#1  26.07.2015 09:49:19

Откуда: HeroLand
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automatic mouse sensitivity change

hi. i just downloaded whole cs from ipt site and when i enter into the game my mouse sensitivity changes i.e increases way too much automatically ( not during the gameplay , from the main screen itself ) and it s difficult to set to a adjustable one as my other cs i ve been playin till now had diff standard settin..  any suggestions ??? :unsure:

keep ©alm & just ®espwan !



#2  26.07.2015 11:44:09

☆Tester x64☆
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Re: automatic mouse sensitivity change

Open console with ~ and enter
sensitivity 0.1
If that would be too small, increase number till you get what you want

Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#3  26.07.2015 14:01:30

Откуда: HeroLand
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Re: automatic mouse sensitivity change

Px написал:

Open console with ~ and enter
sensitivity 0.1
If that would be too small, increase number till you get what you want

okay will try that :)

keep ©alm & just ®espwan !



#4  26.07.2015 14:07:15

Откуда: HeroLand
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Re: automatic mouse sensitivity change

:facepalm: that just changes my game sensitivity... anyway i ll try to find a correct sensitivity in this new one :laughing: if anyone else had this problem and fixed it please share it with me :bye:

keep ©alm & just ®espwan !



#5  09.08.2015 20:48:38

(~ DeAdMaN ~)
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Re: automatic mouse sensitivity change

T@RN@D@ написал:

:facepalm: that just changes my game sensitivity... anyway i ll try to find a correct sensitivity in this new one :laughing: if anyone else had this problem and fixed it please share it with me :bye:

no i dont have this problem :no::no:

Check your Boty Mouse and Boty Software instead :cool:



#6  10.08.2015 09:06:17

Откуда: HeroLand
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Re: automatic mouse sensitivity change

(~ DeAdMaN ~) написал:

T@RN@D@ написал:

:facepalm: that just changes my game sensitivity... anyway i ll try to find a correct sensitivity in this new one :laughing: if anyone else had this problem and fixed it please share it with me :bye:

no i dont have this problem :no::no:

Check your Boty Mouse and Boty Software instead :cool:

:facepalm: thnx fr enlightening me with ur genius answer

keep ©alm & just ®espwan !



#7  26.08.2015 23:16:58

The Gemini
Откуда: Pakistan
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Re: automatic mouse sensitivity change

Your sensitivity was changed itself to old settings because your game crashed that you reported in your first topic.

Follow this steps for save your settings

Open CS 1.6 > Set all of your settings except Video/Resolution. set your mouse sensitivity, keyboards keys, nick name, crusher etc. once you done just click Apply and quite the game one time by clicking QUITE.

Reopen the game and then change your resolution and video mode. upon applying this maybe restart your game OR some time it gave error message but video will be changed in all issue.

then reopen game and you will see your mouse sensitivity will show you at its setting place where you setup it.

Отредактированно gemini (26.08.2015 23:17:12)



#8  27.08.2015 07:07:51

Откуда: HeroLand
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Re: automatic mouse sensitivity change

gemini написал:

Your sensitivity was changed itself to old settings because your game crashed that you reported in your first topic.

Follow this steps for save your settings

Open CS 1.6 > Set all of your settings except Video/Resolution. set your mouse sensitivity, keyboards keys, nick name, crusher etc. once you done just click Apply and quite the game one time by clicking QUITE.

Reopen the game and then change your resolution and video mode. upon applying this maybe restart your game OR some time it gave error message but video will be changed in all issue.

then reopen game and you will see your mouse sensitivity will show you at its setting place where you setup it.

1st of all thnx for replying :).. But my old cs kept crashing.. So I downloaded a new one... In this cs the sensitivity of game does not change.. It's exactly where I keep.. But the whole pc control panel mouse setting sensitivity increases drastically.. And when I quit it comes back to normal when I access folders,browser etc...  Anyway I played and now I found a new sensitivity suiting me in this new cs ;)  and that topic of cs crashing was again with this new cs that I think I have solved now.. I replied in that topic to ur comment :)

keep ©alm & BreaK The Wall ! ©armoured titan



#9  28.08.2015 19:24:08

The Gemini
Откуда: Pakistan
Зарегистрирован: 18.06.2012
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Re: automatic mouse sensitivity change

Glad, your issue fixed.



#10  30.08.2015 11:00:40

на страже порядка
Зарегистрирован: 03.06.2012
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Re: automatic mouse sensitivity change

Save your config.cfg at folder cstrike.  And you will have the happiness!

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Секс или Сиес?! Миллионы мужчин сделали свой выбор! Скачать CS1.6 вы можете на нашем сайте http://www.cs.iptcom.net/#!cs_files



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