Hello Px
one of our clan member "[fAiL] Snakehi" made a false report and he got 4 weeks ban for that
would you please check his ban maybe you banned him 4 weeks by mistake when you usually ban 2 weeks for low skill
or maybe you intent to do that.. if that so, it would be really nice if you downgrade his ban 4 months is too much for this mistake.
Ban info:
Nickname: [fAiL] Snakehi
SteamID: VALVE_0:0:994199480
Steam Community ID: 76561199948664688
IP address:
Ban type: SteamID
Reason: Low Skill
Invoked on: 06.06.2013 - 22:45:52
Expires on: 24.10.2013 - 22:45:52 (4 Months 2 Weeks 5 Days 11 Hours 9 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px
Banned on: Website
Total expired bans: 0
Kicks: 0
Direct link: #!cs_banlist?bid=121659
Dehumanizer написал:
if that so, it would be really nice if you downgrade his ban 4 months is too much for this mistake
The problem with him that he doesn't learn from previous bans for wrong reports, he doesn't check reported person, he played with different ID while have active ban -> new ban must be long enough
Px написал:
Dehumanizer написал:
if that so, it would be really nice if you downgrade his ban 4 months is too much for this mistake
The problem with him that he doesn't learn from previous bans for wrong reports, he doesn't check reported person, he played with different ID while have active ban -> new ban must be long enough
ahh got it, it's fair enough in his case, anyway you might want to give him a warn instead of breaking his legs with this long ban it would be really appreciated.. finally its your decision
He could go here and try to find why first ban was for, he can do that on second ban, but he chose other route
Px написал:
He could go here and try to find why first ban was for, he can do that on second ban, but he chose other route
to be honest i got 8 weeks even more as i remember when i did avoided the ban.. he is lucky with this ban
sorry Snakehi i've done my best
За четыре месяца он забудет про существование IPTcom
АКМ16 написал:
За четыре месяца он забудет про существование IPTcom
да прибудет с ним реальность!
АКМ16 написал:
За четыре месяца он забудет про существование IPTcom
И совсем не факт, что это плохо
Slip написал:
да прибудет с ним реальность!
Не так то все просто... Теперь на Доту2 перейдет...
Px написал:
И совсем не факт, что это плохо
Это смотря для кого
Вот к примеру умер человек.
-Кому плохо?
-Кому хорошо?
-Бюро ритуальных услуг
Хотя это плохой пример
Очень даже хороший пример =с) Для нас он умер , но ожил для кого то ещё , надеюсь для тех кому он ближе и дороже
Чел нормальный, но если после того как минуту поиграл со мной, не игравшим месяц пишет - я чит. ... потом репортит на меня (№1 в тот момент АйпиТи, без бэээ, Алекс не читай ) - то да, лечитсо вери хард, или... играть чаще и крЭпчЭ