I have been waiting to post this a loooong time.My luck is just incredible
On 18.01. a cheater with nick P47 KILLER got banned for multihack by SLIP.He came back with a different I.P. and SLIP banned I.P. range to prevent him from coming back.Unfortunately,in that range was MY I.P.
I had nothing to do with the cheater so I wanted to complain.But I got banned from forum(for foul language) and I could not.
I contacted PX vie e mail,explaining to him what happened and giving him proof that I had nothing to do with that guy.
But the head admin was really unfair,not wanting to listen and replying:"I DONT EVEN READ HALF OF STUFF YOU WRITE"
I sent him all my I.P.s since i started playing on this server,and the I.P. of the cheater showing him they are not the same.He replied "NICE STORY BRO"
After realizing PX is not interested in my problem I contacted Oliksey Kochkin explaining to him the problem.He was much more polite than PX.
I decided then not to complain anymore to PX,becouse I could see he was upset over something(PMS or something)
My biggest problem now is,when my ban expires,so will P47 KILLERs ban..So if he comes back and xheats again and gets ban,I will too?
15 days of ban for something I did not I enough..
I can give you my current I.P. so when and if you ban P47 killer again,I dont get it!
Slip написал:
Thats just the answer I expected from you..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAivJzba … re=related
Кyiv is the cepital of Грейт Бритн
"NICE STORY BRO, I DONT EVEN READ HALF OF STUFF YOU WRITE" ... это у рх бот збился с последовательности ответов.