I made this topic behalf of my GROUP MEMBER ":.:War Lords:.: | Myriam". he/she banned for "Abnormal Behavior".
Please provide detail about his/her ban.
Nickname: :.:War Lords:.: | Myriam
SteamID: VALVE_0:0:369596409
Steam Community ID: 76561198699458546
IP address:
Ban type: SteamID
Reason: Abnormal Behaviour
Invoked on: 01.02.2015 - 01:06:22
Expires on: 08.02.2015 - 01:06:22 (6 Days 17 Hours 52 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px (BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px)
Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
I didn't found report against his/her nickname so that is why i m asked here, and what i believe is "HE/SHE Banned for two teamflash reports which basically wrong" Correct ?