#1  13.01.2016 15:09:34

indian army
Откуда: india
Зарегистрирован: 13.01.2015
Сообщений: 140
IE 6.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 3/ -0 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

hey hi admins pride and swing.. army here... please see this image

pride and swing now i have  tried all  things like install  new  window  on my pc but it still  not connecting any ipt website...  look this image shows  when i connect to ipt server..


Believe on urself and never give up :)



#2  15.01.2016 13:20:39

Зарегистрирован: 11.09.2010
Сообщений: 1014
Chrome 47.0

Re: hey hi admins pride and swing.. army here... please see this image

indian army написал:

like install  new  window

Have you checked your firewall after installing the new OS?
Maybe its blocking the connection.

Try to connect to other random seever and see if its working or giving you the same results.

Consider the environment, keep IPT clean :D



#3  15.01.2016 20:03:05

indian army
Откуда: india
Зарегистрирован: 13.01.2015
Сообщений: 140
Chrome 47.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 3/ -0 ]
Профиль  Вебсайт

Re: hey hi admins pride and swing.. army here... please see this image

Dehumanizer написал:

indian army написал:

like install  new  window

Have you checked your firewall after installing the new OS?
Maybe its blocking the connection.

Try to connect to other random seever and see if its working or giving you the same results.

Hello swing bro... bro other servers are working.. only ipt servers are not connecting... and firewall is also off.. and swing i also msg to px but i think he is not online.. swing do something man.. call px... i think px is busy and not replying... :(

Believe on urself and never give up :)



#4  15.01.2016 20:52:28

Зарегистрирован: 28.05.2015
Сообщений: 288
Chrome 47.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 4/ -8 ]

Re: hey hi admins pride and swing.. army here... please see this image

indian army написал:

call px


You feel you now have control, don't you? You think you will walk away untested. I promise that my work will continue. That I have ensured. By hearing this tape, some will assume that this is over, but I am still among you. You think it's over just because I am dead. It's not over. The games have just begun..



#5  19.01.2016 02:14:53

Alan UK
Зарегистрирован: 03.09.2008
Сообщений: 667
Chrome 45.0
Рейтинг :   [+ 13/ -3 ]

Re: hey hi admins pride and swing.. army here... please see this image

Dehumanizer написал:

Try to connect to other random seever and see if its working or giving you the same results.

Why bother giving him advice, weren't we dying to see him in ban for the punishment he avoided before? :laughing:



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