Весна не оправдывает ботсва =\
ReX написал:
Harmony написал:
but what about rex
shut harmony yours teamkollege servantes has said you have multihack and I have handed over you iron. you cheates I know this to 1000%. and one still, D@nk to is good player him nobody cheat does not have as well as you. admins theirs puts if I became you permanentli banned more. u are unreal player!
you make me laugh, get a life please omg, you keep flaming me all the time, is it because of statistics? your online too much dude, get some social life
u are unreal player
thanks, its been my pleasure i wont keep arguing. go ahead and inspect me all you like, i refuse to play weak when i know i can play better. so if it turns out you actually get me banned in some way, its oke i cant do anything about it, but just why ask in forum.
and oke i dont get it but it seems like people get shorter ban if they are able to speak russian or something? just good connections with admins and you will be flying in the clouds. its ok, i accept my punishment as it is
but still my first time for making a mistake and i get this
Отредактированно Harmony (20.03.2010 18:28:36)
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
Весна не оправдывает ботсва =\
Это не оправдание, это объяснение поведения
ReX написал:
Harmony написал:
but what about rex
shut harmony yours teamkollege servantes has said you have multihack and I have handed over you iron.
And just for the record, my teamcollegeau has not said that i DID have multihack, he only said that it was a possibility that i could be cheating, and as far as i have learned today, without inspecting you cannot tell for sure that i or anyone else was cheater.
ps: isnt this the same situation thats like happening now?
Отредактированно Harmony (20.03.2010 20:48:54)
Slip написал:
thats right, only you and Next One Only you and Servantess - thats all? after Next One Servantess says that D@nk Captain Usopp use multihack, you(like as Sun) write on forym tell IRON?, even dont look at him. and (like Sun) you playing at the another team.
ps: not sure if u were at another team though but i think you were in same team as servantess and thats T, i was CT :c)
Just or unjust ? That is the question . No just , just NO !
No need to reply with weak answers
Отредактированно Harmony (21.03.2010 13:18:57)
Hey , its not your first mistake , i just watched the "i found cheater" thread and saw many names from you that's not correct . So if its your first ban for that , as so you just got lucky :c)
Gimme some names, but as i have said:
as i have learned today
but yeah, i admit, i judge too fast sometimes
There is allways first time :c)
and always the last time
but i think they're protecting rex, dont you think
Отредактированно Harmony (22.03.2010 08:00:08)
Хай латеновцы как никогда очень активны, в последнее время...
SokraT(HO}I{) написал:
Хай латеновцы как никогда очень активны, в последнее время...
так я ш туда зачастил
Slip написал:
bathroom has been smaller on 1 week.
думаешь, он проассоциирует бан с ванной?
Dr.Salvator написал:
думаешь, он проассоциирует бан с ванной?
а возможны другие ассоциации? хотя... могут и прийти Джамшут и Равшан
А чё по английцки нема слова БаНя ? =с))))
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
А чё по английцки нема слова БаНя ? =с))))
Hmm.. Don't mix love and technique ))) I'd rather say 'wanked in'.