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Правила игры на сервере(+Заявка на разбан)/Game Server's Rules(+Ban appeal form)
dudo....thank u...!
and to the concerned admin : prove your honesty towards the server and unban me..!
in the case of lantis...
multihack was forgived and he was unbanned..whereas I know he's not a cheater in any sorts...
still I suspect my case is more simple and easy to forgive...!
:.:War Lords:.: | # JeRRy написал:
until and unless admins like you run these pages..innocents will always suffer..
nice pic...!
@ vaity: i dont remember because as soon as i connected,in mere 2 seconds i was banned..!
did you see link in my #23 post?
try to "pinch" word "GO" , and life will be better
life will be better if you unban me..!
i read all the rules and then only requested u to do it...
who is in the pic?
well, it doesnt make a difference to me...
if you i'll too upload my pic..
but we are not here to chit chat over this..this is a serious topic of an unfair ban!
:.:War Lords:.: | # JeRRy написал:
.this is a serious topic
@ :.:War Lords:.: | # JeRRy,
If you read the rules carefully there was two lines that says, "Please remember! Polite attitude to the administration of the server helps the quickest solution of your issues."
The second one is, "Administration of the server has rights to reject any appeal related to banned networks and ISP".
As Slip give you the link "GO" for reading the rules and the method that help admins to solve the problem. but you totlly ignore the method and keep insist the administration to Unban and Unban. They can't unban you until you are not given complete ban information.
1: 1: Nickname: Yournick 2: 2: 2: SteamID: VALVE_0:0:12323323 3: 3: 3: Steam Community ID: 34242422422342000 4: 4: 4: IP address: 156.687.478.55 5: 5: 5: Ban type: SteamID 6: 6: 6: Reason: Low Skill 7: 7: 7: Invoked on: 16.06.2013 - 15:47:47 8: 8: 8: Expires on: 30.06.2013 - 15:47:47 (23 Hours 45 Minutes remaining) 9: 9: 9: Banned by: BeeR | [M]-Slip.PG 10: 10: 10: Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency 11: 11: 11: Total expired bans: 0 12: 12: 12: Kicks: 10 13: 13: 13: Direct link: #!cs_banlist?bid=254683
If you keep insist the administration they reserve the rights to ban you on forum. So just post your detail and assist your case in cool and calm manners.
gemini total #respect to you...
I understand all the rules and all your suggestions/posts....only what I meant was ping violation for the 1st time is not such a big crime, is it?
that is why I urged the admin to unban me...don't consider my posts in any sort of an abusr or an misleading approach...
sincere thanks to your guidance..
may be we have played together...you are "geniousgemini" may be?
:.:War Lords:.: | # JeRRy написал:
I understand all the rules
You don't show it in any post
@px : its but obvious that if I have understood them then only I am here on the forums with my request/appeal..
slip is she ur favourite???
only what I meant was ping violation for the 1st time is not such a big crime, is it?
Multihack, Wallhack is also not a crime. but every game server on internet have rules against this. ping violation is actually a "Safe guard" protection for server performance and players performance too. no matter its first time or last time.
I believe Your ban are under the following rule:
6. If you are warned by the server's administrator about your actions which are not described in the actual rules, but to the administrator's opinion hinder the server from normal work or impede the other players game, the administrator reserves the right to take counter-measures.
that is why I urged the admin to unban me
As i said, assist your case in cool and calm manners. You are still didn't provide/posted your ban details in this topic. i suggest post the details and ask admins once again to consider. if they reject then just wait your ban complete time.
thank you....!
who is in the pic?
Slip and Skunk
Та, ппц, не похожи, интеллигенция, млин
И intel Core2... в смысле "ту", значитсо, тоже, ....ай..
легко и ни о чем: на Ибицу
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPW2WLzB … DCA31CB575
Отредактированно Serg1e (29.06.2013 21:52:21)
:.:War Lords:.: | # JeRRy написал:
@slip :I wish I could do that...!
until and unless admins like you run these pages..innocents will always suffer..
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