Hey Admin. AWPenheimer here......i'm added to the ban list by player name "Alan UK" .......for no reason !! i'm playing in Psycho's clan as Warlords | AWPenheimer ..........A player named "Hamza" was cheating in cs so i said my friend "Kasim" who is in Ikon Clan to check that player,after he got reported i witnessed another player cheating named "Alan UK" who recently changed his nick from "Shitriano Shitnaldo".when i told Kasim to report him he started threating my friend and i just stood up for him and said that his behaviour is intolerable and i'll report him myself.....Infact he abused and insult me saying im a crybaby and as i remember has abused another player named Tobas or something....Kasim also told him that if he spoke any foul language from now then he will report him.......then just like that i got banned.....and it flashed that i was added to the banned list....i strongly believe that "Alan UK" has banned me...PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.....im playing in this server for about 3 yrs and i have neither cheated nor spoke any foul language to any of the player in my life......PLEASE UNBAN ME....and please do something about that player
Отредактированно AWPenheimer (08.08.2016 00:54:10)
God, I didn't expect to see the complain about the minor insult and threat to a player... You should be thankful that I told him not to report me and I do that to anyone who is about to spectate me but you and Kasim were about to report me without full observation..
On the other hand I find the title of this topic and complain very ironic, after looking at the chat log I spotted few good things from you and kasim during my visit and yet it is acceptable to threat me to report for foul and cheat
L 08/07/2016 - 23:37:30: "|~ikon.~|KaSiM+<1709><VALVE_0:0:219992618><TERRORIST>" say "where the fuk did he go??" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:38:39: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "report hamza anyone"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:39:12: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "kasim can you report?"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:39:18: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "stfu"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:39:38: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "then report him bro "
L 08/07/2016 - 23:42:12: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "shitriano cheat too.......speed hack"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:43:25: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "man i'll report u shitriano"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:49:59: "KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><CT>" say "moter fukn laggs"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:54:56: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "alan still hack on?"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:55:24: "Alan UK<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><CT>" say "report me then we will see" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:55:39: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "man youre nobody"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:57:50: "KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><TERRORIST>" say "alan speek gud or else foul language report coming up" You should take your own advice Kasim
PS: I usually turn a blind eye on these such things but you asked for this
Отредактированно Alan UK (08.08.2016 02:53:35)
Awpen u r not good at spectating.. U call every other guy whose nick is new to u as a hacker.. Still if u wanna report, then do it urself. if not leave it to the ones who do.
U Might wanna do a quick read on the game server rules.
Great!!! You got banned on the 1st day you joined the clan!!! BTW Alan UK is also a WarLord himself. And I told you not to use foul language when I gave you the clan cfg.file, using it(abusive words) in short form(st*u) is also forbidden in IPT servers. I myself report for using such kind off words. Best thing is you spec for yourself and then report if you are sure he is a cheat. Anyway I suggest you to apologize to Alan and Admins and they(Admins) may consider to reduce your ban.
Alan UK,seems you gave my entire convo bro....but where is you conversation saying im a crybaby....Oh wait i remember it all "Ur a crybaby go have some milk
".I believe psycho that is an insult too and i felt bad for it...Alan why you gotta insult everybody and THREATEN players..cuz i also remember you telling to KASIM "Report me and you'll see what i do to u tomorrow
".I didnt do any wrong because you were legit cheating and as player my responsibility is to report a cheater but as i dont know how to report i say to other players who knows how to report(i have an outadated client so i cant report, and also im a non-steamer so that patch wont work for me).And for the word "st*u", i got really devastated when you texted Hamza the heart sign, i cant tolerate anyone who is encouraging a hacker or showing sympathy to him.....At last i just wanna say that i dont have any hard feelings for you, but you should really learn how not be rude to other players.
Отредактированно AWPenheimer (08.08.2016 11:00:32)
i accept my fault not to spec first but when i tell someone is playing with a hack i really mean it because i make it sure first..............but sometimes i just say someone like u playing with hack just to insert some fun nd hoping you dont take it seriously but if it bothers you i'm really sorry for that i wont do that again.
Hey Psycho,
i agree that i used foul language but many others skilled players like "charlie_oscar" and some uses word like that but i dont point finger at them because i know they dont mean it and so am i....i didnt mean it bro and if you feel that i have done anything bad then dont feel any hesitation to remove me from your clan...who knows maybe i deserved it.
I said you were speed hack cuz on the map Aztec_fire, when i went to shoot you, you were already standing there which i dont believe can be done without cheat so i said KASIM to report you
AWPenheimer написал:
Hey Psycho,
i agree that i used foul language but many others skilled players like "charlie_oscar" and some uses word like that but i dont point finger at them because i know they dont mean it and so am i....i didnt mean it bro and if you feel that i have done anything bad then dont feel any hesitation to remove me from your clan...who knows maybe i deserved it.
