#1  24.07.2013 05:07:42

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 28.0


BeeR | Observer написал:

Сервер: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Игрок: RedH00d

this bot RedH00d made a false report i was in game when he reported Labrador$$$$:facepalm:
he is not wh.. in fact he don't know what is wh

http://cs.iptcom.net/hltv//27015/cs.ipt … a_ipt2.dem

Ps: this player RedH00d always using an erotic sprays inside game and the last one was very bad "totally naked woman" which is something not acceptable in for many players including me ..



#2  24.07.2013 05:27:03

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 28.0

Re: RedH00d

BeeR | Observer написал:

Сервер: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Игрок: RedH00d
[fAiL] SwinG#
Foul Language


http://cs.iptcom.net/hltv//27015/cs.ipt … _dust2.dem




#3  24.07.2013 14:46:44

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 28.0

Re: RedH00d

Hello Admins
me and my friend got banned bye DJ_Serega because of a dumb player called RedH00d he joined from about 2 weeks maybe less and he started reporting the players with false reports

first report was against Labrador$$$$, he reported him as a wh and he was clean he never use cheat and this is the demo:

http://cs.iptcom.net/hltv//27015/cs.ipt … a_ipt2.dem

Ban Info:

Nickname:    Labrador$$$$
SteamID:    VALVE_0:0:217154335
Steam Community ID:    76561198394574398
IP address:
Ban type:     SteamID
Reason:    WallHack
Invoked on:    24.07.2013 - 07:33:15
Expires on:     07.08.2013 - 07:33:15 (1 Week 6 Days 17 Hours  remaining)
Banned by:    DJ_Serega
Banned on:    IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Total expired bans:    0
Kicks:    0
Direct link:    #!cs_banlist?bid=124138

the second report was against me for foul language because i told him dumbass
i said exactly this:
RedH00d ur dumbass,, next time spec the players before reporting them
and he directly reported me

http://cs.iptcom.net/hltv//27015/cs.ipt … _dust2.dem
Ban Info:

Nickname:    [fAiL] SwinG#
SteamID:    STEAM_0:1:63745160
Steam Community ID:    76561198087756049
IP address:
Ban type:     SteamID
Reason:    Foul Language
Invoked on:    24.07.2013 - 07:33:48
Expires on:     07.08.2013 - 07:33:48 (1 Week 6 Days 17 Hours  remaining)
Banned by:    DJ_Serega
Banned on:    IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Total expired bans:    0
Kicks:    0
Direct link:    #!cs_banlist?bid=124139

the third report was against the player <<< FaRTYNA >>>
this player also clean he never use any cheat and he reported him without going to spec for 1 second
when he die he directly report the player who killed him like a stupid :angry2:

Ban Info:

Nickname:    <<< FaRTYNA >>>
SteamID:    VALVE_0:0:1657076665
Steam Community ID:    76561201274419058
IP address:
Ban type:     SteamID
Reason:    WallHack
Invoked on:    24.07.2013 - 07:34:00
Expires on:     07.08.2013 - 07:34:00 (1 Week 6 Days 16 Hours 52 Minutes remaining)
Banned by:    DJ_Serega
Banned on:    IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Total expired bans:    0
Kicks:    0
Direct link:    #!cs_banlist?bid=124140

Ps: from the time he joined he always using an erotic sprays inside game and the last one was very bad "totally naked woman" which is something not acceptable for many players including me

can u please take an action against him and stop his foolishness


Отредактированно Dehumanizer (24.07.2013 14:48:54)



#4  24.07.2013 15:14:53

с ув.ваша пьяная Котя.....
Откуда: столько ботов ?
Зарегистрирован: 26.08.2008
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Re: RedH00d

Dehumanizer написал:

irst report was against Labrador$$$$, he reported him as a wh

So the person must register on forum and provide screenshots .

Dehumanizer написал:

the third report was against the player <<< FaRTYNA >>>
this player also clean he never use any cheat and he reported him without going to spec for 1 second
when he die he directly report the player who killed him like a stupid :angry2:

For that one to . Procedure must be one for all , with very little exceptions for old known players . And you continue to obsess people even on forum while you already did it in game . So with report about foul language i must agree :yes:

Меня окружает множество хороших людей , но я им без боя не сдамся !
я тебе дам презерватив, передай его родителям и скажи чтобы больше так не делали



#5  24.07.2013 17:12:02

ах вот она!
Откуда: Киев
Зарегистрирован: 16.04.2009
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Maxthon 4.0
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Re: RedH00d

Я смогу пересмотреть демо только после 28.07. Если кто с админ состава сможет посмотреть раньше, жду ЛС.
Foul Language:
Попробую разобраться раньше.

От смены ника, IP не меняется =)

Вам CS мешает встречаться с девушкой? :mad:
Тогда бросайте девушку!:yes:



#6  24.07.2013 20:44:11

с ув.ваша пьяная Котя.....
Откуда: столько ботов ?
Зарегистрирован: 26.08.2008
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FireFox 22.0
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Re: RedH00d

DJ_Serega написал:

Foul Language:
Попробую разобраться раньше.

