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BeeR | Observer написал:
Сервер: IPT CS 1.6 Low Latency
Игрок: *Blitzkrieg*Tushar
Foul Language
What was wrong with this report? Please clarify
*Blitzkrieg*Tushar написал:
BeeR | Observer написал:
Сервер: IPT CS 1.6 Low Latency
Игрок: *Blitzkrieg*Tushar
Foul LanguageWhat was wrong with this report? Please clarify
the main reason for ignoring a report is because its false one, am not sure about ur guys case, but if we take action against Ukraine_style and it turned out that ur report is not valid, are u ready to take his place in ban list ?
Dehumanizer написал:
*Blitzkrieg*Tushar написал:
BeeR | Observer написал:
Сервер: IPT CS 1.6 Low Latency
Игрок: *Blitzkrieg*Tushar
Foul LanguageWhat was wrong with this report? Please clarify
the main reason for ignoring a report is because its false one, am not sure about ur guys case, but if we take action against Ukraine_style and it turned out that ur report is not valid, are u ready to take his place in ban list ?
Yes,I'm ready to face consequences but please investigate it..And do provide chat log if you think this report was wrong..thanks
*Blitzkrieg*Tushar написал:
Dehumanizer написал:
*Blitzkrieg*Tushar написал:
What was wrong with this report? Please clarify
the main reason for ignoring a report is because its false one, am not sure about ur guys case, but if we take action against Ukraine_style and it turned out that ur report is not valid, are u ready to take his place in ban list ?
Yes,I'm ready to face consequences but please investigate it..And do provide chat log if you think this report was wrong..thanks
ok then lets start with this question
what did he said to deserve your report ?
put in mind that ur report has been ignored by Px for a reason, am pretty sure its a valid reason so careful.
in other word u may consider the ignoring as a chance
Dehumanizer написал:
what did he said to deserve your report ?
This took place some days ago.So, I may not tell word to word correctly. It was IPT map, He was in ct and I in t..He died and I somehow killed last remaining 3 ct's..I said "hahahahaha"..He said"shut up"..I said"why shut up"..? He again made similar remark..Then map changed to dust 2...He said ' you are a f***king loser'.. I reported him...
Please provide chat logs to make it crystal clear..Thanks
*Blitzkrieg*Tushar написал:
Dehumanizer написал:
what did he said to deserve your report ?
This took place some days ago.So, I may not tell word to word correctly. It was IPT map, He was in ct and I in t..He died and I somehow killed last remaining 3 ct's..I said "hahahahaha"..He said"shut up"..I said"why shut up"..? He again made similar remark..Then map changed to dust 2...He said ' you are a f***king loser'.. I reported him...
Please provide chat logs to make it crystal clear..Thanks
ok then lets wait for chatlog
Оленi,Оленi не бритi i не голенi,оленi....
KLIK написал:
я в шоке
какие обидчивые малые
By the way, as far as I know, a player gets low skill ban for false report..Ukraine-style has a long list of false reports..why is he not in low skill ban then?
*Blitzkrieg*Tushar написал:
By the way, as far as I know, a player gets low skill ban for false report..Ukraine-style has a long list of false reports..why is he not in low skill ban then?
this is valid in case if the one who has been reported got banned, otherwise he wont get banned for low skill as his false reports is being ignore
Dehumanizer написал:
*Blitzkrieg*Tushar написал:
By the way, as far as I know, a player gets low skill ban for false report..Ukraine-style has a long list of false reports..why is he not in low skill ban then?
this is valid in case if the one who has been reported got banned, otherwise he wont get banned for low skill as his false reports is being ignore
I didn't understand..Can you elaborate please?
as you can see in the reports page, most of Ukraine-style reports regarding LS/TF/ is being ignored and consider as false reports, and the players Whose getting reported is not banned
in other word, no one will get banned for false report except if the player who got banned by false report complained here or if an admin was online and saw his false report, in this case he will be banned for low skill
okay..But rather than ignoring such TF/LS reports, why not see the reports and if they turn out to be false, warn/ban him for low skill?
Because, if some other player does such TF/LS report these many times, he will be banned for sure isn't it?..
How do you decide which reports to ignore and which reports to see( and bust the reported person or ban the reporter for low skill) ? Based on who is the player reporting it?
*Blitzkrieg*Tushar написал:
okay..But rather than ignoring such TF/LS reports, why not see the reports and if they turn out to be false, warn/ban him for low skill?
this question has been answered above 2 times, read the replies again.
