4. BeeR | Observer
i did nothing wrong which was mentioned in the rules.
i got disconnected and after 2 mins i got reconnected which was in the next round .......so i didnt die in the first 30 seconds and respawn....as for any wall hack and aim hack is concerned my scores tells the tale.....
i have read the rules twice but i couldnt find i did wrong....
L 06/25/2011 - 18:49:31: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "IPT CS 1.6 High Latency<0><><>" chat "[Spam Blocker] EnCoRe has been banned for message: ogline.net:27015 | surf server 24/7 [fastdl] | www.ogline.net"
Read near topic from here - http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/viewtopi … 42#p114542
PS: see that you have already latest patch, so only clean CS from spam crap and report to me, I'll remove ban
i have the latest patch downloaded from this very site...as far as spam is concerned you would have seen there was no spam or anything......no complains were made against me in regards of spam .......i was banned earlier for bad console after which i upgraded to the latest patch(hence the ban was removed)....where are these located???
valve ?cstrike ?
Отредактированно EnCoRe (25.06.2011 21:29:29)
EnCoRe написал:
no complains were made against me in regards of spam
That's because plugin removes spam from chat, so nobody except Observer see that
EnCoRe написал:
valve ?cstrike ?
Yes, in cstrike folder, config.cfg and userconfig.cfg
Ok, I removed ban, but if this happens again, there will be no amnesty
Set "Read-Only" in both files properties