Hey guys Im having problems again.It seems I am the unluckiest or the dumbest man when it comes to CS.I would think its the first one.
Anyway,when I connect to high my CS freezes and I cant play or exit the game unless I use Ctr ALT DELETE or something like that.And that happens every time,first time it happened yesterday and I cant fix it.
When I uninstall CS and reinstall(without your patches) I can play then,but when I install ur latest patch the same thing happens.And you know I cant play without the patch coz of the ban
Thx in advance for the help...
Try to wipe all CS settings
Also, what is your PC config?
Px написал:
Try to wipe all CS settings
Also, what is your PC config?
AMD Athlon 64 X2 dual
Core processor 6000+
3.01 Ghz,3.00 GB of RAM
I use windows XP,and since you told me to install the patch I was playing without problems for about 2 weeks and the
I deleted all the files in CS folder and reinstalled them,no result.I tried playing on other servers without your patch it works fine.
What video card? Run this file - http://www.cs.iptcom.net/files/other/wipe_all.reg to remove registry settings
Px написал:
What video card? Run this file - http://www.cs.iptcom.net/files/other/wipe_all.reg to remove registry settings
Nvidia GForce 9600GT
I ran the file and tried entering,same problems
I personally do not like to install patches.. May be you could try to download the full version?
Provide screenshot on "freeze" moment with net_graph 2 entered in console
Dr.Salvator написал:
I personally do not like to install patches.. May be you could try to download the full version?
Px написал:
Provide screenshot on "freeze" moment with net_graph 2 entered in console
I will try the Doc's advice first(coz its less work ) and then i'll try ur advice Px but I am not sure i know how to post a screenshot here..
Another quickposter-only person
Dr.Salvator написал:
Раragraph 5
¸Well doc,i tried ur method and guess what happened when i tried to enter
This just keeps getting better...
That was bug, removed, try again
Hallelujah !!!!!! After just 3 hours of randomly clicking and trying to fix stuff my self it seems now everything is ok.
Thank you Px and Doc for your time and patience with me(my knowledge is very wast in this area as you can see )
It would still be nice to know what caused all this but never mind,thx a lot really guys I love you...
Px написал:
try again
от я ржал!!
Dr.Salvator написал:
от я ржал!!
Ну, сделай, мол, то-то и то-то.. Сделал, не помогло.. Значит сделай еще раз
Письмо из центра не дошло до Штирлица. Перечитал - все равно не дошло.