any suggestions on how I may fix this?
Is your fps stable?
frames per second
net_graph 2
upper right value is?
Enter in console fps_max 100, see what changed
What's you CPU?
Check your CPU usage and temperature when CS not running, you should have solid 100 fps all time
Close browser while playing, see if something change and what temperature while gaming
I've been playing for over an hour now and my CPU temp. is 49-51 and fps still 74-75
It never get higher,as soon as I come into play it doesnt change,never get to even 80.
My Cs resolution is 1400-1050 does that make any difference?
I think not coz i've used it before the lag started.
3rAs3r написал:
My Cs resolution is 1400-1050 does that make any difference?
What is your video card?
Nvidia G force 9600 GT
I've been using it always never changed it.
I just remebered my motherboard was fried so i changed it.But i got the same one with the same specs.
i think the problems started when this new motherboard came.
The problem lays somewhere in your system software, as I said, you should have stable 100 fps all time. Unfortunately, it is hard to determine, what exactly wrong, when I'm not on your system...
Something if certainly wrong,coz 2 Motherboard's have fried in a period of maybe 6 months and that's just silly.Clearly I chose the wrong company to buy my PC from.
What's really weird is I can play Skyrim on high settings with no problems
Hm, download and install this video drivers - http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp-295. … river.html
OmG dude I did what you said and after installation it required a restart of windows.
And wafter it rebootet my screen is messed up big time
I guess the drivers u gave me are not good,i cant increase my resoulution from 600 480 or something like that
There is definitely something wrong with your OS
I always get problems with new drivers ))
Same story every time: I want better video card performance > ppl advice me to upgrade drivers from the nVidia official site > I do this > I get huge lags and other problems > I swear as hell > I roll the drivers back promising myself to never do it again
Px написал:
There is definitely something wrong with your OS
I even let a guy help me.He enetered my desktop from his PC with Teamviewer program.He did some things with the nvidia control panel.
And at first it worked,i got 99fps for about 2 minutes and then the same thing.
after that i get 99 when i die,but when i play 30-70.
Still something not right
I've tried some things today.
Disabling the V-sync and some stuff and entering fps_max100 into console.
It worked for about 2 minutes and then started to change,it falls to 40 then back to 100 in some rounds but its far from stable.
I cant believe nobody can help with this
Check your video card temperature
also try to put your antivirus on the game mood.. sometime its running background and this will effect ur game while playing
Px написал:
Check your video card temperature
just checked the GPU,it stayed at 38 before and during play.
CPU got to 52 during play,are these temps normal?
Could it be that my graph card has some issues,and maybe it caused my new motherboard to burn in just 6 months?
3rAs3r написал:
it falls to 40 then back to 100
Hidden downloads by other programs? For instance, as Dehu sais, antivirus trying to autoupdate..
1- try to disable vertical sync from the Grafix control panel : its like this
Desktop Properties >> Settings >> Advanced >> Geforce ..... ( Video Card Driver ) >> Performance & Quality Setiings , and here you must turn off these Vertycal Sync , Antisotropic filtering and Antialising settings !
2- also try this:
developer 1
fps_max 999
hope this will help u
basically everything of those things I've tried and they ALL seemed to work,but for a few minutes,than its back down to 40-50,than back up to 100 again for a few moments
I've just been to the server,and didnt try any of those.Just entered and fps was 100 for exactly 3 rounds and then
Run cstrike in window, start Process Explorer and after fps drops look, what processes consumes you CPU
3rAs3r написал:
thats when not playing cs just entered to choose server
No, this is not what we need, you must get data in time, when fps drops. Making screenshot is not necessary, just remember the numbers in CPU column, if you can't see them in game, adjust PE window so you can see them
OK,I've played the entire map and this is what i noticed.
The fps is 100 as long as the Interrupts number is below 2-5 or 3
If it gets over that and stays for a few seconds the fps drops.
As soon as the number drops bellow 2.00 the fps stable at 100
At the time when the Interrupts number gets high(sometimes up to 10.00)
I've noticed an increase in
FSHDLL32.EXE 0.77-5.00 and higher
and also CSRSS.EXE 0.77-0.78
these 2 columns dont show any numbers until the interrupts column rises
Thats all i could figure out so far,ill keep playing like this and watching.
Here is a pic of what i caught one time and I know my paint skill rules
3rAs3r написал:
FSHDLL32.EXE 0.77-5.00 and higher
Uninstall F-Secure and see what changes
3rAs3r написал:
100 at start,then changes..
