#1  20.08.2012 15:36:57

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

i got banned from about 2 months and more as i did a false report and avoided a previous bans
now am trying to attended the server but am still blocked although by ban expired from more than 2 or 3 days at least
i inform Px about it and he is just delaying me and ignoring this issue for his personal reasons.. if the admin here will not stick with his own rules which he apply on his server who will ?
ps: i asked him for an exception to me as i spent a lot of time blocked and his reply was "No, you don't, because of useless spending my time on replying to you while ban time is not expired"
i don't think this is the proper way as an admin to deal with the players like this.. anyway am here now to play CS not to teach u how to talk with ppl or judging u
if possible to get the ban info plus the update about it from the admin side i would appreciate this

this complain is on behalf of the rules that applied on this server so any response from the admins side to solve this issue would be appreciated

Thanks in advance



#2  20.08.2012 15:44:31

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Didn't find in rules anything related to reply and ban terms, anybody more lucky? :unsure:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#3  20.08.2012 15:50:33

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:

Didn't find in rules anything related to reply and ban terms, anybody more lucky? :unsure:

then why the complains page is exist anyway ?! :huh:
its my right to get the ban info as i cant find it inside the ban list!



#4  20.08.2012 15:53:04

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Dehumanizer написал:

then why the complains page is exist anyway ?! :huh:

Page? :unsure:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#5  20.08.2012 15:57:28

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

"All questions about the fallacy of the server's administrators decisions one should solve with use of private messages"
u know what happened while using this way :facepalm:
am not ready to make u insult me while asking u for an exception! the way i talked to u was more than "well-mannered" way but u couldn't accept it and u want me to act like a pig and i dont want to !



#6  20.08.2012 15:58:40

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server


Px написал:

Dehumanizer написал:

then why the complains page is exist anyway ?! :huh:

Page? :unsure:




#7  20.08.2012 16:03:12

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Dehumanizer написал:

i talked to u was more than "well-mannered" way

Yeah, I remember :lol:

Dehumanizer написал:


Oh, forum section is now "page", ok :wacko:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#8  20.08.2012 16:08:16

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Oh, forum section is now "page", ok :wacko:

whatever! :huh:

Yeah, I remember :lol:

yes i did that ! many time not once! first my ban was extended for the foul lang and then it was ok but u kept using ur bad way of replying :angry2:

Отредактированно Dehumanizer (20.08.2012 16:10:05)



#9  20.08.2012 16:17:29

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

am still waiting for the solution as i am banned now for no reason ! and u know that from 3 days and ur doing nothing accept procrastinating with me ! :facepalm:



#10  20.08.2012 16:20:21

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Dehumanizer написал:

but u kept using ur bad way of replying

So, the problem not in foul lang and ban avoiding, but in me, right? :rolleyes:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#11  20.08.2012 16:25:28

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:

Dehumanizer написал:

but u kept using ur bad way of replying

So, the problem not in foul lang and ban avoiding, but in me, right? :rolleyes:

u took the action of those things already but after that yes sure its ur problem as i already got the punishment for my behave and now am banned for no reason from 3 days and u know that !



#12  20.08.2012 16:51:21

Откуда: Чайко
Зарегистрирован: 21.05.2009
Сообщений: 3918
Chrome 20.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 123/ -51 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

а все таки, как же сложно скопипастить сообщение с консоля :(

u Slip To)I(e ka3eJI © Px
и попроси, чтоб тебя кто-то связал, а то ты буйный  © Fox



#13  20.08.2012 16:54:48

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Dehumanizer написал:

and now am banned for no reason from 3 days

So, that's you who find something about terms and ready to show it to us, right? :rolleyes:

Slip написал:

а все таки, как же сложно скопипастить сообщение с консоля :(

Нет никакого сообщения в консоля, в этом то и весь цимес :cool:
ipfw drop ...

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#14  20.08.2012 17:06:09

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

So, that's you who find something about terms and ready to show it to us, right? :rolleyes:

what is this supposed to mean can i know plz ?



