[RC] KOTbKA написал:
за что некоторых банили бывало
За смок? Что-то не помню. А вот за спам флешами или he с помощью rebuy бан никуда не делся
Player_a написал:
14:13 plus / minus (13.04.2013r.) Map de_acropol targeted TK - for such behavior I got banned
Somehow, before 14.00 (13.04.2013r.) Map de_dust koff smoke grenade used repeatedly
We aren't talking about smokes or TKs. Where is cheats?!
I can not open those demos on my computer (I installed a few programs)
but this demo is purposeful and nonsensical Team Attack / Team Kill execution M | Koff
at the end of the map
I know without checking
because I wrote the time
I have checked the demo as Player_a said here: http://cs.iptcom.net/hltv//27015/cs.ipt … t4.dem.bz2
Koff using 6 Smokes at base: exactly map timing are 6:11 to 6:20. one of another player called Argento also notice and saying its Illegal. Unfortunately its not illegal until the Player not re-buy them. for more clarifications from the management are as following.
Using 6 smokes is not illegal in any case, it is illegal to "flood" with flash or he grenades using rebuy, but not if you buy them with "hands" (b-8-3; b-8-4)
I hope you have no more doubt about Koff skills. in my opinion, he re-buy 6 smokes in 9sec. i can re-buy them in 6sec. and you can buy them in 4sec. short command are : b-8-3 b-8-3 b-8-3 b-8-3
But one thing is noticeable, maximum ping of High latency are allow is from 41ms to 300ms. koff ping are 19ms. i think he must be redirecting to the low latency server where 1ms to 40ms are common.
Player_a написал:
but this demo is purposeful and nonsensical Team Attack / Team Kill execution M | Koff
I'm asking you third time: where is proof that Koff had used cheats?
Ok, if you don't want react on my question, let's go another way. You have one week to provide us proofs that Koff used cheats. Otherwise you'll be banned at Sun 21-st of April for Low Skill reason. You have more then enough time to do that.
I knew this would happen - you can ban me today and **** with M | Koff - the company mutually adoration.
I wrote and passed the link at the beginning of the link to TA / CT and a complete fool the game went on and laughing at me.
1 Offending players (me)
2 Multi smog
3 Team Kill / Team Attack
4 During a conversation with two player - writing during a game of defecation.
5 Low ping (one 200 him 18)
5 and so on
You can further protect the ****. Yes M | Koff is an ****!
Of course I know I'm banned on the forum and the game, but I **** on it like M | Koff
The last time I look here, therefore, You can produce those silly smiles.
Что поделать, к бревну только сикирой подходить
Отредактированно Slip (14.04.2013 19:32:17)
Player_a написал:
I knew this would happen - you can ban me today
Are you agree that you were wrong when said that Koff were using cheats?
You can further protect the ****. Yes M | Koff is an ****!
Of course I know I'm banned on the forum and the game, but I **** on it like M | Koff
Player_a i wouldn't expect this sense of language from you. You must respect players as well management. many players claim wrong report and they banned, included me before a year. but i didn't write such a condemn words that you written.
I stickily condemn your miss behavior language against the respected player.
Px написал:
Играть на Хае с низким пингом - ботство
ага, бо попасть ни по кому не можешь
Slip написал:
ага, бо попасть ни по кому не можешь
Ну я тебе давно говорил, что у тебя руки кривые независимо от пинга
koff написал:
значит на лоу раздавать с большим пингом - норм)) окда
А что, кто-то раздаёт? Ну, в реале, а не фантазиях?
Px написал:
Ну я тебе давно говорил, что у тебя руки кривые независимо от пинга
от так всегда
koff написал:
Frolov отлично справлялся с пингом за 80.
А что с вами справляться то
Skunk написал:
А на Low не с кем
Смотря во сколько, те же пингоботы большую часть времени есть