Чето я не понял за что бан то Slip? Какой Low skill ?
NeoGame connected
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
[AMXBans] ===============================================
[AMXBans] You have been banned from this Server by Admin [M] | Slip.PG.
[AMXBans] There are 1 week , 6 days , 21 hours , 51 minutes and 22 seconds left of your ban.
[AMXBans] Banned Nickname : NeoGame
[AMXBans] Reason : ' Low Skill '
[AMXBans] You can complain about your ban @ www.cs.iptcom.net
[AMXBans] Your SteamID : ' VALVE_0 : 0 : 1525288565 '
[AMXBans] Banned IP :
[AMXBans] Your IP : ' '
[AMXBans] ===============================================
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
Kawaiiii killed Dina with galil
Kicked by Console: You are BANNED. Check your console.
Kicked : You are BANNED
Slip написал:
пробуем читать соседние темы
Так что Fee это Спок ?
А даже если и так, то ВХ там все равно был, потому как некоторые моменты очень смахивают на Павлика Глобу.