#15  20.08.2012 17:14:47

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

ok i'll make it more simple to u
i am banned now for no reason and my ban expired from more than 2 or 3 days
can u please provide me here the ban info and the reason why am blocked until now ?
ps: i think the ban should be listed inside the ban list otherwise i can follow my issue without spending ur time with pm u as u said :rolleyes: and also its not from the terms of rules here to make a ban and not listing it inside the ban list or what ? :|



#16  20.08.2012 17:27:47

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Dehumanizer написал:

what is this supposed to mean can i know plz ?

You count some "no reason" days, that's mean that you find some time restrictions for something and ready to show them to us.

Dehumanizer написал:

i am banned now for no reason and my ban expired from more than 2 or 3 days

If ban not removed, then it's not expired :rolleyes:

Dehumanizer написал:

reason why am blocked until now

Reasons same as before.

Dehumanizer написал:

and also its not from the terms of rules here to make a ban and not listing it inside the ban list or what ?

So, you can point me where in rules written something about that ban, info about it, etc, should be listed somewhere?

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#17  20.08.2012 19:34:35

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

You count some "no reason" days, that's mean that you find some time restrictions for something and ready to show them to us.

can u please be more clear, still i didnt got what u meant with showing u

Reasons same as before.

pm goes to u from when i got banned was on 17.06.2012 18:31:35 the next pm was from u when u said ban for 2 months and it was on 18.06.2012 16:52:50

we are now Monday, August, 20,2012
now can i get unban as my ban time is expired ?



#18  20.08.2012 19:48:07

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

So, you can point me where in rules written something about that ban, info about it, etc, should be listed somewhere?

he is how ppl can follow their ban otherwise all the instructions below is useless


Any banned player may appeal to Administration of the server provided the player did not violate any of the above Rules.
The Application form is to be filed to Complaints forum by creating a new thread.


1. Link to the current ban (should be taken from the ban list. Please click on the appropriate record to get the detailed information and copy it)
2. Player's nickname
3. Ban reason
4. Nickname of an administrator who banned you (see the link above)
5. Link to the demo file with your play from demo repository).

last thing: Please remember! Polite attitude to the administration of the server helps the quickest solution of your issues.
now can u please unban me so i can play again with my friends ?



#19  20.08.2012 21:18:28

Зарегистрирован: 25.08.2010
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Рейтинг :   [+ 11/ -4 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Dehumanizer написал:

me so i can play again with my friends


"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#20  20.08.2012 22:26:52

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

3rAs3r написал:

Dehumanizer написал:

me so i can play again with my friends


am fine how r u ? :/



#21  21.08.2012 00:56:39

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

seems this issue turned to an endless one.. ignoring the pm's as well the whole topic here ..its quite interesting really
Px can  respond to the topic as u just procrastinate and i end up with nothing but words.. i want to know why am still blocked without a reason..



#22  21.08.2012 03:31:19

Зарегистрирован: 25.08.2010
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Рейтинг :   [+ 11/ -4 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

You'll come to learn that px only respects and enforces rules when he wants.
Showing "game rules" section as the master rule,when he himself doesnt respect them.

As I learned long ago,if you are not Russian,Ukranian or any former soviet country(dont speak their language) you dont really matter to them.
So dont bother yourself too much with reasons and justice,coz even if you get him cornered and without an argument he will just ignore you then.

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#23  21.08.2012 09:27:19

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
FireFox 14.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

3rAs3r написал:

even if you get him cornered and without an argument he will just ignore you then.

totally true.. i get him cornered even before making this topic and he just ignored me.. it turned to a personal problem not ban issue at all i cant believe this guys :huh: how came he is using his position here to annoy ppl instead of helping them! as an admin i will be glad to run the server fairly and this will really make me feel comfortable.. am here to play cs not this chatter stupid games.. if he got something against me am ready to see it here and i will appreciate it from his side although we already pass the stage of appreciating things as he ignored my case from more than 3 days.. :facepalm:



#24  21.08.2012 09:36:29

Откуда: Pakistan
Зарегистрирован: 18.06.2012
Сообщений: 402
FireFox 14.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 24/ -1 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Hi Dehumanizer,

How are you ?

