Hi Admins
i have been banned for foul language by the player black_cat and as i remember i didnt swear or used any kind of provoking words against him.. when i said "black cat white as*" it was absolutely without any intent of provoking and i get 2 weeks ban for it
can you please help me with this case
Thank you
Ban Info:
Nickname: Vaity96
SteamID: VALVE_0:0:1022975651
Steam Community ID: 76561200006217030
IP address:
Ban type: SteamID
Reason: Foul Language
Invoked on: 20.07.2013 - 19:48:29
Expires on: 03.08.2013 - 19:48:29 (1 Week 6 Days 3 Hours 47 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px
Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Total expired bans: 0
Kicks: 6
Direct link: #!cs_banlist?bid=123923
oh man.. the most peaceful player in the server got banned for foul language
am sure he didnt mean any harm..
taking into consideration other previous cases i believe he don't deserve this ban
vaity96 написал:
when i said "black cat white as*" it was absolutely without any intent of provoking and i get 2 weeks ban for it
Term is default for automatic processing, but seems you forgot about this?
L 07/20/2013 - 19:03:52: "Vaity96<44210><VALVE_0:0:1022975651><CT>" say "rasits r good"
Now let's back to first - you see what's your problem there? Ban would be shorted, but the new length depends on your answer on the question before
UFLL написал:
"rasits r good"
What does this mean though?
its like a game show.. ur challenge is to describe the word "rasits" but if u say the word "rasits" u will lose everything!.. its like the 100,000 dollar pyramid except its 2 weeks ban instead of 100,000$ and the pyramid is Px's BAN LIST! so lets do this come one lets try it !
You didn't answer my question
Отредактированно Px (23.07.2013 11:35:11)
so how r u seeing this sutitaion as a person or a server head admin ?
IF u view this sutitaion as a person ull find it way to big punshiment for this type of ban or if u think as a admin ull think it all fair i cant change ur view man in it is not fair again im sorry for what i have done and im just asking to review my punishment and make it short
I see this situation as admin, and from your answers I see usual "I didn't do anything wrong, those admins just pick on normal players!!!111" situation