Who now using cpu?
Hardware interrupts?
first of all things.. how came ur having 2 antivirus on ur system ?!
this will coz some conflicting with ur system files.. that has been always watched by the antivirus usually !! and now each file watched by 2 antivirus and this is dumb it coz u alot of problem not just for the game oO
keep one just one patric = )
Dehumanizer написал:
how came ur having 2 antivirus on ur system
Nope, not two, three
he is more secure than ur server
Dehumanizer написал:
2 antivirus
Px написал:
Nope, not two, three
Now i have none and still same problem
And today i changed my graph card to ATI radeon 5450 HD and still no change!!!!
1) Problem not in video card
2) 5450 is worse than 9600GT
Amount of memory has nothing to do with speed
OK i'll change it back its not a problem.
i changed it because all games started to lag and i cant play anything,online or offline
mb i know the problem
try to change the filter on the main internet line
its a small device between the main line and the router.. mb after the number of the players increasing more than 4 or 5 players its making a lot of traffic inside the line and the filter is not doing well with this,, if doesn't work try to play in another server with more than 10 players if it still the same problem borrow a router from one of ur friends and try it if it works then its ur router who causing the whole problem and need to be change
and if non of this works then u have to re install a fresh copy of windows and am sure after that u will not face any problem
Thy for all the advice bro but today im taking this piece of shit to a "professional" to what it is.
I did the format a month ago because of these problems and no change.And now its not only CS causing problems,all games are unplayable after just few minutes of normal run
all the games ur talking about is online games or what ? coz am sure 90% that ur problem is bcoz of the internet line
Отредактированно Dehumanizer (14.03.2012 15:36:42)
Dehumanizer написал:
coz am sure 90% that ur problem is bcoz of the internet line
You haven't read previous posts, right?
Px написал:
Dehumanizer написал:
coz am sure 90% that ur problem is bcoz of the internet line
You haven't read previous posts, right?
no not all ^^
Cx написал:
Amon you need new PC
http://cpscomputers.nl/upload/images/ga … 427252.jpg
this one is for bots ^^
Thx guys for not changing the subject at all
Anyways,I brought my junky PC to the "expert" and guess what he said to me???
"I think something is wrong!!!"
I was like NO WAY MAN O.O
And being like most of the experts he offered no answer to what might be wrong,hardware or software.
I still cant play anything,getting kinda suicidal
hehe "I think something is wrong" <<he is bot
ok u didnt answer me.. the games ur talking about is online games or not ?
i mean all games are not working or just the online games ?
3rAs3r написал:
all games started to lag and i cant play anything,online or offline
3rAs3r написал:
3rAs3r написал:
3rAs3r написал:
or offline
3rAs3r написал:
all games started to lag
3rAs3r написал:
3rAs3r написал:
all games started to lag and i cant play anything,online or offline
3rAs3r написал:
3rAs3r написал:
3rAs3r написал:
or offline
3rAs3r написал:
all games started to lag
ok this will decrease the possibilities
did u tried with the memories ?
btw how much ur pc memories is ?
and its 1 piece or more ?
if its more than 1 piece then try to remove one and play the game and do with the others successively
Dehumanizer написал:
then try to remove
Dehu my man,my brother you have got to read the earlier and entire posts.
I've played like this for 3 years,without changing anything and without problems.So if it was a problem in memory or video card,or internet line i would have experienced it earlier.
i was using 512kbps internet and my ping was 220 and latenccy was 280...now i am using 3.1mbps and my ping is 80 and my latency is 290...plzz help me how to lower my ping..i dont know much about computer....my fps is between 50 to 70 now
Sad-Flute написал:
i was using 512kbps internet and my ping was 220 and latenccy was 280...now i am using 3.1mbps and my ping is 80 and my latency is 290...plzz help me how to lower my ping..i dont know much about computer....my fps is between 50 to 70 now
Quit the application downloads and Internet browsers.
Вам CS мешает встречаться с девушкой?
Тогда бросайте девушку!
Sad-Flute написал:
my fps is between 50 to 70 now
set fps_max 50 in console
DJ_Serega написал:
Sad-Flute написал:
i was using 512kbps internet and my ping was 220 and latenccy was 280...now i am using 3.1mbps and my ping is 80 and my latency is 290...plzz help me how to lower my ping..i dont know much about computer....my fps is between 50 to 70 now
Quit the application downloads and Internet browsers.
i just run cs..no other thing is running at time..
