Hello Admins i got banned for false report "wallhack" by the player "RedHood" and i didn't use any cheat in my whole life!
I was astonished by this banned since I play as better as I can and I'm doing my best to be proffesional on your server >
2013-07-24 Labrador$$$$ DJ_Serega Abnormal Behaviour 2 Weeks 6 ??????????? ????? ??????? Nickname: Labrador$$$$ SteamID: VALVE_0:0:217154335 Steam Community ID: 76561198394574398 IP address: Ban type: SteamID Reason: Abnormal Behaviour Invoked on: 24.07.2013 - 07:33:15 Expires on: 07.08.2013 - 07:33:15 (1 Week 6 Days 6 Hours 20 Minutes remaining) Banned by: DJ_Serega Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency Total expired bans: 0 Kicks: 6 Direct link: #!cs_banlist?bid=124138 Please unban me Thank you
wishing this server to be the best
Check nearest thread . There is your new ban reason and explanation for it .
Hi Labrador,
follow the below process that will help admins to solve your problem quickly.
Provide the screenshots that are stored in your cstrike folder. pack them to archive, upload it to your favorite file share service and post link to them here"
Gentlemen officials (ADMINS)
please take into consideration that the player( labrador $$$$ ) Is a young man 14 years of age
and can not to report on his condition well
and I'm sure it plays well and he loves this game as he also loves this particular server
Please help him as much as possible to the ban is decoded with him and I am confident that those who hold to this server is a degree of integrity, impartiality and fairness for all
thanx all >>>
gemini написал:
Hi Labrador,
follow the below process that will help admins to solve your problem quickly.Provide the screenshots that are stored in your cstrike folder. pack them to archive, upload it to your favorite file share service and post link to them here"
i provided the demo for him already, but seems Px want this guy to stay in ban list
this is the topic if u guys want to follow it
http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/viewtopi … ew#p144286
best of luck all with our stubborn Px
I wish to be seen on the player (labrador$$$$ ) into the compassion and lifted him
because all conditions have wronged by this prohibition and being a young boy and can not defend himself fallen victim to indifference ....
and I am confident that lifted his ban but sadly disappointed. ....
Whom It May Concern and thank you for your kind attention
red heat написал:
And why you writin all this ? Why Labrador himself not showin up ? I almost sure that admins will consider something if he will ask kindly himself :c)
Dear Admins ,
Once again , I want to express my frustration due to the unfair banned .... I really enjoy by playing CS at your valued server.
I need your urgent help to unban me since my reference reflects my clean history in the server .
I ask you to recheck your decision that led to ban me .
Evaluate my activity and history on the server , my ambition is to reach a high rank on the server in an honest path .
please help me to play again ASAP with full responsibility from my side to play in professional & clean way .
wishing you all the best
Ну вот , может же когда хочет
14 лет, говорите.
Да он пишет как здравомыслящий человек!
Много вы видели таких 14-летних юношей у нас на форуме?
Поддерживаю разбан.
Explain me, do you think that provoking others for teamattaking someone is normal behavior?
this guy has been oppressed..
Labrador$$$$ my friend.. let it go.. those guys seems want to keep u banned.. its better to keep ur tact words coz they're making fun of u..
just let it go bro.. there is left one week only.. divert with something else till ur ban expire
Отредактированно Dehumanizer (30.07.2013 11:56:17)
Skunk написал:
Много вы видели таких 14-летних юношей у нас на форуме?
The Gemini
это более чем достаточно
Skunk написал:
Т.е. 1 - это много, да?
Этоже Gemini Gemini Gemini.
Его более чем достаточно
Вам CS мешает встречаться с девушкой?
Тогда бросайте девушку!
i have no comment about u guys.. its sucha farce seriously i never saw ignoring like in this topic..
hold my beer and see what i can do.. just post an english topic, we gona turn u to a damn joker.. just hold my fkn beer..
talking about Gemini.. i was thinking to nominate him to u guys to make him an admin or at least moderator.. he is following and sticking with the rules of this forum more than anyone.. i didnt saw a player having Gemini straightness..
Отредактированно Dehumanizer (30.07.2013 14:44:19)
Slip написал:
это более чем достаточно
Вижу, у тебя из головы уже вылетел смысл первоначального вопроса, а на второй ты вообще ответил невпопад.
Ну хоть хорошо отпуск прошел
Skunk написал:
Вижу, у тебя из головы уже вылетел смысл первоначального вопроса, а на второй ты вообще ответил невпопад.
кто ж виноват, что ты всю эпичность данного примера не понял
Напоминаю выпускнику технического ВУЗа, эпичность не является количественной величиной.
Поэтому, давай без понтов о понятливости, ага
I my opinion, the subject taking more than necessary and is not worthy of all this discussion ... It is important to labrador$$$$ and We are all we give to reality!!!!
With that I've been told that thelabrador$$$$ Himself to talk about his condition and that he will consider his
I had told you that a 14-year-old, but I was wrong 11 years old and the person who helped him write the Post is his father because his English is not good .... And frankly the most is my nephew
In any case thanks
Skunk написал:
эпичность не является количественной величиной
но масса может задавить количество, сударь
Skunk написал:
давай без понтов о понятливости
даже в мыслях не было, как там говориться, кточтохочет то и видит
Племенами уже в Контру играть ходят В общем я за то , что бы выпустить бедолагу . Для детей даже неделя - это очень долгий срок . Это с высоты наших лет время летит незаметно .
Dehu red heat and labrador...please stop wasting your previous time for these admins...they are partial on every phase.!
if they where equal for all of us..then they would not make fun of you or behave so pathetically..so just ignore them...