So it's ok to use foul language if its not in English?To swear in turkish or romanian or spanish is ok?But if u reply in english only u get banned?
And it's nice that people like this:
2011-02-28 |general|Tr [M] | Slip.PG Foul Language 2 Weeks
2011-01-14 Marcus [M] | Slip.PG MultiHack 2 Weeks
2010-12-28 543465645+ ґ^+ ґ^3dfhgdth [M] | Slip.PG MultiHack 2 Weeks
2010-06-06 Wh!skEy | Cx BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px WallHack 2 Weeks
2010-04-17 AnaNIZI_SIkmeyE_GeldIM_LaN BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px Foul Language 2 Weeks
2009-12-10 siX[sw]Xis | Cx 3apa3a WallHack 2 Weeks
2009-09-16 siX[sw]Xis | Cx Dr.SalvAtor WallHack 2 Weeks
2009-08-10 Cx [-=BONN&Co=-] | SN!CK NoRecoil 2 Weeks
2009-06-22 NetherNovas Dr.Salvator Other 8 Hours
Банно мортале
Date Player Admin Reason Length
2011-02-28 |general|Tr [M] | Slip.PG Foul Language 2 Weeks
2011-01-14 Marcus [M] | Slip.PG MultiHack 2 Weeks
2010-12-28 543465645+ ґ^+ ґ^3dfhgdth [M] | Slip.PG MultiHack 2 Weeks
2010-06-06 Wh!skEy | Cx BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px WallHack 2 Weeks
2010-04-17 AnaNIZI_SIkmeyE_GeldIM_LaN BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px Foul Language 2 Weeks
2009-12-10 siX[sw]Xis | Cx 3apa3a WallHack 2 Weeks
2009-09-16 siX[sw]Xis | Cx Dr.SalvAtor WallHack 2 Weeks
2009-08-10 Cx [-=BONN&Co=-] | SN!CK NoRecoil 2 Weeks
2009-06-22 NetherNovas Dr.Salvator Other 8 Hours
..have more credibility on the server than most of fair players
For God's sake hes been banned by every living admin on every possible cheat there is
Provide examples of such messages from attached file and their translations
3rAs3r написал:
fair players
"fair players do not avoid rules, don't call others morons, idiots, etc"©
Px написал:
3rAs3r написал:
fair players
"fair players do not avoid rules, don't call others morons, idiots, etc"©
Compared to him I am not "fair player" I am God!
Foul language is not even close to every possible cheat there is and therefore should not be treated equaly.
Px написал:
Provide examples of such messages from attached file and their translations
It's imposible to translate their slang
3rAs3r написал:
It's imposible to translate their slang
Wow, so when you said
3rAs3r написал:
To swear in turkish
you simply lied?
Px написал:
3rAs3r написал:
It's imposible to translate their slang
Wow, so when you said
3rAs3r написал:
To swear in turkish
you simply lied?
..yes..yes I lied ..
Slang is not translatable by google translate
Px написал:
In addition of my current ban, would you mind also add me in blacklist 1 weeks for Team Attacking and Killing.
Отредактированно UFLL (10.05.2011 17:47:15)
UFLL написал:
In addition of my current ban, would you mind also add me in blacklist 1 weeks for Team Attacking and Killing.
You may