Nickname: [Practice]taE.m0
SteamID: VALVE_0:0:1148965301
Steam Community ID: 76561200258196330
IP address:
Ban type: SteamID
Reason: Nya!
Invoked on: 14.02.2013 - 21:47:43
Expires on: 14.03.2013 - 21:47:43 (3 Weeks 6 Days 23 Hours 55 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | Observer
Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency (de_arena_ipt2)
Total expired bans: 0
Kicks: 0
Direct link: #!cs_banlist?bid=116597
i already installed a new cs ...
thanks in advance..
Untouchable | taE.m0 написал:
i already installed a new cs ...
Just in two minutes after ban? You're fast!
i already had the file.. i just extrated it on a new folder..
TNX px..
[AMXBans] You have been banned from this Server by Admin BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px.
[AMXBans] There are 1 week , 6 days , 9 hours , 19 minutes and 19 seconds left of your ban.
[AMXBans] Banned Nickname : : . : War Lords : . : | tHe_kInG
[AMXBans] Reason : ' TeamAttack/TeamKill '
[AMXBans] You can complain about your ban @
[AMXBans] Your SteamID : ' VALVE_0 : 0 : 430699689 '
[AMXBans] Banned IP :
[AMXBans] Your IP : ' '
[AMXBans] ===============================================
Kicked : You are BANNED.
Please guys unban me i teamkilled that person by mistake, please never will happen again.....
Отредактированно tHe_kInG (21.02.2013 05:32:36)
tHe_kInG написал:
Please guys unban me i teamkilled that person by mistake, please never will happen again.....
provide demo
tHe_kInG написал:
What demo? Unban me Px, im baned first time ever, im clean player, i don't play everywhere, this is my home for last few years.... pleaseee Px im begging you.... … 942#p33942
Вам CS мешает встречаться с девушкой?
Тогда бросайте девушку!
try this on … o3.dem.bz2
all demos!cs_hltv
report (time) … 16#p135216
Отредактированно Serg1e (21.02.2013 23:30:10)
I have to get back in... please... clean means i dont cheat... i play here a few years ago, never broke the rules, i've never done anything wrong, pleaseeee forgive me once and for all...
You have been banned from this Server by Admin BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px.
Вам CS мешает встречаться с девушкой?
Тогда бросайте девушку!
tHe_kInG написал:
Please guys unban me i teamkilled that person by mistake
Really? So, you telling that it was not "Teamkill the Cheater!" case?
I never killed my team, i starting to improve my rank and clan and this happened.... and i have never been banned here for years of playing, that means something guys.... i love ur server so much... please px help me.... I will be much grateful... help me....
Then next time don't listen for Psycho and if you think that someone is cheating go to spectators and check carefully ! You screamed around that i am cheating and shooted at my back just while u get switched to my team . That also avoiding matter that u used bad words when u talked to me . So i think your ban time can be only increased instead :c)
I have not heard anyone, i had my own opinion i'm playing a long time cs, i admit now i'm wrong, sorry let's forget everything forgive me this time.... i see you have something against war lords team, i do not know why.... it does not matter for me... I just want back.... please Px.....
tHe_kInG написал:
i see you have something against war lords team
Only Kot u know i was a war lord but i quit because of Kot )))
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
You screamed around that i am cheating
Kot when u'll learn not to change nick all the time
tHe_kInG написал:
Will it make a difference...
It is, but you second time avoid answering my question and that makes me think that I was right, ban is completely fair and there are no reasons to remove it
Ok Px thank you for your time... I have big heart, and i don't hate people, don't hate you... You just do your job, I'll be waiting, no matter how hard for me....
man i like that avatar you know...