Hm, what's your cpu?
Notebook, ok, check cpu temperature and speed, it looks like overheating
Download, run, run game in windowed mode, take screenshots with both program windows visible
Sad-Flute написал:
fail, must be OpenGL
i talk to my friend he knows better than me about this stuff...he said ur antivirus is bad...ur using 3d animations...and their is problem in some registry.....what is registry??....anyway i will play game in opengl
Sad-Flute написал:
i talk to my friend he knows better than me about this stuff...he said ur antivirus is bad...ur using 3d animations...and their is problem in some registry.....what is registry??....anyway i will play game in opengl
man if u dont know what is registry then dont play cs go do an ICDL
Hey guys,its me again
My fps lag problems is not so much now but now i have another problem.
While im playing i get a lot of Blue screen crashes and my pc restarts.I've downloaded some program that told me what is the problem and this file "ntoskrnl.exe" seems to cause the crashes.
Anyone knows what this is and how to fix it?
Go to your Windows\Minidump dir, pack all files from there, upload archive to your favorite fileshare service and provide link here
Px написал:
Go to your Windows\Minidump dir, pack all files from there, upload archive to your favorite fileshare service and provide link here
http://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/Wywc … 1OLMKNGeDE
that is all you need?
Px написал:
pack all files
into one archive, separate downloads are annoying
http://www.mediafire.com/?xzag06h4n24jz … s85kuvn671
I hope this is now one file,i never used this program before so im not sure if i know how to do it.
3rAs3r написал:
now one file
Now is ee i did the same thing as before please forgive if you have the time to download all please do
Maybe on Tuesday, if be in good mood...
Because somebody of admins think that it's funny
Not me, if you ask
Nope. If he wants, he can name himself
Px написал:
the admin
This looks like the work of IRON to me
PX did u get a chance to download the files?
I know it's a lot of work for you but i really need help
3rAs3r написал:
PX did u get a chance to download the files?
Nope, busy with other things
Sad-Flute написал:
px ...why i got SADO-FLUTE....below my name in upper comment
Sad-Flute написал:
Geradot написал:
be careful how you are talking about sado
thats my boy
I thought Gera talks about you
OK, if you don't like it - I remove it.
3rAs3r написал:
This looks like the work of IRON to me
3rAs3r написал:
Dont think you can fool us with those sad eyes
IRON >> I'm gonna eat your brain! <<
hannibal lecter
Currently - no, don't have time to download those files separately
Px написал:
Currently - no, don't have time to download those files separately
Those arent big files anyway man,it would take one minute per file MAX
3rAs3r написал:
Px написал:
Currently - no, don't have time to download those files separately
Those arent big files anyway man,it would take one minute per file MAX
use winrar and archive it all in one rar file and then upload it.. then u will fine bride more friendly with u thou! ><
I think i fanlly figured out what you wanted me to do Px
Here are the minidump files you wanted: http://www.mediafire.com/?cmwdb17s3x9v53w
As far as i could see,most crashes are caused by nv4_disp.dll module (whatever that is)
hope you can help me dude..
3rAs3r написал:
Here are the minidump files you wanted
Ok, now you can erase them from Minidump directory.
According to this dumps, source of your problem is faulty hardware, most probably videocard (50%), Power supply unit (25%) or motherboard (25%)
Px написал:
most probably videocard (50%), Power supply unit (25%) or motherboard (25%)
hey man
I just want to inform you that I finally fixed the FPS and the lag problems with other games.
Turns out it was some setting in the BIOS that slowed the game down when the processor reached a certain temperature
Actually i did not figure that out I had to take it to some specialist who changed everything(video card etc.) and nothing helped.So he did that and now everything seems fine.
Constant 100 FPS and no problem with other games.
Just thought you might want to know what the damn problem was,pretty simple.. right
3rAs3r написал:
Turns out it was some setting in the BIOS that slowed the game down when the processor reached a certain temperature
3rAs3r написал:
I've been playing for over an hour now and my CPU temp. is 49-51 and fps still 74-75
To 50 degrees? Cool setup, I wonder who set that...
Px написал:
I wonder who set that...
I really dont know man,I have no idea even where to find those settings...
But I did take it to a lot of computer "experts" so one of them must have set it like that