#1  18.10.2015 20:21:28

Откуда: HeroLand
Зарегистрирован: 11.02.2015
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why is this ban given ?

posting on request of my friend

Nickname:    |AgrEss!0n| sTorM
SteamID:    VALVE_0:0:1563654709
Steam Community ID:    76561201087575146
IP address:
Ban type:    SteamID
Reason:    Low Skill
Invoked on:    18.10.2015 - 18:13:51
Expires on:    25.10.2015 - 17:13:51 (6 Days 21 Hours 54 Minutes remaining)
Banned by:    BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px
Banned on:    Website
Total expired bans:    0
Kicks:    3
Direct link:    http://cs.iptcom.net#!cs_banlist?bid=155212

need to know the reason for this ban.

I'll write this just one time - instead of useless comments, provide proofs, or don't write at all © :ninja:



#2  18.10.2015 20:42:12

☆Tester x64☆
Откуда: Вишнёвый
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
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SeaMonkey 2.38
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Re: why is this ban given ?

Я поклоняюсь Святой Троице: Светлому, Тёмному и Нефильтрованному©



#3  20.10.2015 00:10:31

Откуда: IPT
Зарегистрирован: 03.08.2014
Сообщений: 314
Opera 32.0

Re: why is this ban given ?

and ban him for TF too :lol:

BTW PX u forget to remove killer rdddd ban !

"Sometimes when I'm talking, my words can't keep up with my thoughts. I wonder why we think faster than we speak. Probably so we can think twice.” ©Bill Watterson
“In my opinion, we don't devote nearly enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks.” ©Bill Watterson



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