#1  14.01.2010 13:15:37

Alan UK
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Need advice!

Has anyone know the release date of Intel Core i9 processor, the motherboard and prices as well?

Seems to me Google hasn't helped but it is anounced that will release in 2010


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#2  14.01.2010 13:41:43

☆Tester x64☆
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Re: Need advice!

If you asking about Intel Gulftown, then Q2 2010

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#3  14.01.2010 13:45:49

BeeR | zlo.
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Re: Need advice!

Насколько я знаю, Интел еще не опубликовала roadmap для desktop процессоров на 2010 год. Поэтому нет ни даты, ни цены.

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#4  14.01.2010 14:20:40

Alan UK
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Re: Need advice!

Px написал:

If you asking about Intel Gulftown, then Q2 2010

:shok: is that how it is specified? never realized

Btw what date and month will be released?

Отредактированно Polkovnik (14.01.2010 14:30:16)

Faith it truthfully helpful, Faith is truthfully supportive, Faith is truthfully defending you, as all accordance to the religion.  Whatever you wish any type of it, it will be succeeded at the end but all it's matter is time, have to be patient



#5  14.01.2010 14:27:56

Mr. Fairness
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Re: Need advice!

Skunk написал:

опубликовала roadmap для desktop

wtf??! (non official)
wtf?!! - 2
it is enough?!!!

Библия учит любить ближнего своего. Камасутра объясняет, как. Записная книжка подсказывает, кого. А органайзер напоминает, когда. (c) X3



#6  14.01.2010 21:11:51

BeeR | zlo.
Откуда: Киев
Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2006
Сообщений: 5525
Opera 10.10
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Re: Need advice!

Check Intel site and you'll see - no public roadmap for desktop processors ;)

Polkovnik написал:

Btw what date and month will be released?

The Date does not confirmed yet.

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#7  15.01.2010 01:58:17

Alan UK
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Re: Need advice!

Skunk написал:

Check Intel site and you'll see - no public roadmap for desktop processors ;)

Polkovnik написал:

Btw what date and month will be released?

The Date does not confirmed yet.

yee right, thanks :)

Faith it truthfully helpful, Faith is truthfully supportive, Faith is truthfully defending you, as all accordance to the religion.  Whatever you wish any type of it, it will be succeeded at the end but all it's matter is time, have to be patient



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