Nickname: pyKa B roBHe
SteamID: VALVE_0:0:486074041
Steam Community ID: 76561198932413810
IP address:
Ban type: SteamID
Reason: Bad Nick
Invoked on: 07.06.2012 - 16:46:20
Expires on: 10.06.2012 - 16:46:20 (2 Days 23 Hours 57 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: [M] | Slip.PG
Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Total expired bans: 0
Direct link: #!cs_banlist?bid=104623
Эмм... я понимаю , возможно слово не самое красивое , но вполне литературное . Ну или я не знаю других литературных названий этого явления =\
Отредактированно [RC] KOTbKA (07.06.2012 17:09:15)
я тебе дам презерватив, передай его родителям и скажи чтобы больше так не делали -_-
personally if am a girl.. i surely can find something better than condoms to use it as a comment or even a pivot for my life
Отредактированно Dehumanizer (07.06.2012 17:23:17)
Dehu ... persanaly , you have no idea what it takes to be a girl :c))) So stfu and get lost ^_^
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
you have no idea what it takes to be a girl
a condom lol thats all..
one more thing.. trust me going out of here is not lost,, am glad to deal off with such ppl
Peace Out
It seems that this unban request thread turned out to be rather useless. By the time Slip enters this thread and takes action, your ban should already be expired or due.
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
Dehu ... persanaly , you have no idea what it takes to be a girl :c))) So stfu and get lost ^_^
Anyhow i guess this was atleast fun to read
Отредактированно Harmony (10.06.2012 01:35:19)
Осталось пол часа , а разбана от Какашки так и не было , эхЪ .
I don't understand why you would talk to me in a language i cannot understand.
Sad-Flute написал:
Harmony написал:
I don't understand why you would talk to me in a language i cannot understand.
i want to help u but.....
google translator doesnt make any sense
I know right
Harmony написал:
language i cannot understand.
You think too much about yourself . Who said to you that i am talking with you ?
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
You think too much about yourself . Who said to you that i am talking with you ?
It's like you and me are in a place where nobody else is and you start talking about something i don't understand. It should be natural for me to think that you are talking to me because there is nobody else in this thread and also because i made the last reply. But i guess you lack common sense in this regard so
oh its only you and me viewed 130 times this thread ? Like i sayd you think too much about yourself ...
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
oh its only you and me viewed 130 times this thread ? Like i sayd you think too much about yourself ...
Да, женщины великолепны в создании проблем из ничего
Px написал:
Да, женщины великолепны в создании проблем из ничего