I did not know that you are banned, and i m thinking where is "Dehumanizer" ?

I read your topic now.

I hope and wish you will play soon and admins unbanning you :)


Its for you: http://cdn4.xiha.fi/u/0/57/57254/uploads/medium/21204557914858877f63dd3.jpg

with an small request, Please unban "Dehumanizer" as soon as possible.

Thank you



#25  21.08.2012 09:49:11

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
FireFox 14.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

gemini написал:

Hi Dehumanizer,

How are you ?

I did not know that you are banned, and i m thinking where is "Dehumanizer" ?

I read your topic now.

I hope and wish you will play soon and admins unbanning you :)


Its for you: http://cdn4.xiha.fi/u/0/57/57254/upload … f63dd3.jpg

with an small request, Please unban "Dehumanizer" as soon as possible.

Thank you

hello dude = )
i wish that too missed u guys :)
and on behalf of Px thanks for this cute pic although anime arts is all about sex but still full of colors.. and details of course :rolleyes:
hope will see u guys soon =)



#26  21.08.2012 09:51:12

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
FireFox 14.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

with an small request, Please unban "Dehumanizer" as soon as possible.

and thanks for ur help of course :)



#27  21.08.2012 11:42:17

Откуда: Чайко
Зарегистрирован: 21.05.2009
Сообщений: 3918
Chrome 21.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 123/ -51 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

next double post will be reason to "go away from forum too"
and dont forger forum rules

u Slip To)I(e ka3eJI © Px
и попроси, чтоб тебя кто-то связал, а то ты буйный  © Fox



#28  21.08.2012 13:31:30

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
FireFox 14.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Slip написал:

next double post will be reason to "go away from forum too"
and dont forger forum rules

am not forgering any rule here.. where is the double post in this ?

thanks for the help..



#29  21.08.2012 14:39:22

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Dehumanizer написал:

can u please be more clear

How I can be more clear? Maybe, bold and colors helps, so, "Did you find anything about ban terms in server rules?"

Dehumanizer написал:

pm goes to u from when i got banned was on 17.06.2012 18:31:35 the next pm was from u when u said ban for 2 months and it was on 18.06.2012 16:52:50

we are now Monday, August, 20,2012

Wow, you at last find how to use calendar in right way. But there is one problem: that two month was original ban term, but after those funny your PMs from 04.07.2012, my favorite one - 17.07.2012, and less prominent from 05.08.2012, your ban term was changed to undefined value. Suppose, that's what you try to achieve with them :rolleyes:. At Thursday meeting we among other things will decide, what to do with you, unban, set new ban expire date or leave things as is till we be in right mood to decide.

You find each other :laughing:, unite with srdjan and show the Universe what is Right!

gemini написал:

Its for you

What a scary girl :ninja:


Dehumanizer написал:

where is the double post in this ?

Posts #17 and #18, #20 and #21, #25 and #26, not mentioning those double and triple deleted posts :rolleyes:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#30  21.08.2012 18:05:09

Откуда: Pakistan
Зарегистрирован: 18.06.2012
Сообщений: 402
FireFox 14.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 24/ -1 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server


What about this one: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/27400000/Cute-Anime-anime-27458063-500-375.jpg



#31  21.08.2012 18:56:42

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Horrible :shok:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#32  21.08.2012 19:31:40

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:

Dehumanizer написал:

pm goes to u from when i got banned was on 17.06.2012 18:31:35 the next pm was from u when u said ban for 2 months and it was on 18.06.2012 16:52:50

we are now Monday, August, 20,2012

Wow, you at last find how to use calendar in right way. But there is one problem: that two month was original ban term, but after those funny your PMs from 04.07.2012, my favorite one - 17.07.2012, and less prominent from 05.08.2012, your ban term was changed to undefined value. Suppose, that's what you try to achieve with them :rolleyes:. At Thursday meeting we among other things will decide, what to do with you, unban, set new ban expire date or leave things as is till we be in right mood to decide.

