New active admins on IPT High Latency?
Total : 19
Этот хармоник интересуется только нашенским серверваком? Иль эт шпионскый спам...
Или это генератор случайных тем..бррррр
This harmonik wondered just nashenskim servervakom? Иль эт шпионскый спам... Ile al espionage spam ...
Или это генератор случайных тем..бррррр Or is it a random generator so .. brrrrr
What are you trying to say?
There are holidays, and if there are some more admins, they can be online on different times.
also if there are admins from other timezones, the one has free time when the other hasn't so, guess for yourself ho much the activity level of the admins will rise
Lol, look at the poll stats, its clearly more yes then ' No ' and if you say no, i can understand your opinion but give some powerful arguements then?
edit: get real, i dont see you play IPT High Latency, so dont talk like you know whats going on.
Отредактированно Harmony (18.07.2009 12:00:26)
Harmony написал:
its clearly more yes then ' No '
Really? It means something? Nope, there were dozen votings but a poor amount leaded to actions. All depeneds on administration which I don't represent.
Harmony написал:
give some powerful arguements
FoboS написал:
This topic was discussed a lot
search for those and you'll get arguments.
Harmony написал:
i dont see you play IPT High Latency
But I'm regular forum visitor and I've read a lot about this problem.
U Ha[|]uK 9 Ha4a/\ nucaTb 4To-To cepbe3Ho...
La Vita e bella!
FoboS написал:
U Ha[|]uK 9 Ha4a/ nucaTb 4To-To cepbe3Ho...
ГЗК (голос за кадром)
B )I(6AH написал:
Guess who's back!
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