i'm [?] bL1c ', Untouchable | taE.m0 brother.
why did you ban me? "Foul Language"? But i didn't say anything. sorry.
please unban me. tnx.
Nickname: [?] bL1c '
SteamID: VALVE_0:0:1148965301
Steam Community ID: 76561200258196330
IP address:
Ban type: SteamID
Reason: Foul Language
Invoked on: 30.11.2011 - 19:10:02
Expires on: 14.12.2011 - 19:10:02 (1 Week 6 Days 23 Hours 38 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px
Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Total expired bans: 0
Direct link: #!cs_banlist?bid=92669
ahh, sorry.
but i was angry that time.
i won't say it anymore. please unban.
Untouchable | taE.m0 написал:
ahh, sorry.
but i was angry that time.
i won't say it anymore. please unban.
Talk with Aleksej, if he accepts your apologies and said me to remove ban, I'll do it
этот товарищ играет на сервере под ником [?] fitch и говорит что он не в бане, разве fitch, blic и tae. mo не один и тот же человек?
у tae.mo и "его брата" один форумный аккаунт на двоих или я что то не так понимаю?
[?] f1tcH ' VALVE_0:0:843434851
Aleksej написал:
этот товарищ играет на сервере под ником [?] fitch и говорит что он не в бане, разве fitch, blic и tae. mo не один и тот же человек?
у tae.mo и "его брата" один форумный аккаунт на двоих или я что то не так понимаю?
[?] f1tcH ' VALVE_0:0:843434851
[?] blic is my brother,, he uses my account here on forum bcuz he dont know how to make 1..
and another thing.,.
i play counter sometimes on my house and sometimes in my othere house..
so no need to ban me..
[?] f1tch and tae.m0 is me..
and i am out of this story..
i didnt say any badwords..
y do u want me to ban ? >.<
ok, blic is your brother. He know how to write in Cs chat, but he dont know how to use forum.
Just tell him how to use forum pls.
побочный эффект бана - появление братьев/сестер? (c)
Aleksej написал:
побочный эффект бана - появление братьев/сестер? (c)
done aleksey..
now i've got my own forum..
anyway.. sorry for what happend..
peace? please bro. unban me.
Im not bro...
ok, peace
you will be unbanned at 07.12.2011, after you sit half of your bantime.
please men. i will not say to you any badwords. promise men.
can't you unban me now? tell px please?
sorry again.
Aleksej написал:
you will be unbanned at 07.12.2011, after you sit half of your bantime.