Don't do anything because others are doing it man. If you don't mean it then don't use it bro, as simple as that. And about Alan UK he is not a cheater.
Okay Psycho,Alan UK is not a cheater, but he can say it politely, not by threating people about what he can do to them.Why he gotta be so rude to peoples.
AWPenheimer написал:
Alan UK,seems you gave my entire convo bro....but where is you conversation saying im a crybaby....Oh wait i remember it all "
Ur a crybaby go have some milk
".I believe psycho that is an insult too and i felt bad for it...Alan why you gotta insult everybody and THREATEN players..cuz i also remember you telling to KASIM "Report me and you'll see what i do to u tomorrow
".I didnt do any wrong because you were legit cheating and as player my responsibility is to report a cheater but as i dont know how to report i say to other players who knows how to report(i have an outadated client so i cant report, and also im a non-steamer so that patch wont work for me).And for the word "st*u", i got really devastated when you texted Hamza the heart sign, i cant tolerate anyone who is encouraging a hacker or showing sympathy to him.....At last i just wanna say that i dont have any hard feelings for you, but you should really learn how not be rude to other players.
I didn't realised encouraging a cheater with the 'heart' symbol meant you so much despite I was just having fun with the reporters smh. If you are so sensitive about these things, I suggest you not to pay attention...
Anyway, if you are so concerned about the conversation, why did you not include your side of faults in your complain to make fairly unbiased debate?
I didn't deny what I said but as I've said I regard those as 'minor' but your response towards to me was rather repulsive. Perhaps you might want to revisit the chat log yourself...
AWPenheimer написал:
Okay Psycho,Alan UK is not a cheater, but he can say it politely, not by threating people about what he can do to them.Why he gotta be so rude to peoples.
Perhaps you should look at your own problem and then give advice? Even if you do, it doesn't mean anything to me, I do remain silent most of my visit.
L 08/07/2016 - 23:36:22: "Shitriano Shitnaldo 7<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><TERRORIST>" say "Hamza pro!" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:36:25: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "hamza isnt clean" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:36:28: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "report him" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:36:33: "|AgrEss!0n| atomic<1595><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "pro waller " (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:36:36: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "yeah xD"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:36:52: "Shitriano Shitnaldo 7<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><TERRORIST>" say "go Hamza, kill the crybabies!"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:37:11: "|AgrEss!0n| atomic<1595><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "hh" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:37:17: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "xD kasim bro" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:37:30: "|~ikon.~|KaSiM+<1709><VALVE_0:0:219992618><TERRORIST>" say "where the fuk did he go??" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:37:41: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "xD" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:37:43: "|AgrEss!0n| atomic<1595><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "bb all gn"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:37:48: "|~ikon.~|KaSiM+<1709><VALVE_0:0:219992618><TERRORIST>" say "bb\"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:38:39: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "report hamza anyone"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:39:12: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "kasim can you report?"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:39:13: "Shitriano Shitnaldo 7<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><CT>" say "good hamza"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:39:18: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "stfu"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:39:20: "|~ikon.~|KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><CT>" say "yes"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:39:38: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "then report him bro "
L 08/07/2016 - 23:39:44: "|~ikon.~|KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><CT>" say "done"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:40:12: "|~ikon.~|KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><CT>" say "done"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:40:35: "Shitriano Shitnaldo 7<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><TERRORIST>" say "hamza <3"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:41:42: "|~ikon.~|KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><CT>" say "lagging"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:41:44: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "shitriano hamza gone "
L 08/07/2016 - 23:42:12: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "shitriano cheat too.......speed hack"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:42:59: "Shitriano Shitnaldo 7<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><TERRORIST>" say "kasim dare to report me ure gone for 2 weeks"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:43:25: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "man i'll report u shitriano"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:43:31: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "dont scare him"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:43:36: "KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><CT>" say "i have all ready"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:43:52: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "then report him"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:44:24: "KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><CT>" say "okay hes a frnd"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:44:32: "KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><CT>" say "off speed hack alan"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:44:32: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "okay"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:45:32: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><CT>" say "alan uk plz turn off hack"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:45:53: "Alan UK<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><TERRORIST>" say "CS dont block stupid" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:46:56: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "damn kasim let me kill the bots first " (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:46:57: "KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><CT>" say "wtf??"