#26  12.05.2013 23:01:45

☆Tester x64☆
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Re: kicked for no reason

gemini написал:



Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#27  12.05.2013 23:13:07

Откуда: Pakistan
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Re: kicked for no reason

That doesn't proof Swearing or bad word :rolleyes:



#28  13.05.2013 00:54:08

с ув.ваша пьяная Котя.....
Откуда: столько ботов ?
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Re: kicked for no reason

gemini написал:

Now tell me where is the "Swearing" or "Bad" word proof in "moayad" name ?

Iam sure there is names that sounds like a swear on some language . But read what exactly wrote Swing , and tell me if you don't know that the name , and you know that word is may be swear on some language that you don't hear about it , will you think that its actualy name ?

I also know that some innocent words on arabic sounds like a worst swear on russian . For example "my brother" sounds "ahuy" and youll get kicked from server right after you write it and may be even banned for it =\ Thats why i warning all of you guys to speak proper english when you trying communicate in game chat .

Отредактированно [RC] KOTbKA (13.05.2013 00:59:18)

Меня окружает множество хороших людей , но я им без боя не сдамся !
я тебе дам презерватив, передай его родителям и скажи чтобы больше так не делали



#29  13.05.2013 00:56:05

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
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Re: kicked for no reason

[RC] KOTbKA написал:

if you don't know that the name

He know that it is name, he know all languages and names :woot:

Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#30  13.05.2013 02:44:50

Зарегистрирован: 01.06.2010
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Chrome 26.0

Re: kicked for no reason

I know ? I pretending ? I working with arab guys almost every day , and i never heard of such name from them

you are working every day with Arab guys and you didn't hear that name because They don't have this name.  if they have this name you will probably hear this. Moayad or Al-Moayad is the arabic/Muslim name.

Probably she hate Arabs? as she wrote hatred things about them in the past and served in ban because of this...

Отредактированно UFLL (13.05.2013 02:47:43)



#31  13.05.2013 05:53:07

с ув.ваша пьяная Котя.....
Откуда: столько ботов ?
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Re: kicked for no reason

UFLL написал:

Probably she hate Arabs?

I hate human being , no matter which race :yes: So I find satisfaction in self-assertion due to the weak, by humiliating and mocking them.:woot:

Меня окружает множество хороших людей , но я им без боя не сдамся !
я тебе дам презерватив, передай его родителям и скажи чтобы больше так не делали



#32  13.05.2013 07:50:47

Откуда: Pakistan
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Re: kicked for no reason

Iam sure there is names that sounds like a swear on some language . But read what exactly wrote Swing , and tell me if you don't know that the name , and you know that word is may be swear on some language that you don't hear about it , will you think that its actualy name ?

Just proof me with an exact dictionary link in all language if you have any that "Moayad is the swearing and bad word.

I also know that some innocent words on arabic sounds like a worst swear on russian . For example "my brother" sounds "ahuy" and youll get kicked from server right after you write it and may be even banned for it =\ Thats why i warning all of you guys to speak proper english when you trying communicate in game chat .

My dear the game interface didn't support ARABIC language. that is the reason most of Arabic, Urdu, Hindi and all other language speaker write the names without Capital. if you wanna see names within proper phrase so Allow international Language support into the Game Server so everyone write his/her name in his her own language accurately. like this المؤيد

I hate human being , no matter which race :yes: So I find satisfaction in self-assertion due to the weak, by humiliating and mocking them

Funny Statement, You hate human being and you like Humiliating and mocking them .. So why you only choose innocent players ? Why not this time you choose Px ? or Slip ? first Humiliate them so i will believe on your statement that you really hate all race humans. otherwise i m Agree with the UFFL statement  "Probably she hate Arabs?"

He know that it is name, he know all languages and names

Don't trolling the fact, Just proof that the Moayad is the Swearing word :lol:

Отредактированно gemini (13.05.2013 07:58:39)



#33  13.05.2013 08:39:25

неторопливый адвокат
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Re: kicked for no reason

Serg1e написал:

ОПА KoTbKa style

..Резать к чертовой матери! Не дожидаясь перитонитов!! (с) "Покровские ворота"
  Сторонник акции "Бан за албан"



#34  13.05.2013 09:20:26

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
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Chrome 26.0

Re: kicked for no reason

Skunk написал:

АКМ16 написал:

The power change a person!

No. The person makes power.
There is no power without person.

not here mate :)



#35  13.05.2013 10:06:17

с ув.ваша пьяная Котя.....
Откуда: столько ботов ?
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Re: kicked for no reason

gemini написал:

Just proof me with an exact dictionary link in all language if you have any that "Moayad is the swearing and bad word.

4. The server's administration reserves the right to consider only questions or claims wrote in Ukrainian, Russian or English
6. If you are warned by the server's administrator about your actions which are not described in the actual rules, but to the administrator's opinion hinder the server from normal work or impede the other players game, the administrator reserves the right to take counter-measures.

I do not need any proof , any time you speak any language that not russian(ukrainian) or english while admin on server , you at risk that some words can be read or understand in perverse form .

