Переезд сервера/Server is moving
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Правила игры на сервере(+Заявка на разбан)/Game Server's Rules(+Ban appeal form)
Till recently everything was normal when suddenly my game started lagging!!! I dont know the reason why!!!
Plzzzzzzz help me!!! I really want to play!!!
Thnx for the help in advance!!
http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3417 read this topic and think what you need to do first
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\THEDEADMANs>tracert cs.iptcom.net
Tracing route to cs.iptcom.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 * 14 ms 8 ms
2 13 ms 11 ms 21 ms vad-core01.youbroadband.in []
3 21 ms 25 ms 20 ms [59.16
4 15 ms 23 ms 15 ms
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 168 ms 148 ms 165 ms if-9-5.tcore1.WYN-Marseille.as6453.net [80.231.2
7 136 ms 194 ms 139 ms if-8-1600.tcore1.PYE-Paris.as6453.net [80.231.21
8 140 ms 152 ms 149 ms if-2-2.tcore1.PVU-Paris.as6453.net [
9 154 ms 157 ms 158 ms if-5-2.tcore1.FR0-Frankfurt.as6453.net [80.231.1
10 141 ms 154 ms 147 ms
11 192 ms 182 ms 184 ms ae17-3.RT.NTL.KIV.UA.retn.net []
12 175 ms 174 ms 179 ms GW-VegaTelecom.retn.net []
13 * * 185 ms core-0-po1-271dot1q.kiev.ucomline.net [93.178.23
14 193 ms 191 ms * metro-gw1.kiev.ucomline.net []
15 194 ms 195 ms 212 ms catagi01-ext.optima.ua []
16 185 ms 176 ms 177 ms gigamot-ext.iptelecom.net.ua []
17 185 ms 176 ms 177 ms counterl9.iptelecom.net.ua []
18 186 ms 182 ms 179 ms cs.iptcom.net []
Trace complete.
Hi logan,
I just say, too bad network connection. interesting part is your hop no. 4 which produce 15ms and after that no.5 offline and no.6 produce 165ms
I think nothing wrong in your game and PC. problem is your Internet service provider same as mine in these days.
net_graph 2
and check what fps is there on lags
gemini написал:
after that no.5 offline and no.6 produce 165ms
That's normal for India-France route
And how ping changes on same graph when lagging? Make a couple of screens
Hey guys HELP... i have big problem. Almost every time when I'm trying to spray bullets near the enemy, my rifle stops shooting after a few shots (only with a some weapons). Then I have to release fire and press again the mouse button to keep shooting. And it's very annoying, because in close combat it's impossible to kill someone... my mouse works great and I don't have lags at all, only in this case... What's wrong? Thankss....
Отредактированно tHe_kInG (06.12.2013 04:06:19)
Clean up your config file , only reason i see here is some aliases to make your shooting more accurate =\
well, I and king are facing the same problem..
specially in weapons like m4, deagle and famas...
its just like burst-fire..
I've asked many other players too including swing...he sometimes feels the same problem...but he stated that there are server updates going on..it'l fix in sometime...
so I would like to know...is there anything such or its a personal config problem?
Yeah man it's a same thing. It does not happen everytime but more often, usually with weapons glock, ak47, m4, famas, ump, m249, etc... I hope that this will somehow be solved... at least I'm not the only one...
tHe_kInG написал:
Hey guys HELP... i have big problem. Almost every time when I'm trying to spray bullets near the enemy, my rifle stops shooting after a few shots (only with a some weapons). Then I have to release fire and press again the mouse button to keep shooting. And it's very annoying, because in close combat it's impossible to kill someone... my mouse works great and I don't have lags at all, only in this case... What's wrong? Thankss....
this problem happening to all players almost.. i hear from shunk that they are upgrading the server and we should wait until 15 of NOV or DEC do solve it.. am not sure
i was about to post a topic regarding this.. when u shoot continually the weapons lagging too much especially M4 and Ak..
i think after the server upgrade we should do something to our cl_updaterate 101 + cl_cmdrate 101 settings
i would appreciate any help and if there is a steps to do so plz post a new topic like: "how to solve weapons lag" so that everyone can see it..
Try to :
1) Delete all your cfg files , including config.cfg and userconfig.cfg let the CS make them new , or reinstall CS in new folder.
2) Play on other servers with similar latency see if this lag happen only on IPT .
3) Make sure you have ~100 fps . Type in console "fps_max 101" and "net_graph 3" in right corner look for fps and amount of choke and loss for sometime while you playing . Post results here .
4) Check your PC in matter of viruses .