Hey pride px..are u online..bro..when i am unban?... please please please pride...i am not a cheater ...i am the one who say all players not to use cheats...i have no intension to hurt anyone..it was just my unawareness that i report....please forgive me...
indian army написал:
when i am unban?
I didn't decide yet, but not this week definitely
Dehumanizer написал:
Px написал:
No unban this week -> http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3765
well done he really deserve it..
i cant believe after wasting my time in his case he gets back from ban to make false reports against players !
Hey pride....i am like your younger brother.....unban me please...i apologise to all now...seriously bro i dont report next time..i am eagarly waiting to play...please please please ....pride r
Yeah mod...thanx.for ur support...i want to tell admin pride...that when i was banned first time...px ban me for low skill...and then 2nd time again banned for low skill...then 3rd time same reason...i dont know the meaning of low skill..thats why i report who is cheating.....but yesterday black shark mod tell me the meaning of low skill....pride bro...i m not lying....
Да разбань ты его. Он столько раз наизвинялся, что тошно уже.
В следующий раз месяцок другой посидит.
Px pride...bro...please i am regualr online to just hear from you one word..that is you are unbanne....hey bro unban me...no positive results
indian army написал:
Px pride...bro...please i am regualr online to just hear from you one word..that is you are unbanne....hey bro unban me...no positive results
You know he (Px) might change his decision not to unban you if you keep going to insist. So be patient ffs at least you are lucky he is considering to unban you which is really unusual of him to consider despite your previous bans for the same reason
Отредактированно Polkovnik (30.01.2015 17:56:48)
Polkovnik написал:
at least you are lucky he is considering to unban you which is really unusual of him
Ohh dehu....really ...thats a great news...thanx pride..for humble and kindness...love u
Polkovnik написал:
Stop making dumb ass
Pride bro...only 1 thing ...when i am unban...it still not responding
Hey admin pride...thanku very much...for unban...love u
Hey pride...i am connecting server...but it still saying that you are banned...
Merged all threads, on next thread creation you will be banned on forum
Polkovnik написал:
Dehumanizer написал:
consider it as a last chance for him
reasonHe need to apologise first to dumb_Zombie
Apologize to me for what??
dumb_Zombie написал:
Apologize to me for what??
Erm, he reported you...
BeeR | Observer написал:
Сервер: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Игрок: Indian Army [unbeatable]
OMG.. I dint even check my ban report properly.. Now you should apologize to me Indian Army [unbeatable].
3bl@CK SH@RK | MJD написал:
dumb_Zombie написал:
OMG.. I dint even check my ban report properly.. Now you should apologize to me Indian Army [unbeatable].
Hey dear admin pride...my ban length is expired tommorrow..but today i am connecting ipt server but it still not responding.. what to do pride??
indian army написал:
Hey dear admin pride...my ban length is expired tommorrow..but today i am connecting ipt server but it still not responding.. what to do pride??
Ok admin pride....i am waiting..