Меня окружает множество хороших людей , но я им без боя не сдамся !
я тебе дам презерватив, передай его родителям и скажи чтобы больше так не делали



#36  13.05.2013 12:15:29

неторопливый адвокат
Откуда: not Minds, not Rine Lunt False
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Re: kicked for no reason

[RC] KOTbKA написал:

any time you speak any language that not russian(ukrainian) or english while admin on server , you at risk

Guys, is this fact really smth new for you???????? Seems I haven't played for a long time...  :angry2:

Отредактированно Dr.Salvator (13.05.2013 12:15:49)

..Резать к чертовой матери! Не дожидаясь перитонитов!! (с) "Покровские ворота"
  Сторонник акции "Бан за албан"



#37  13.05.2013 12:31:20

с ув.ваша пьяная Котя.....
Откуда: столько ботов ?
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Re: kicked for no reason

Dr.Salvator написал:

Seems I haven't played for a long time...

You are allways welcome ^_^

Меня окружает множество хороших людей , но я им без боя не сдамся !
я тебе дам презерватив, передай его родителям и скажи чтобы больше так не делали



#38  13.05.2013 15:00:23

Откуда: Чайко
Зарегистрирован: 21.05.2009
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Chrome 21.0
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Re: kicked for no reason

[RC] KOTbKA написал:

You are allways welcome ^_^

and me? :(

u Slip To)I(e ka3eJI © Px
и попроси, чтоб тебя кто-то связал, а то ты буйный  © Fox
y koro 6oJIbwe 30 fparoB tot 4utep (c) Px, Slip BbInuwu ce6e HEDeJIbky © xumEk



#39  13.05.2013 15:02:17

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Re: kicked for no reason

Slip написал:

дожился, меня уже цитируют...

Деньги не имеют значения - пока они у Вас есть.



#40  13.05.2013 15:46:12

с ув.ваша пьяная Котя.....
Откуда: столько ботов ?
Зарегистрирован: 26.08.2008
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Re: kicked for no reason

Slip написал:

and me? :(

And you "..." kakawka . :c)))

Вместо троеточия , вставте подходящий знак :lol:

Меня окружает множество хороших людей , но я им без боя не сдамся !
я тебе дам презерватив, передай его родителям и скажи чтобы больше так не делали



#41  13.05.2013 15:59:30

BeeR | zlo.
Откуда: Киев
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
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Re: kicked for no reason


Каждый прав в меру своей компетенции.



#42  13.05.2013 17:03:18

Откуда: Чайко
Зарегистрирован: 21.05.2009
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Re: kicked for no reason


u Slip To)I(e ka3eJI © Px
и попроси, чтоб тебя кто-то связал, а то ты буйный  © Fox
y koro 6oJIbwe 30 fparoB tot 4utep (c) Px, Slip BbInuwu ce6e HEDeJIbky © xumEk



#43  13.05.2013 20:48:10

Откуда: Pakistan
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Re: kicked for no reason

4. The server's administration reserves the right to consider only questions or claims wrote in Ukrainian, Russian or English
6. If you are warned by the server's administrator about your actions which are not described in the actual rules, but to the administrator's opinion hinder the server from normal work or impede the other players game, the administrator reserves the right to take counter-measures.

:haha: :haha: So you updated the rule for defending or ignoring to showing proof that the word is swear or bad ? seems like your defend your mistake , because there was not this line i read before a day in the Game server rules :haha: :haha:

I do not need any proof , any time you speak any language that not russian(ukrainian) or english while admin on server , you at risk that some words can be read or understand in perverse form .

You don't need any proof, but i Need it to see if the Kick was about on fair decision or not just for my Knowledge because maybe the next one is ME ? so i just asked 4 time with Px and You to proof that this is Swear or Bad word because according to the dictionary its not Swear nor Bad.

and kindly reply my last PMs as i expect much hate from now in reply :lol:

Many thanks :woot:

Отредактированно gemini (13.05.2013 20:49:59)



#44  13.05.2013 20:49:51

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
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Re: kicked for no reason

gemini написал:

So you updated the rule for defending your mistake


Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#45  13.05.2013 20:51:51

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Re: kicked for no reason

OR Px do this for you :lol: :haha:



#46  13.05.2013 20:57:59

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Re: kicked for no reason

illuminati  :ninja:



#47  13.05.2013 21:19:58

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
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Re: kicked for no reason

20.02.2008 написал:

The server's administration reserves the right to consider only questions or claims wrote in English or Russian; messages worte in Latin transliteration of Cyrillic characters (so called Translit) may be left unattended.


Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#48  13.05.2013 22:05:43

BeeR | zlo.
Откуда: Киев
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Re: kicked for no reason

gemini написал:

So you updated the rule

Yeah, we added 1 language admins can undestand.
There were english and russian only before.

Каждый прав в меру своей компетенции.



#49  14.05.2013 00:44:18

Откуда: Pakistan
Зарегистрирован: 18.06.2012
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Re: kicked for no reason



Yeah, we added 1 language admins can undestand.
There were english and russian only before.

Thank you for the truth, that is the reason you are the Favorite kiss of mine and i always poke you in game :woot:

Overall With the respect of the Server rules i agree that the administration reserve the rights to change the rules at anytime without the user/player acknowledgement. :cool:



#50  14.05.2013 18:24:08

неторопливый адвокат
Откуда: not Minds, not Rine Lunt False
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Re: kicked for no reason

Ha, Geradot should remember what I did when they spoke Greek :rolleyes:

..Резать к чертовой матери! Не дожидаясь перитонитов!! (с) "Покровские ворота"
  Сторонник акции "Бан за албан"



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