but this is not fair man! :huh: if u want me to count how many apologies i sent to u via pm's i will not stop counting! is the word "Mr. President" now hurting Px ? i really want u to know that whatever this word did to u it will not hurt as much as when u said to someone who did a false report "dumb" and more over i didnt use any bad word or even insulting any of the admins here u should be more realistic with this.. i didnt do something wrong to extend my ban and keep me blocked like this its totally unfair.. any of the players when their ban expired they will attend the server without even asking the admins and i pm u before 3 days from my ban expiration to give me an exception but u refused and after my ban expired i asked u to unban me and now look whats happening.. i believe that u guys has the ban permission to ban ppl whom cheating swearing or whatever bad things they're doing.. but here i cant see the reason behind my ban except if u really banned me for the word "Mr.President"



#33  21.08.2012 20:57:31

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:

Horrible :shok:

Monster Princess Ending :facepalm:



#34  22.08.2012 01:49:00

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Slip didn't ban yet? He becoming too old... :rolleyes:

Dehumanizer написал:

but this is not fair man!

Why should it be fair from you point of view? It's know, that from your point of view one month is something like seven days, or that this ban is completely unfair :rolleyes:, but that's all doesn't count, only "server side" matters.
The problem, again, that you continue to think

Dehumanizer написал:

i didnt do something wrong

Dehumanizer написал:

i cant see the reason behind my ban

and using "apologies" as some magic, "I say the spell, and the door would open". That doesn't work.
So, now I suggest you to stay quiet until we decides what to do with you.

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#35  22.08.2012 10:36:28

Откуда: Чайко
Зарегистрирован: 21.05.2009
Сообщений: 3918
Chrome 21.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 123/ -51 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:

So, now I suggest you to stay quiet until we decides what to do with you.

and this is better solution, otherцise my goodness will end

u Slip To)I(e ka3eJI © Px
и попроси, чтоб тебя кто-то связал, а то ты буйный  © Fox



#36  22.08.2012 12:38:52

BeeR | zlo.
Откуда: Киев
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 5525
Opera 12.01
Рейтинг :   [+ 236/ -11 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Slip написал:

my goodness

What is it?
Does it exist at all?

Каждый прав в меру своей компетенции.



#37  22.08.2012 12:41:36

Откуда: Чайко
Зарегистрирован: 21.05.2009
Сообщений: 3918
Chrome 21.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 123/ -51 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Skunk написал:

Does it exist at all?

nop, it's fantastic

u Slip To)I(e ka3eJI © Px
и попроси, чтоб тебя кто-то связал, а то ты буйный  © Fox



#38  22.08.2012 13:13:58

BeeR | zlo.
Откуда: Киев
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 5525
Opera 12.01
Рейтинг :   [+ 236/ -11 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Slip написал:

Skunk написал:

Does it exist at all?

nop, it's fantastic

Oh, I see. Those german movies...

Каждый прав в меру своей компетенции.



#39  22.08.2012 13:53:44

неторопливый адвокат
Откуда: not Minds, not Rine Lunt False
Зарегистрирован: 04.05.2006
Сообщений: 5490
FireFox 14.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 319/ -3 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Oh my goodness!! :facepalm:

..Резать к чертовой матери! Не дожидаясь перитонитов!! (с) "Покровские ворота"
  Сторонник акции "Бан за албан"



#40  23.08.2012 12:11:04

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
FireFox 14.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Hello! I Appreciate the follow up on the topic I brought up..
i would like to know if there is an update about my case with my apologies again for the headache that cause to you especially Px




#41  23.08.2012 12:16:41

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Be quiet? That's not for me! I'll continue to write!! :facepalm:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#42  23.08.2012 22:48:06

Откуда: м. Харків
Зарегистрирован: 18.07.2011
Сообщений: 307
Chrome 21.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 19/ -2 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

the true meaning of internet age torture. here's one more stray soul addicted to the server, blaming CS dealers for all sins, yet unable to stop the addiction.

