Px написал:
More players you reporting for low skill - less players on server, think about it
Instead he think about it. why not you Removed "Low-Skill" report from reports menu as this is not needed any more as most of lowskills report you Denied.
ojas написал:
its a player choice to camp or not reporting for low skills just for camping is bullshit..... I also hate camping but camping is not low skill
Phir se padh chasma lagake.. Mai bola ki base camp jaise nuke me t spawn truck ke andar jaake camp.. Bahar hi nahi atha .. Usko low skill bola me
ojas написал:
its a player choice to camp or not reporting for low skills just for camping is bullshit..... I also hate camping but camping is not low skill
it's more than lowskill
you wanted to say "less than lowskill"?
Campers appropriate when activated or lying bomb. Or if you have left a little hit points. Or, if you are alone, against several players. But it should be done in the right place for a good result. It is desirable for this to occur only in extreme cases. Otherwise it's LOW SKILL! (Google, thanks for this translation)
Отредактированно skvid (23.07.2015 11:13:55)
skvid написал:
Campers appropriate when activated or lying bomb. Or if you have left a little hit points. Or, if you are alone, against several players. But it should be done in the right place for a positive result. It is desirable for this to occur only in extreme cases. Otherwise it's LOW SKILL!
(Google, thanks for translate)
А, дальше сами будете переводить!
Каааароч, фигс2 вы это перетранслейтите! В оригинале, это звучало так: "Кемперить уместно при активированной или лежащей бомбе. Либо если у тебя осталось мало hit points. Либо, если ты остался один, против нескольких игроков. Но делать это нужно в правильном для положительного результата месте. (Сломаете свои переводилки!)
Иначе, ты НУБ, лоускильщик, редиска, да и просто нехороший чечик.
Отредактированно skvid (23.07.2015 11:18:59)
skvid написал:
Campers appropriate when activated or lying bomb. Or if you have left a little hit points. Or, if you are alone, against several players. But it should be done in the right place for a good result. It is desirable for this to occur only in extreme cases. Otherwise it's LOW SKILL!
(Google, thanks for this translation)
yup . and learn English
PS : PX can u add report for high skill
Отредактированно MOD (23.07.2015 22:06:46)