банно деталио
Nickname: T2
SteamID: VALVE_0:0:1258406592
Steam Community ID: 76561200477078912
IP address:
Ban type: SteamID
Reason: Aimbot
Invoked on: 24.09.2013 - 00:43:44
Expires on: 08.10.2013 - 00:43:44 (1 Week 6 Days 22 Hours 59 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | zlo.Skunk
Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency (de_dust2)
Total expired bans: 0
Kicks: 7
Direct link: http://www.cs.iptcom.net#!cs_banlist?
Please unban me, I dont use cheats here is a demo
http://rapidshare.com/share/6FF70DE4714 … 9DBC9DF15A
I reduced your ban time, change ban reason to "Ping limit violation" but not remove it completely.
You should repair your internet connection. That's why other players and me thought you using aimbot.
The ban will be expired tomorrow.
I hope this time is enough to make your internet better.
Mac, use your well known nick plz or reports about you will be continued and continued.
mac-10 написал:
But my ping is 70-100 what i need to fix ??
Yes, usually. And that's OK.
But you latency was 60-120 that day. I saw it myself.
It causes all your moves to be very sharp, like aimbot.
Did you feel any lags?
I'd recommend you check route trace from your computer to server when your latency start to jump.
You can can use WinMTR for example.
If latency increases before your internet provider main gate, ask them about it.
If after, you can do nothing.
It can be sometimes due to distance between our countries and current internet channel overload.
I'm sorry to say that, but we can ban you when your latency start jumping for other players comfort.
Then don't ! If you have such issues , better don't play at this server . I am sure that "problem" you have , you can solve in minutes . So ask yourself what its going to be ban on server for ping issues , or you can solve your problem before entering the server to play
Or you can play in WOW
maybe WOT?
yes mac wireless connection can cause lags and yes other pc on the same internet connection can also cause lags
so try to use ethernet cables instead and try to play when other users are not using the internet.