that ban was a false one too !! that bot emma !! i was busy so didnt go to appeal in forum !! pff everytime 1 of gets banned the other has to suffer ?? its better to change my isp to some stable one !
Yup.. you don't change.. I'm planning on geting Fiber by the end of APril bro...
What a IP ban structure this server has got .....
(But don't mean to critisize px or anyone just the software , no offence admin man-px bro (a.k.a Tolerant Man) )
Отредактированно ss (01.03.2015 10:10:34)
ss написал:
Yup.. you don't change.. I'm planning on geting Fiber by the end of APril bro...
What a ban policy this server has got .....
oh well.. atleast we’ll study for boards without ipt addiction
T@RN@D@ написал:
that ban was a false one too !! that bot emma !! i was busy so didnt go to appeal in forum !! pff everytime 1 of gets banned the other has to suffer ?? its better to change my isp to some stable one !
don't change it just believe that : the fate ( U + SS )
MOD написал:
don't change it just believe that : the fate ( U + SS )
True MOD... So True... Neva believed in fate.. But now..