P@k | fluTe
SteamID: VALVE_0:0:1504282643
Steam Community ID: 76561200968831014
IP address:
Ban type: SteamID
Reason: Aimbot
Invoked on: 07.04.2012 - 16:07:20
Expires on: 21.04.2012 - 16:07:20 (1 Week 6 Days 23 Hours 58 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | zlo.Skunk
Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency (fy_iceworld_arena)
Total expired bans: 0
i think something is wrong...i was not using aimbot...i never cheat...when i entered the game kaje and .sfools was already talking about some aimer and then i got banned....plzz check
cs.iptcom.net-27015-1204071557-fy_iceworld_arena.dem 07.04.2012 16:18:19 23.04 MB
this is demo....i arrived in 16th round and banned in 17th...i give 3 awsome hs....i am pro ))
Sorry man, my bad.
Three HS in row is very suspicious.
KaJe O.boY`m и [AWP.Gam!nG].sFFolo4 получают устное предупреждение за неуместные шутки о читах и читерах.
Skunk написал:
Sorry man, my bad.
Three HS in row is very suspicious.
KaJe O.boY`m и [AWP.Gam!nG].sFFolo4 получают устное предупреждение за неуместные шутки о читах и читерах.
i am pro ...admit it .... anyway noproblem skunk..mistakes happens.
Sad-Flute написал:
what r these files...they are increasing in my cs folder.....they are taking much space from hard drive..
You can delete all of them, even if you was legit Steam user, Valve support is useless even if you provide those files...
Px написал:
Sad-Flute написал:
what r these files...they are increasing in my cs folder.....they are taking much space from hard drive..
You can delete all of them, even if you was legit Steam user, Valve support is useless even if you provide those files...
i deleted them..there are some same files with name steam etc..i also deleted them.......is there an error in my cs??