#1  29.08.2015 08:38:10

Нуб и бот
Откуда: Beer-Lean
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Question about Foul Language also unban request

Hi Px,

Let's start with form:

1) http://cs.iptcom.net#!cs_banlist?bid=153488
2) [Anarchy] Ranmalit
3) Low Skill
4) BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px
5) http://cs.iptcom.net/hltv//27015/cs.ipt … t2.dem.bz2

Wanted to clarify about my ban for Low Skill and ask for it removal based on:

I submited Foul Language report about player Ukraine_style for phrase "Залипни бот".
I believe it's not a normal reply to the player who didn't say anything offensive against.
I asked a question, directed to the different player and received that reply from Ukraine_style (what a lovely style of communication Ukraine has - forgive me for being cynical).

For me it's clearly breaking next rules written down here: http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/viewtopi … 942#p33942

2. to offend any player directly
    3. to insult any player's race, national, religious, aesthetic, sexual and team senses or political views
    5. to provoke any player to inadequate behavior

Yes it's offensive and yes it insult my team senses, because I don't count myself as a bot. Actually I didn't say anything to receive "shut up" too.
Yes it does provoke me to inadequate behavior (because you banned me for Low Skill, so it was inadequate report, which is inadequate behavior, right?)

I do understand that it's not a Foul Language, but it's most relevant option I found in the list, unless you would like to see Abnormal Behavior instead.

I don't see why would you ban for Low Skill here? Senses are different for everyone, correct? If you don't count it offensive, it doesn't mean that I can't count it as offensive. If you want to unban him, well, that's your right, and I don't care if you do unban - but I don't see any Low Skill here for myself. 

Normally, I ignore something like that from people I know - but I don't see why should I tolerate that from person whom I didn't offend in any way and who wasn't even receiver of a question.

Thanks in advance for reply. Have a wonderful day :bye:

Отредактированно Ranmalit (29.08.2015 08:42:28)

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. (c) John Lennon



#2  29.08.2015 13:01:32

☆Tester x64☆
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

Ranmalit написал:

I submited Foul Language report about player Ukraine_style for phrase "Залипни бот".

And you truly believe that this phrase worth 2 weeks ban? If yes, then you are ready that your chat messages would be treated with the same attitude, right?

Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#3  29.08.2015 17:22:06

Откуда: ok
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

ranma ban again lol .. change country again to play :cool:

Play Hard Go Pro



#4  29.08.2015 18:16:49

Откуда: HeroLand
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

its sad to see u get banned again :(

keep ©alm & BreaK The Wall ! ©armoured titan



#5  30.08.2015 12:54:54

Нуб и бот
Откуда: Beer-Lean
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

Px написал:

Yes, I'm ready to be banned if someone reports me for that language. It's disrespect to person whom he doesn't know.

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. (c) John Lennon



#6  31.08.2015 00:01:41

☆Tester x64☆
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

Ranmalit написал:

Yes, I'm ready to be banned if someone reports me for that language

No report - no violation? How cute :rolleyes:
I didn't write anything about reports, I wrote

Px написал:

your chat messages would be treated with the same attitude

Do you feel the difference?
So, let's check, is person, who did write following

using awp = gaybot

and bot

and dickheart


Waqar you prefer porn or CS for selfsatisfaction?

should be banned for two weeks, or not?

Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#7  31.08.2015 01:46:39

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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

omg :shok:

be cool and don't care about all even PX



#8  31.08.2015 05:42:00

Откуда: HeroLand
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

Px написал:

Ranmalit написал:

Yes, I'm ready to be banned if someone reports me for that language

No report - no violation? How cute :rolleyes:
I didn't write anything about reports, I wrote

Px написал:

your chat messages would be treated with the same attitude

Do you feel the difference?
So, let's check, is person, who did write following

using awp = gaybot

and bot

and dickheart


Waqar you prefer porn or CS for selfsatisfaction?

should be banned for two weeks, or not?

Qureshi :laughing:

keep ©alm & BreaK The Wall ! ©armoured titan



#9  31.08.2015 09:43:36

Откуда: ok
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

Px написал:

using awp = gaybot

and bot

and dickheart


Waqar you prefer porn or CS for selfsatisfaction?

should be banned for two weeks, or not?