Because, if some other player does such TF/LS report these many times, he will be banned for sure isn't it?..
rules applies for all players not only one, go back to the reports page u will find many ignored reports made by many players, ignoring a report considered as a public notice on forum (warning) by Admin to the player who is making false reports and this is one of the possible actions that can be taken.
How do you decide which reports to ignore and which reports to see( and bust the reported person or ban the reporter for low skill) ?
Administrators have the sole right to define users' guilt and decide on sanctions applied to violators.
Based on who is the player reporting it?
this also valid
Dehumanizer написал:
is being ignored
Dehumanizer написал:
and consider as false reports
Not really
Px написал:
Not really
correction plz
L 11/19/2015 - 09:45:19: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "/server" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:45:39: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "demisse?" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:45:48: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "smarty?" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:45:54: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "or zc?" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:48:07: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "ZCHI" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:48:20: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "sharma sahab" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:48:30: ".:R4G3:. | Z3r0 C00L<4184><VALVE_0:0:718272454><CT>" say "bolo tushar bhai"
L 11/19/2015 - 09:48:47: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "godblocker" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:50:11: "Ukraine_style<4147><STEAM_0:0:44857895><CT>" say "boti" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:50:12: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "hahahahahaha"
L 11/19/2015 - 09:50:18: "Ukraine_style<4147><STEAM_0:0:44857895><CT>" say "shut up"
L 11/19/2015 - 09:50:22: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "what?"
L 11/19/2015 - 09:50:30: "Ukraine_style<4147><STEAM_0:0:44857895><CT>" say "shut up"
L 11/19/2015 - 09:50:36: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "u shut up"
L 11/19/2015 - 09:50:50: "chilleankill<4170><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "pichula pa oce" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:50:56: "chilleankill<4170><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "voce" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:51:12: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "if i had ping of 4.."
L 11/19/2015 - 09:51:17: "Ukraine_style<4147><STEAM_0:0:44857895><CT>" say "maybe banned you"
L 11/19/2015 - 09:51:21: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "i wud be pro by now"
L 11/19/2015 - 09:51:24: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "lets see"
L 11/19/2015 - 09:51:33: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "go on..report"
L 11/19/2015 - 09:52:08: "Numberz<4153><STEAM_0:1:102516014><TERRORIST>" say "holisht"
L 11/19/2015 - 09:52:08: "*Blitzkrieg*Tushar<4179><VALVE_0:0:1942193304><TERRORIST>" say "dont threaten me with report...Uka"
PTB: (sayok) "OK" announcements are OFF.
PTB: (typesay) typesay usage is OFF.
L 11/19/2015 - 09:52:35: "Ukraine_style<4147><STEAM_0:0:44857895><CT>" say "you f...ing looser"
L 11/19/2015 - 09:53:06: "Numberz<4153><STEAM_0:1:102516014><TERRORIST>" say "pofecional hahahaha" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:53:14: "Ukraine_style<4147><STEAM_0:0:44857895><CT>" say "me?" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:53:22: "Ukraine_style<4147><STEAM_0:0:44857895><CT>" say "yes it is" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:53:30: "Numberz<4153><STEAM_0:1:102516014><TERRORIST>" say "diz bot AM PROF" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:53:41: "Ukraine_style<4147><STEAM_0:0:44857895><CT>" say "you loose" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:53:44: "Ukraine_style<4147><STEAM_0:0:44857895><CT>" say "er" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:53:50: "Numberz<4153><STEAM_0:1:102516014><TERRORIST>" say "yas" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:53:58: "Ukraine_style<4147><STEAM_0:0:44857895><CT>" say "and bot" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:54:03: "Numberz<4153><STEAM_0:1:102516014><TERRORIST>" say "ok\]" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:54:09: "Ukraine_style<4147><STEAM_0:0:44857895><CT>" say "ok" (dead)
L 11/19/2015 - 09:54:11: "Numberz<4153><STEAM_0:1:102516014><TERRORIST>" say "))"
Okay..Now that chatlog is there, please take action against the appropriate person
sFFolo4 написал:
*Blitzkrieg*Tushar написал:
please take action against the appropriate person
ban both
я ваши трубы шатал
sFFolo4 написал:
ban both
ok aimbot
Night-Expre$$ написал:
sFFolo4 написал:
*Blitzkrieg*Tushar написал:
please take action against the appropriate person
ban both
я ваши трубы шатал
не надо мою трубку трогать ей и так прекрасно!
Тема закрыта