А чё тут разбираться ? Он дважды оскорбил игрока , один раз в игре , в чём сам признался   , второй раз прям тут на форуме . Пусть моется в бане .
сугубо имхо =)

Меня окружает множество хороших людей , но я им без боя не сдамся !
я тебе дам презерватив, передай его родителям и скажи чтобы больше так не делали



#7  24.07.2013 20:59:35

ах вот она!
Откуда: Киев
Зарегистрирован: 16.04.2009
Сообщений: 3035
Maxthon 4.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 123/ -2 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: RedH00d

Тут логи нужны :)

От смены ника, IP не меняется =)

Вам CS мешает встречаться с девушкой? :mad:
Тогда бросайте девушку!:yes:



#8  24.07.2013 21:30:42

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.22
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
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Re: RedH00d

Щас я вами всеми займусь, и никому не покажется мало, хехе :cool:

Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#9  24.07.2013 21:47:15

ах вот она!
Откуда: Киев
Зарегистрирован: 16.04.2009
Сообщений: 3035
Maxthon 4.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 123/ -2 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: RedH00d

Можно только в первом сообщении тремя :ninja:

От смены ника, IP не меняется =)

Вам CS мешает встречаться с девушкой? :mad:
Тогда бросайте девушку!:yes:



#10  24.07.2013 21:49:11

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.22
Рейтинг :   [+ 565/ -51 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: RedH00d

Dehumanizer написал:

because i told him dumbass

So ban is fair, all ok :cool:

Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#11  24.07.2013 22:06:04

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 19034
SeaMonkey 2.22
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Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: RedH00d

Dehumanizer написал:


Will stay banned because accusing other player as cheater and provoking other players for teamkilling him, ban reason will be adjusted in a couple of minutes

Dehumanizer написал:

[fAiL] SwinG#

Will stay banned because of

L 07/24/2013 - 05:08:57: "[fAiL] SwinG#<61645><STEAM_0:1:63745160><TERRORIST>" say "Red ur bot dumbass"
L 07/24/2013 - 05:16:58: "[fAiL] SwinG#<61645><STEAM_0:1:63745160><CT>" say "what a bot" (dead)
L 07/24/2013 - 05:20:46: "[fAiL] SwinG#<61645><STEAM_0:1:63745160><CT>" say "ok will see about that bot" (dead)
L 07/24/2013 - 05:21:11: "[fAiL] SwinG#<61645><STEAM_0:1:63745160><CT>" say "will see about that dumbass" (dead)

Dehumanizer написал:

<<< FaRTYNA >>>


Dehumanizer написал:


Banned for month because of not checking players before report

Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#12  24.07.2013 22:21:46

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 28.0

Re: RedH00d

Px написал:

Dehumanizer написал:

because i told him dumbass

So ban is fair, all ok :cool:

he is ! :facepalm:



#13  25.07.2013 04:33:31

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 28.0

Re: RedH00d

Px написал:

Dehumanizer написал:


Will stay banned because accusing other player as cheater and provoking other players for teamkilling him, ban reason will be adjusted in a couple of minutes

i think what happened he is not fair.. if this is the way then it should apply on all or not.. he has been reported for wh and he is not so he deserve to be unbanned not to dig in his records and fetch something to keep his ban on..

check this demo plz at the time: 5:38
the player Specnaz is the same Srdjan

http://cs.iptcom.net/hltv//27015/cs.ipt … ck.dem.bz2

and tell me honestly Px.. what do u think of this? and u know before how many time i told u to stop him and u didnt..
u said i need a doctor

do u remember this post when he said:
http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/viewtopi … 59&p=2

Srdjan написал:

Px, bravo for answer given to him. You're "plugging up" his mouth forever and you are shown the people here that he is pathological liar, in fact he provoked me for a long time,, in order to I answer him, and then he could to reported me.

now according to the PM's i've sent u every time he start provoking me i believe he is the liar not me but u just dont want to see that man :)
can u fetch his chat longs and see how fkn annoying he is ? do u know that every time he die he call the whole team bot especially when am inside ? did u banned him or even warned him ?
unfortunately no u didn't
and when he called me and my people "terrorist" did u ban him for insulting a player's race, national, religious, aesthetic, sexual and team senses or political views ? no u didnt
i didnt even talked to him and he called me like that so now tell me whom is the fkn lair here and whom is provoking whom here ?

thanks in advance for not understanding :)



#14  25.07.2013 07:52:57

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
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SeaMonkey 2.22
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Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: RedH00d

Dehumanizer написал:

not to dig in his records and fetch something to keep his ban on..

You provide that demo, I just watched it ;)

Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#15  25.07.2013 17:09:18

с ув.ваша пьяная Котя.....
Откуда: столько ботов ?
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Re: RedH00d

Если у товарища проблеммы с другими игроками возникают так часто , и он так яро пытается очернить всех и каждого в глазах общественности . Может проблемма не в других игроках :unsure:

Меня окружает множество хороших людей , но я им без боя не сдамся !
я тебе дам презерватив, передай его родителям и скажи чтобы больше так не делали



#16  13.08.2013 21:02:12

Откуда: Mars
Зарегистрирован: 28.02.2009
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Chrome 28.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 21/ -2 ]

Re: RedH00d

lol "totally naked women" = unacceptable, is this supposed to be a joke Dehu? :huh:

Отредактированно Harmony (13.08.2013 21:02:35)

Don't let yourself be blinded by anger or fear. Everything is only as it is. © Ginko



#17  13.08.2013 21:07:40

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 28.0

Re: RedH00d

Harmony написал:

lol "totally naked women" = unacceptable, is this supposed to be a joke Dehu? :huh:

when ur small brother or sister play inside u will really had the same opinion about it
am not gay btw :facepalm:



#18  14.08.2013 12:49:42

Нуб и бот
Откуда: Beer-Lean
Зарегистрирован: 06.12.2011
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Рейтинг :   [+ 18/ -6 ]
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Re: RedH00d

I like naked woman more than dressed... maybe it's just me.

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. (c) John Lennon



#19  15.08.2013 09:28:02

Откуда: india
Зарегистрирован: 28.04.2012
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Re: RedH00d

+1) ranmalit



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