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:47:16: "eMorreu<1722><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "ta de hasck" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:48:29: "KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><CT>" say "awp you r luky dude me lagging"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:49:09: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "xD kasim sure bro im lucky " (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:49:17: "KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><CT>" say "yas"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:49:19: "Alan UK<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><TERRORIST>" say "and a crybaby topo"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:49:59: "KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><CT>" say "moter fukn laggs"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:50:01: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "shit he saw me P"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:50:08: "Graczynski<1731><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "hi"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:50:24: "Alan UK<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><TERRORIST>" say "/hp" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:50:32: "Graczynski<1731><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "hi" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:50:33: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "hi graczynski"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:51:56: "Graczynski<1731><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "ahhahaha" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:52:00: "Graczynski<1731><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "kasim" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:52:17: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "kasim is on fire now "
L 08/07/2016 - 23:53:10: "Graczynski<1731><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "haha" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:53:30: "Alan UK<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><CT>" say "Timeleft"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:54:49: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "wtf" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:54:56: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "alan still hack on?"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:55:04: "Alan UK<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><CT>" say "/hp" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:55:24: "Alan UK<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><CT>" say "report me then we will see" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:55:39: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "man youre nobody"
*DEAD* Alan UK : says the crybaby
L 08/07/2016 - 23:56:05: "Alan UK<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><CT>" say "says the crybaby" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:56:10: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "so dont scare people" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:56:15: "KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><TERRORIST>" say "stop fighting"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:56:22: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "im not fighting"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:56:43: "Alan UK<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><CT>" say "tell this crybaby to have a milk" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:56:50: ":.:War Lords:.: | AWPenheimer<1694><STEAM_ID_LAN><TERRORIST>" say "he really needs to work on his behaviour kasim"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:56:51: "KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><TERRORIST>" say "shutup"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:57:09: "Alan UK<1695><VALVE_0:0:502898870><CT>" say "/hp" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:57:15: "X9<1740><VALVE_0:0:1406508582><CT>" say_team "alan?" (dead)
L 08/07/2016 - 23:57:50: "KaSiM+<1716><VALVE_0:0:219992618><TERRORIST>" say "alan speek gud or else foul language report coming up"
L 08/07/2016 - 23:58:59: "X9<1744><VALVE_0:0:1406508582><TERRORIST>" say "/hp" (dead)
now the entire convo is here Alan UK...everyone can see this by themselves.
Отредактированно AWPenheimer (08.08.2016 13:40:30)
and bdw Alan UK....if you describe your words as a minor thing then mine is also as minor as you.......I guess this dosent count as Foul language but humiliating other players and that's also is against the server's rule.
AWPenheimer написал:
and bdw Alan UK....if you describe your words as a minor thing then mine is also as minor as you.......I guess this dosent count as Foul language but humiliating other players and that's also is against the server's rule.
ok sensitive player, point me out the servers' rules where it is forbidden to 'humiliate' and 'insult' on the base of behaviour?
check the server rules.
AWPenheimer написал:
check the server rules.
I knew you will mention that but that's a forum rules
and again point me out the servers' rules that I have humiliated others on the base of behaviour...
http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/viewtopi … 984#p33984
go there and check yourself.
AWPenheimer написал:
.I didnt do any wrong because you were legit cheating and as player my responsibility is to report a cheater
except he wasnt cheating. So that makes u wrong ?
AWPenheimer написал:
i cant tolerate anyone who is encouraging a hacker or showing sympathy to him
Seriously ?
AWPenheimer написал:
i accept my fault not to spec first
then y all the fuzz ?
AWPenheimer написал:
if it bothers you i'm really sorry
It hasn't . Till now
AWPenheimer написал:
i tell someone is playing with a hack i really mean it because i make it sure first
a few times u've threatened/accused me as well when i was in a different nick
AWPenheimer написал:
http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/viewtopi … 984#p33984
go there and check yourself.
Hmm, I sense the defeat from you (well you already gave up anyway) you can't even back up your own statement...
Отредактированно Alan UK (08.08.2016 16:35:12)
T@RN@D@ написал:
AWPenheimer написал:
.I didnt do any wrong because you were legit cheating and as player my responsibility is to report a cheater
except he wasnt cheating. So that makes u wrong ?
AWPenheimer написал:
i cant tolerate anyone who is encouraging a hacker or showing sympathy to him
Seriously ?
AWPenheimer написал:
i accept my fault not to spec first
then y all the fuzz ?
AWPenheimer написал:
if it bothers you i'm really sorry
It hasn't . Till now
AWPenheimer написал:
i tell someone is playing with a hack i really mean it because i make it sure first
a few times u've threatened/accused me as well when i was in a different nick
"i'm gonna report you" how is that a threaten &
"Kasim report me and you are gone in 2 weeks" , how's that not a threaten
And speaking of Cheating Tornado......why cant he simply tell others that he isnt cheating and end all the fuzz there?......Instead why he gotta bann me to show dominance and to show that he can do whatever he want.
Отредактированно AWPenheimer (08.08.2016 17:04:26)
OK.... i get it ,
At the end i will be mis-understood and have to accept my fault while you all support Alan for banning me.
So be it, i'm ending this whole fuzz here and is ready to suffer the 3 weeks bann.
If i have bothered anybody this whole time, i'm really sorry for that.This wont happen again.
Отредактированно AWPenheimer (08.08.2016 17:09:47)