Bogoroditsa, ban progoni!

Freedom to Pussy Riot, freedom to political prisoners, unban for Dehumanizer!*

*please keep 3rAs3r banned, i hate his avatar and him saying Ukraine=Russia and blaming us for being soviet and us not respecting any other nations and his bloody western pride.



#43  23.08.2012 23:53:59

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Unban day - 1st of September

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#44  24.08.2012 01:16:31

Зарегистрирован: 25.08.2010
Сообщений: 834
FireFox 14.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 11/ -4 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Please quote me on saying this


Отредактированно 3rAs3r (24.08.2012 01:58:50)

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#45  24.08.2012 01:17:28

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Right quoting? Not in this universe :laughing:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#46  24.08.2012 02:02:35

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:

Unban day - 1st of September




#47  24.08.2012 02:03:44

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

3rAs3r написал:

Please quote me on saying this





#48  24.08.2012 02:20:36

Откуда: м. Харків
Зарегистрирован: 18.07.2011
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Chrome 21.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 19/ -2 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

3rAs3r написал:

As I learned long ago,if you are not Russian,Ukranian or any former soviet country(dont speak their language) you dont really matter to them.

basically you're not just saying there's something general about us, the post-soviet people, by 'their language' you even assume we have no cultural/lingual differences or difference in our attitude to foreigners. 'Any former soviet country'? Estonia or Kirgizstan are the same to you? Russian football fans laughing at Polish tragedy, beating up Polish stewards and Ukrainian host nation without a single racist/extremist episode during the whole EURO are the same to you? not cool man. you turn your personal offence into a misjudging flow of lies, unbelievable!



#49  24.08.2012 04:34:27

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

svitl0 написал:

unban for Dehumanizer!*

viva la the affectionate soviet dudes.. viva laa :rolleyes:
thanks =)



#50  24.08.2012 12:09:01

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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

no cultural/lingual differences

the only thing I was aiming at was the language.
maybe i expressed myself wrong on this one.
I'm saying its easier to communicate on the servers native language and be taken more seriously when speaking it.

Many of the admins here done speak english so they dont even look at your topics or complains.

I did not compare any of those countries in any way except the language,so dont try to pin some racist shit on me.

Отредактированно 3rAs3r (24.08.2012 13:50:55)

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#51  24.08.2012 12:29:44

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
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SeaMonkey 2.14
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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

3rAs3r написал:

Many of the admins here done speak english

And you can prove that? :rolleyes:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#52  24.08.2012 12:51:50

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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:

And you can prove that?

no.. :ninja:

but that doesn't make it not true

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#53  24.08.2012 12:57:33

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
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SeaMonkey 2.14
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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

3rAs3r написал:

but that doesn't make it not true

Yeah, if something is not true, but I want to believe that's it's true, then it's true! :lol:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#54  24.08.2012 12:59:41

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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

I cant prove it because there is no chance of me ever speaking to them in person.
Just as you cant prove to me that they can.

Writing a post on forum in English doesn't mean you know a single word of it

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#55  24.08.2012 13:03:21

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
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Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

3rAs3r написал:

Just as you cant prove to me that they can.


Нам 10 лет, ня!



#56  24.08.2012 13:08:31

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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:


and so ends another attempt of serious conversation with you :shok:

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#57  24.08.2012 13:17:12

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
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Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

It's impossible to have serious conversation when one side use it's believings as facts :rolleyes:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#58  24.08.2012 13:19:42

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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:

believings as facts

And the other just doing whatever he likes in the end

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#59  24.08.2012 13:24:43

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

3rAs3r написал:

And the other just doing whatever he likes in the end

Of course, he must accepts believings as facts and follow them, because one person wants it :laughing:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#60  24.08.2012 13:29:07

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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Is it a fact,that you extended my ban from 2 weeks to 4 when I accepted the initial ban by saying I'm going to a vacation anyway?

