Nickname: [Practice]taE.m0
SteamID: VALVE_0:0:1148965301
Steam Community ID: 76561200258196330
IP address:
Ban type: SteamID
Reason: Nya!
Invoked on: 14.02.2013 - 21:47:43
Expires on: 14.03.2013 - 21:47:43 (3 Weeks 6 Days 23 Hours 55 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | Observer
Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency (de_arena_ipt2)
Total expired bans: 0
Kicks: 0
Direct link: #!cs_banlist?bid=116597
i already installed a new cs ...
thanks in advance..
Untouchable | taE.m0 написал:
i already installed a new cs ...
Just in two minutes after ban? You're fast!
i already had the file.. i just extrated it on a new folder..
TNX px..
[AMXBans] You have been banned from this Server by Admin BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px.
[AMXBans] There are 1 week , 6 days , 9 hours , 19 minutes and 19 seconds left of your ban.
[AMXBans] Banned Nickname : : . : War Lords : . : | tHe_kInG
[AMXBans] Reason : ' TeamAttack/TeamKill '
[AMXBans] You can complain about your ban @
[AMXBans] Your SteamID : ' VALVE_0 : 0 : 430699689 '
[AMXBans] Banned IP :
[AMXBans] Your IP : ' '
[AMXBans] ===============================================
Kicked : You are BANNED.
Please guys unban me i teamkilled that person by mistake, please never will happen again.....
Отредактированно tHe_kInG (21.02.2013 05:32:36)
tHe_kInG написал:
Please guys unban me i teamkilled that person by mistake, please never will happen again.....
provide demo
tHe_kInG написал:
What demo? Unban me Px, im baned first time ever, im clean player, i don't play everywhere, this is my home for last few years.... pleaseee Px im begging you.... … 942#p33942
Вам CS мешает встречаться с девушкой?
Тогда бросайте девушку!
try this on … o3.dem.bz2
all demos!cs_hltv
report (time) … 16#p135216
Отредактированно Serg1e (21.02.2013 23:30:10)
I have to get back in... please... clean means i dont cheat... i play here a few years ago, never broke the rules, i've never done anything wrong, pleaseeee forgive me once and for all...
You have been banned from this Server by Admin BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px.
Вам CS мешает встречаться с девушкой?
Тогда бросайте девушку!
tHe_kInG написал:
Please guys unban me i teamkilled that person by mistake
Really? So, you telling that it was not "Teamkill the Cheater!" case?
I never killed my team, i starting to improve my rank and clan and this happened.... and i have never been banned here for years of playing, that means something guys.... i love ur server so much... please px help me.... I will be much grateful... help me....
Then next time don't listen for Psycho and if you think that someone is cheating go to spectators and check carefully ! You screamed around that i am cheating and shooted at my back just while u get switched to my team . That also avoiding matter that u used bad words when u talked to me . So i think your ban time can be only increased instead :c)
I have not heard anyone, i had my own opinion i'm playing a long time cs, i admit now i'm wrong, sorry let's forget everything forgive me this time.... i see you have something against war lords team, i do not know why.... it does not matter for me... I just want back.... please Px.....
tHe_kInG написал:
i see you have something against war lords team
Only Kot u know i was a war lord but i quit because of Kot )))
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
You screamed around that i am cheating
Kot when u'll learn not to change nick all the time
tHe_kInG написал:
Will it make a difference...
It is, but you second time avoid answering my question and that makes me think that I was right, ban is completely fair and there are no reasons to remove it
Ok Px thank you for your time... I have big heart, and i don't hate people, don't hate you... You just do your job, I'll be waiting, no matter how hard for me....
man i like that avatar you know...
tHe_kInG написал:
man i like that avatar u know
stop sucking
Oh your posts are so informative , GhOst . Rather go and get some life instead
[wanted] Fox написал:
Rather go and get some life instead
i have,
:.:War Lords:.: | GhOst написал:
i have,
First Seen : 2012-10-06 16:16:17
Online Time: 489:25:24
490h / (7 - ±1(bantime) months) = ±80 hours per month . So you in CS playing more than i have working hours . And thats only in game . Connect here time on this forum and FaceBook group and youll get your full day job time ! Its looks to me that you obsessed with this game , and thats why i suggesting you to get a life
Отредактированно [wanted] Fox (24.02.2013 03:21:40)
Fox, i think it's very rude of you to say someone should get a life. Everyone can live their life as they want it, and especially now because he is grown up. I am sure he has his own idea of what is wrong or right. It is up to him how to fill the empty pages in his life. You should rather grow up and focus on your own life instead.
Отредактированно Harmony (24.02.2013 15:41:05)
Harmony написал:
Fox, i think it's very rude of you to say someone should get a life.
Its only suggestion , i didn't meant to be rude . Its all for hes own sake :c)
Harmony написал:
Fox, i think it's very rude of you to say someone should get a life. Everyone can live their life as they want it, and especially now because he is grown up. I am sure he has his own idea of what is wrong or right. It is up to him how to fill the empty pages in his life. You should rather grow up and focus on your own life instead.
Last edited by Harmony (Today 15:41:05)
[wanted] Fox написал:
So you in CS playing more than i have working hours . And thats only in game . Connect here time on this forum and FaceBook group and youll get your full day job time ! Its looks to me that you obsessed with this game , and thats why i suggesting you to get a life
yeah and so i thought, this is a nice time to take a break i have work for maybe 1-2 months and i'll leave CS maybe
P.S: thanks for ur care
see u after 2 months