Переезд сервера/Server is moving
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Правила игры на сервере(+Заявка на разбан)/Game Server's Rules(+Ban appeal form)
Px написал:
AWPenheimer написал:
I'm new here so i dont know in which category should i report when someone is using a hack
You shouldn't report anyone till you get at least some skill
okay i accept my fault, but can't it happen that when i was gonna report him he turned off the hack and due to which led my report as false?
AWPenheimer написал:
Px написал:
AWPenheimer написал:
I'm new here so i dont know in which category should i report when someone is using a hack
You shouldn't report anyone till you get at least some skill
okay i accept my fault, but can't it happen that when i was gonna report him he turned off the hack and due to which led my report as false?
cuz i swear, i legit saw him throwing 2 smoke grenades in the tunnel at the bombsite b of the dust2 map.
my intentions wasnt to report any admin or innocent player.
AWPenheimer написал:
can't it happen that when i was gonna report him he turned off the hack and due to which led my report as false?
Is there a limit to ur dumbness???
P. S : sffolo is a moderator (simplified, in game admin)
Just dont report anyone from now even if he/she is hacking. Its in everyone's best interest
Отредактированно T@RN@D@ (15.08.2016 18:24:10)
Отредактированно Px (02.11.2016 15:21:38)
Son, I have been in this server for about 5 years now! number of reports I have made: only 2, proudly.
Why the small number?
I don't report for silly reasons like most cases of reporting!
I hate to see people go berserk with the report command, it's ridiculous!
You're doing it! and you're not the first to do that.
Do you enjoy playing alone on the server!
If you think someone should get banned for throwing two smoke grenades, then smoke must be giving you allergy or diarrhea.
In such cases, I think you should be banned for Abnormal Behaviour
AWPenheimer написал:
AWPenheimer написал:
Px написал:
You shouldn't report anyone till you get at least some skillokay i accept my fault, but can't it happen that when i was gonna report him he turned off the hack and due to which led my report as false?
cuz i swear, i legit saw him throwing 2 smoke grenades in the tunnel at the bombsite b of the dust2 map.
my intentions wasnt to report any admin or innocent player.
maybe someone pass him 2nd smoke granade to throw
Sad-Flute написал:
maybe someone pass him 2nd smoke granade to throw
He picked it up from teammate body
Px написал:
AWPenheimer написал:
I'm new here so i dont know in which category should i report when someone is using a hack
You shouldn't report anyone till you get at least some skill
cant PX ban him from reporting?
Awpen, the punishment for false report is much less than than the punishment given for....
Alan UK написал:
Where is the Forum patrol (Slip) when it is needed!?
Peoples learn after getting this ban to be more careful !!
I get 1 ban for wh when I was newbie and didn't know about Fourm and 2 LowSkill I reported sFFolo4 for wh
every one making mistakes ! Just be careful next time
76561198279787553 my steam id my name !ND!@N S0!LDER #HERO!C #D@R!NG plz someone tell me why i am ban i havent used any hack plz unban me............