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#61  24.08.2012 13:43:15

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

3rAs3r написал:

Dehumanizer написал:

no cultural/lingual differences

its not me who said this wake up or am gona slap u :/



#62  24.08.2012 13:49:41

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Yup, right decision, if you can't play in ban time for some external reasons, then ban is useless and must be extended

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#63  24.08.2012 13:56:59

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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:

if you can't play in ban time for some external reasons, then ban is useless and must be extended

that's the most ridiculous (imaginary) rule I've ever heard of :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#64  24.08.2012 14:01:14

Зарегистрирован: 01.06.2010
Сообщений: 276
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:

Yup, right decision, if you can't play in ban time for some external reasons, then ban is useless and must be extended

Can you also do that in a opposite way?



#65  24.08.2012 14:14:35

Зарегистрирован: 25.08.2010
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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

This means on my current ban I should sit in front of my PC all day and try to connect to the server and be angry that I cant.

God forbid I try to go outside and have some fun,my ban would be extended.

You should change the message from "You are banned from the server " to "banned from doing anything else while banned from the server"

Отредактированно 3rAs3r (24.08.2012 18:04:17)

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#66  25.08.2012 16:16:55

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

UFLL написал:

Can you also do that in a opposite way?


Нам 10 лет, ня!



#67  26.08.2012 12:13:29

BeeR | zlo.
Откуда: Киев
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 5525
Opera 12.01
Рейтинг :   [+ 236/ -11 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

UFLL написал:

Can you also do that in a opposite way?

It's one way method.

Каждый прав в меру своей компетенции.



#68  26.08.2012 12:34:44

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
FireFox 14.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Skunk написал:

UFLL написал:

Can you also do that in a opposite way?

It's one way method.




#69  26.08.2012 13:13:26

Зарегистрирован: 25.08.2010
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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

can't play in ban time for some external reasons

I just want to report that i haven't been doing anything else but try to join the server these past few days.

I only take  break when I have to eat and go to the bathroom,so i hope this fits your "rule" of no breathing while banned.
Hope my ban doesn't get extended

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#70  26.08.2012 13:35:49

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
FireFox 14.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

3rAs3r написал:

can't play in ban time for some external reasons

I just want to report that i haven't been doing anything else but try to join the server these past few days.

I only take  break when I have to eat and go to the bathroom,so i hope this fits your "rule" of no breathing while banned.
Hope my ban doesn't get extended

now u left him no reason.. lets see:lol:
hope he will not ask for a proof like the pic of ur cousin :ninja:



#71  26.08.2012 14:11:53

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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Dehumanizer написал:

pic of ur cousin

:lol: :lol:

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#72  26.08.2012 14:13:27

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Seems you find each other, what's the wedding date? :lol:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#73  26.08.2012 16:06:52

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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

My girlfriend wants to go out with me tonight,can I go without my ban being extended?

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#74  26.08.2012 16:09:13

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Nope, provide exact timing so I can extend ban for that time

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#75  26.08.2012 17:11:55

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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:

provide exact timing

OK,I'll try to check in when I leave and check back when I come back ;)

"in A World Gone Mad,only A Lunatic Is Truly Insane"   Homer J. Simpson



#76  26.08.2012 17:18:53

неторопливый адвокат
Откуда: not Minds, not Rine Lunt False
Зарегистрирован: 04.05.2006
Сообщений: 5490
FireFox 14.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 319/ -3 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:

Unban day - 1st of September

школоло? :laughing:

Px написал:

Yup, right decision, if you can't play in ban time for some external reasons, then ban is useless and must be extended

it's like a sick-leaf during vacations :rolleyes:

..Резать к чертовой матери! Не дожидаясь перитонитов!! (с) "Покровские ворота"
  Сторонник акции "Бан за албан"



#77  26.08.2012 17:24:25

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Dr.Salvator написал:

школоло? :laughing:

А то! :D

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#78  27.08.2012 00:28:15

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

3rAs3r написал:

My girlfriend wants to go out with me tonight,can I go without my ban being extended?




