Переезд сервера/Server is moving
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Архів усіх фоток - http://www.cs.iptcom.net/photo/2023.06.24.7z
Ого, 2023 рік, Рх вже на мову перейшоффф Нема нікого кращого за путіна в у справі популіризації укр мови! Нема худа...
skvid написал:
Нема нікого кращого за путіна в у справі популіризації укр мови!
Насправді я давно збирався, і перейшов за 3 тижні до повномасштабного вторгнення .
В тебе хоч більш-меньш все добре? Форум нажаль мертвий, тільки я інколи перевіряю схоже, а так сидимо в напів-мертвому вайбер-чаті
Px написал:
skvid написал:
Нема нікого кращого за путіна в у справі популіризації укр мови!
Насправді я давно збирався, і перейшов за 3 тижні до повномасштабного вторгнення .
В тебе хоч більш-меньш все добре? Форум нажаль мертвий, тільки я інколи перевіряю схоже, а так сидимо в напів-мертвому вайбер-чаті
I too check forum sometimes.
Px написал:
skvid написал:
Нема нікого кращого за путіна в у справі популіризації укр мови!
Насправді я давно збирався, і перейшов за 3 тижні до повномасштабного вторгнення .
В тебе хоч більш-меньш все добре? Форум нажаль мертвий, тільки я інколи перевіряю схоже, а так сидимо в напів-мертвому вайбер-чаті
Forum can be revived if our good'ol IPT servers are back
psycho написал:
Who is who?
Not all people want to have even nicknames attached to their photos, so I just give a list of them in general order, and you may try to guess
s0rr0w, his wife and daughter, Slip, Louie, bo4ua, me and my wife, Cutter Slade, Buldog, her daughter and son
psycho написал:
Forum can be revived if our good'ol IPT servers are back
It is easy to do the hardware part, install or rent, but there are people needed who will run all of this. I actually discussed this with Slip on this meeting, explaining him what needs to be done.
Unfortunately, most of us moved away from CS, and have a lot of other stuff to do, not even taking ongoing war into account. If some group of people would organize itself, and would be ready to commit time for reviving the servers, it may work. If not, then - it was great time, but unfortunately it is in the past now.
Px написал:
psycho написал:
Who is who?
Not all people want to have even nicknames attached to their photos, so I just give a list of them in general order, and you may try to guess
s0rr0w, his wife and daughter, Slip, Louie, bo4ua, me and my wife, Cutter Slade, Buldog, her daughter and son
Okay, here's my guess - You are (SeaMonkey), Slip (Brooklyn Bridge), Louie (Earth), bo4ua (green t-shirt). And yeah I don't think I got it right so far
Px написал:
psycho написал:
Forum can be revived if our good'ol IPT servers are back
It is easy to do the hardware part, install or rent, but there are people needed who will run all of this. I actually discussed this with Slip on this meeting, explaining him what needs to be done.
Unfortunately, most of us moved away from CS, and have a lot of other stuff to do, not even taking ongoing war into account. If some group of people would organize itself, and would be ready to commit time for reviving the servers, it may work. If not, then - it was great time, but unfortunately it is in the past now.
Yeah, I understand. I'll ask some IPT contacts I have on facebook, maybe something good can come out of it
psycho написал:
And yeah I don't think I got it right so far
First 3 are correct