AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
I almost newer report someone 4 low skill, and im much better player then u...I have never said that im better player then u.
I do not know what's in your head to say that, i know myself.AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
was miss click
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
i called this "missclick" .
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
its was banale mistake
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
again it was missclick...
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
thats was "miss clik"
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
I got bind on "kick" and sometimes make mistakes
Bro, u reported player in 1st round in game, 4one episode, do u think normal if i report u 4that in next game? 4one episode? Or u truehardgamer to solve who low skill who not low skill, i have my opinion, u cant reported someone 4one round in game... Even i not report player 4one round in game...
I have seen that he is not sure of he know the game
they are task.
Do u think its normal that u (keep) makes mistakes on kick?
now my eyes on you.
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
and not only u, many other players but they dont cry on forum
there are afraid to come here to discuss
if u think that im the player of makes mistakes
whats then about yours MISTAKES? Change starts with yourself.
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
u not need to show that u are irreverent
i have also played with that player in the map befor,
I've seen what I should see for report.
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
was miss click
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
i called this "missclick" .
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
its was banale mistake
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
again it was missclick...
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
thats was "miss clik"
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
I got bind on "kick" and sometimes make mistakes
Px написал:
Игрок: [OttoMan].Corban
Low Skill
nya stop report players 4 low skill!
Its not missclick, its was warning 4 stop reporting players 4 low skill, it comes to you Rise too:P .
всех забанить, и Раю тоже
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
stop report players 4 low skill!
If they want effectively kill online and make this server empty - so be it
Да там одни про. Переведите им, что нужно быть терпеливее к слабым игрокам.
Как правило, банят за лоу тогда, когда ты сам уже мёртв и смотришь, как кто-то тупит. Ну так может самому играть получше и не умирать, как неудачник? Переведите им это тоже.
Если я не в теме, то прошу прощения. У меня по английскому было 3 по пятибальной, и то, я списывал.
Отредактированно skvid (09.11.2014 19:40:52)
Я ни в коем случае не хочу им мешать. И даже более того. Желаю им по больше слабых игроков на сервере, дабы раздавая по 3-5 хэдшотов за раунд, чувствовать себя богом сиэс. Ну а как ещё выигрывать с тройным счётом?
Does it take so long to give decision? Injustice. He made so many mistakes, do you not see that? mb will you not see that?
Need he more more write that he acceptance hes mistakes?
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
was miss click
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
i called this "missclick" .
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
its was banale mistake
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
again it was missclick...
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
thats was "miss clik"
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
I got bind on "kick" and sometimes make mistakes
I am trying to explain here that he so many mistakes made
do you think it can?
And you never get a decision.
Maybe you do not accept that he have done that?
Maybe you do not want to believe it?
I am trying to explain here that he so many mistakes made
Nope, it is not what you are doing
Promote Angel I'd say, he already explained why he kicked him, Corban because "he reported a player for low skill and that player played for just one round" and Corban claimed "i have also played with that player in the map befor," but player's first and last seen shows otherwise and it's on the Angel's side. So yeah, Angel is truly adequate and took the case very lightly, good on him
Polkovnik написал:
He said that i reported a player in 1round of map, Yes its true but
i have also played with that player in the map befor,
I've seen what I should see for report.
If the reported Player think its wrong reported he can complaints on forum, he not need to kick for that after he so many times kicked me. He has not given any caveat be for he kicked me.
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
http://www.cs.iptcom.net/stats/player.php?id=4436505 rly?
with that player had i played in map Nuke.
u kicked me in dust_2 after i reported "unnamed"
what you say and what you do does not match.
You doing injustice.
Two week ago in de map Aztec u kicked "Cris" without any reason. he was in u team "T" i was "CT" im sure he didnt do something.
u find comic to kick some players? U have so more players kicked for nothing, i have personally witnessed. I do not remember them all.
now my eyes on you.
Ahaha, im always kicks 4 no particular reason, live with it ...
Сервер: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Игрок: Dekan Sanya
i just play 5 min and got banned
Screenshots: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fi … 6394914117
Походу Саня встрял минимум до конца года =с)))
Nickname: Dekan Sanya
Reason: Low Skill
Invoked on: 12.12.2014 - 23:39:18
Expires on: 09.01.2015 - 23:39:18 (3 Weeks 6 Days 17 Hours 43 Minutes remaining)
Мэрри Клизмас или С новым годом пошёл нафиг =с)