#79  27.08.2012 00:30:24

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Px написал:

Nope, provide exact timing so I can extend ban for that time

to extend the ban or to ruined their day ? :shok:



#80  27.08.2012 00:34:08

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 21.0

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Dr.Salvator написал:

Px написал:

Unban day - 1st of September

школоло? :laughing:

shkolota! what is this ?
i hate chocolate :/



#81  27.08.2012 00:36:12

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server


Нам 10 лет, ня!



#82  27.08.2012 00:46:17

Откуда: м. Харків
Зарегистрирован: 18.07.2011
Сообщений: 307
Chrome 21.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 19/ -2 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

shkolota are youngsters eating chocolate instead of doing their homework



#83  27.08.2012 00:46:54

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.14
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Youngsters, not hipsters? :unsure:

Нам 10 лет, ня!



#84  27.08.2012 01:53:47

Откуда: м. Харків
Зарегистрирован: 18.07.2011
Сообщений: 307
Chrome 21.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 19/ -2 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

hipsters ate chocolate long before it went mainstream :P



#85  13.04.2016 15:06:42

Зарегистрирован: 28.05.2015
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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

3rAs3r написал:

You'll come to learn that px only respects and enforces rules when he wants.
Showing "game rules" section as the master rule,when he himself doesnt respect them.

As I learned long ago,if you are not Russian,Ukranian or any former soviet country(dont speak their language) you dont really matter to them.
So dont bother yourself too much with reasons and justice,coz even if you get him cornered and without an argument he will just ignore you then.

Looks like someone found wisdom long back :D

It's important to feel strong at least once in life, not necessarily being strong..:)



#86  13.04.2016 15:11:03

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Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

Dehumanizer написал:

Looks like you used to be quite more persistent than I have been :lol:  :haha:
Good to know :laughing:

An interesting thread nonethewise..:P

It's important to feel strong at least once in life, not necessarily being strong..:)



#87  13.04.2016 20:57:42

Откуда: HeroLand
Зарегистрирован: 11.02.2015
Сообщений: 906
Chrome 49.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 13/ -9 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

*Blitzkrieg*Tushar написал:

An interesting thread nonethewise

Indeed ! :D what an entertaining thread it was.. :laughing: i cant beleive px was 10 years old that time :rolleyes: Kreig u sure do a lot of digging :lol:

|AgrEss!0n| T0RN4D0 =)
A camper kill you once, shame on him. A camper kill you twice, shame on you! ©



#88  13.04.2016 22:42:53

Откуда: Poland
Зарегистрирован: 20.02.2013
Сообщений: 129
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Рейтинг :   [+ / - ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

T@RN@D@ написал:

*Blitzkrieg*Tushar написал:

An interesting thread nonethewise

Indeed ! :D what an entertaining thread it was.. :laughing: i cant beleive px was 10 years old that time :rolleyes: Kreig u sure do a lot of digging :lol:

That 10 years meant for the server :/

Battle is not over until I win



#89  14.04.2016 06:34:40

Откуда: HeroLand
Зарегистрирован: 11.02.2015
Сообщений: 906
Chrome 49.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 13/ -9 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

psycho написал:

That 10 years meant for the server

sarcasm my brother ! do u see any change in how px acts now and how he acted here.. pulling dehu's legs :lol:

|AgrEss!0n| T0RN4D0 =)
A camper kill you once, shame on him. A camper kill you twice, shame on you! ©



#90  17.04.2016 05:00:13

Откуда: INDIA
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2016
Сообщений: 65
Chrome 49.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 2/ -0 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

:shok: :woot:



#91  18.04.2016 13:55:11

Откуда: india
Зарегистрирован: 28.04.2012
Сообщений: 258
FireFox 45.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 3/ -1 ]

Re: ban expired but still no chance to attend the server

T@RN@D@ написал:

psycho написал:

That 10 years meant for the server

sarcasm my brother ! do u see any change in how px acts now and how he acted here.. pulling dehu's legs :lol:

his acting this way since day 1



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