hello all
my friend in High Latency received a ban for spaming
but actually it was my fault he told me about that server so i asked him for the ip
but unfortunately i forgot about the advertise for ips thing
so its not from his cstrike files and he was not trying to spam at all so can you admins unbann him please
Отредактированно eclipse (28.03.2011 17:33:10)
Before you get nonsense replies, i'd suggest you copy and paste the ban appeal and fill it in
Ban appeal can be found here; http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/viewtopi … 942#p33942
Scroll down to the last post if you haven't found it yet
Отредактированно Harmony (28.03.2011 08:39:43)
Nickname: PRO Mercenary | Master de Tikal
IP address:
Ban type: IP address
Reason: Multihack
Invoked on: 12.03.2011 - 04:01:01
Expires on: 09.04.2011 - 05:01:01 (1 Week 4 Days 11 Hours 28 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | Observer
Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Total expired bans: 11
Direct link: #!cs_banlist?bid=55097
eclipse написал:
but he was not trying to spam it was just a mistake
so what? Px wrote that he must do