there is a player called kobb just sweared at me he sayd "arab idiots" then i replied "kobb you will be banned soon " and he said "shut up dunk or donk" i dont remember and i dont know what it means. this is his ip
and this is the demo : … a_ipt2.dem
thanks in advance
P.S : i think it happened in the last 5 minutes of the map.
Отредактированно eclipse (30.08.2011 04:19:36)
I think u should 've posted here … &p=288
Не то что бы я была не согласна с Kobb . Но думаю он имел ввиду не всех арабов , а конкретно тех что играют в данный момент на сервере . Диагноз готова подтвердить ;с)
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
Не то что бы я была не согласна с Kobb . Но думаю он имел ввиду не всех арабов , а конкретно тех что играют в данный момент на сервере . Диагноз готова подтвердить ;с)
You support this kind of behavior
So this … 984#p33984 does not apply to you because you speak Russian I guess..
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
Не то что бы я была не согласна с Kobb . Но думаю он имел ввиду не всех арабов , а конкретно тех что играют в данный момент на сервере . Диагноз готова подтвердить ;с)
I think the rule is here to say that you do not need foul language to come across to another player or to express yourself. There is no situation possible where you need to use foul language to express yourself and that is why i think you should get instant ban as soon as you use foul language. Joking/mad/offensive/defensive whatever.
3rAs3r написал:
because you speak Russian I guess..
Stop lurking for ban
Отредактированно Harmony (02.09.2011 17:41:18)
3rAs3r написал:
Harmony написал:
Stop lurking for ban
It is obvious that players aren't being treated equally
Constantly saying that you aren´t being treated equally will not help. It is obvious that they will not change their behaviour as this community has been here for several years now. It´d be rather ironic if they would change after running succesfull for years.
In addition, dont quote me on this but i think they are a group of friends just running a public community and play CS every now and then when they feel like it. They are not binded to any company or copyright what so ever so they can treat you as they like.
But then again, dont quote me on this, i might be wrong. I doubt i am though.
Harmony написал:
They are not binded to any company or copyright what so ever so they can treat you as they like.
That's true, while started as support for one commercial project, for last 5 or even 6 years server may treat as independent. Moreover, if current admins leave it, it simple dies
Harmony написал:
they are a group of friends just running a public community and play CS every now and then
you pretty much said it all right there...
Harmony написал:
i think you should get instant ban as soon as you use foul language.
Am i ? I just been agree with some words that been told , sometimes players doing such stupid and idiotic things in game , so i cant swallow it and shut up . Strange , but almost half of thoose things doing arab and turkish players . Don't know how its connected . Or maybe iam real racist and see only their stupid doings
яголодныйтроль разжигающийхоливары
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
arab and turkish players
I am not defending the Arab people but placing them in the same basket as turks is horrible.It's clear that turks and romanians represent about 80% of world cheating population in ALL games.
3rAs3r написал:
placing them in the same basket as turks is horrible.
Oh whatever , maybe its just too many of them
3rAs3r написал:
It's clear that turks and romanians represent about 80% of world cheating population
forgot Polish
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
Harmony написал:
i think you should get instant ban as soon as you use foul language.
Am i ? I just been agree with some words that been told , sometimes players doing such stupid and idiotic things in game , so i cant swallow it and shut up . Strange , but almost half of thoose things doing arab and turkish players . Don't know how its connected . Or maybe iam real racist and see only their stupid doings
яголодныйтроль разжигающийхоливары
I completely know what your coming from but making exceptions for certain cases will be hard to maintain. One has a different view of a situation than the other. so we will have tons of topics up saying this is foul language and the other say it isnt blablabla, surely i do not need to explain and you understand yourself )
If admins agree with you, i'd be sad like a panda since i got banned many times for going all out in the past. I actually learned my lessons and never got banned for a real reason since then lol! (Maybe a few times low skill)
Completely disagree with such a opinion . "Idiot" and "Stupid" aren't foul language at all ... well sometimes it is , but absolutely not always ! Else which words you will use to say to player that his doings are wrong , but from your hightower its completely stupid ?!
Отредактированно [RC] KOTbKA (08.09.2011 13:36:16)
It also depends on to whom you're talking.. May be it is OK for you and your close friends to jokingly call each other idiots, but imagine you saying that to a random person (even not really random - people at the server are emotional like football fans )
I believe from half of them you'll hear even more offensive words, and a quater of them will try to shut your mouth with the fist