Porno i invite everyone to be pornstar. :cool: i propose so many people in server  :ninja:

Play Hard Go Pro



#10  31.08.2015 10:04:58

Нуб и бот
Откуда: Beer-Lean
Зарегистрирован: 06.12.2011
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

Px написал:

For sure should be banned, even for few month - if it's offensive to whom it's directed and being reported.

I like my sense of humor, can you provide more quotes to make my day even better? :lol:
Thanks :)

By the way, you're really good in omitting answers to the questions and concentrating on something different :)

How is reporting what is offensive to me a low skill?

Отредактированно Ranmalit (31.08.2015 10:08:18)

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. (c) John Lennon



#11  31.08.2015 10:12:06

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
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SeaMonkey 2.33
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

Ranmalit написал:

For sure should be banned

Then we are fine, that person is already banned, case closed :cool:

Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#12  31.08.2015 18:22:44

Нуб и бот
Откуда: Beer-Lean
Зарегистрирован: 06.12.2011
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

You're impossible to talk to.... you have selective reading skills.

Once again, how is reporting what is offensive to me a low skill?
If I'm banned for foul language, would you mind to give yourself ban for low skill because you banned me for the wrong reason? :lol:

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. (c) John Lennon



#13  31.08.2015 18:34:25

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

Ranmalit написал:

Once again, how is reporting what is offensive to me a low skill?

Low skill is inability to determine if situation requires report, or not. You're not the first one here, who tries "he said something to me, I will report him immediately!!111111" :rolleyes:

Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#14  01.09.2015 14:43:13

Нуб и бот
Откуда: Beer-Lean
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

Px написал:

Thanks for explaining that!
Now I know how to behave - I need to keep asking questions about "why did you say that?", "what did I do to you?", "did you have issues with drunk father during your tough childhood?", "does offending others is a norm of behavior for you?", "how do you feel about what you just say, satisfied?"... etc etc... until foul language report will become obvious :D

Отредактированно Ranmalit (01.09.2015 14:43:28)

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. (c) John Lennon



#15  01.09.2015 16:09:04

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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

Ranmalit написал:

Px написал:

Thanks for explaining that!
Now I know how to behave - I need to keep asking questions about "why did you say that?", "what did I do to you?", "did you have issues with drunk father during your tough childhood?", "does offending others is a norm of behavior for you?", "how do you feel about what you just say, satisfied?"... etc etc... until foul language report will become obvious :D


आयुष्यात खूप काही हवे असते,
हवे ते सगळे मिळत नसते,
हवे ते मिळाले तरी खूप काही कमी असते,
जसे चांदण्यांनी भरून सुद्धा आकाश रिकामे असते ..!!



#16  01.09.2015 20:12:28

The Gemini
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

Ranmalit написал:

would you mind to give yourself ban for low skill because you banned me for the wrong reason?

+1 from my side, but the question is "HE WON'T PLAY, HE DON'T HAVE ANY INTEREST TO PLAY" so ban for lowskill is not worth, he should be switch off from his duties for next 24hours that will sure make his day Massive :woot:

However, i notice that Ranmalit behavior is much much better now from his before presence is server in 2014.  :D



#17  02.09.2015 00:24:37

Откуда: IPT
Зарегистрирован: 03.08.2014
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Opera 31.0

Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

gemini написал:

However, i notice that Ranmalit behavior is much much better now from his before presence is server in 2014.  :D


"Sometimes when I'm talking, my words can't keep up with my thoughts. I wonder why we think faster than we speak. Probably so we can think twice.” ©Bill Watterson
“In my opinion, we don't devote nearly enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks.” ©Bill Watterson



#18  02.09.2015 06:13:41

Откуда: HeroLand
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

Ranmalit is a clever guy who learns from his mistakes and next time opts fr a cleverer way ;)

keep ©alm & BreaK The Wall ! ©armoured titan



#19  02.09.2015 09:07:24

^HellsAngel^|| "MiNi DyNa
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Re: Question about Foul Language also unban request

Ranmalit написал:

You're impossible to talk to.... you have selective reading skills.

Once again, how is reporting what is offensive to me a low skill?
If I'm banned for foul language, would you mind to give yourself ban for low skill because you banned me for the wrong reason? :lol:

+1 :haha::lol:



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