Today "AHre" kick me again
i didnt done something or used but he kick me over and over again
im bored with that, i go just kill some and run to bombsite when i close with bombsite i hold shift en seen kicked
AHre had that done that befor 2 times and now again, after me he kick other one.
he must leave me alone!, in 1 one i didnt say something 2 time also but now i think that i need open my mouth
demo : 09.10.2014 20:16:18
If he kicked you without any reason then he have to explain here. otherwise PX will explain you because he is the only person who have authority to give and take Kick rights.
gemini написал:
If he kicked you without any reason then he have to explain here. otherwise PX will explain you because he is the only person who have authority to give and take Kick rights.
When enemy kill AHre, he kick hes team-mates to quick start next round
I saw 2 time he kicked you, there was another player called "War Loads::::Vaity96" asked him Why you kicked "Corban". he replied "for fun". I thought you both were made fun each other. otherwise i will get that into admins attention before you.
lets wait for Serege comments, and px too
Last kick was miss click i kick afk players... А так пару раз спецом кикал Корбана за тотальное кемперство и предупреждал его за это...
Last kick was miss click i kick afk players...
I expected this reply
А так пару раз спецом кикал Корбана за тотальное кемперство и предупреждал его за это..
Well, He is not always camp. he is playing his game same like you. but off-course you have low ping advantage that is the reason players mostly hide on spots in your wait. i m also doing the same.
But if you really think that Campers should be kick, then i never saw you kick "Sanya Dekan" OR "Super Bock" who always camp in whole rounds even Sanya Dekan camping in the base most of the times.
If u not saw that, dont mean thats not happened . If u not trust me look demo, Corban play in my team and i dont have any question to his game, its was banale mistake, i called this "missclick".
Отредактированно AHre/I u3 PA9I! (10.10.2014 19:37:09)
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
Last kick was miss click i kick afk players... А так пару раз спецом кикал Корбана за тотальное кемперство и предупреждал его за это...
okay, previous kicked? i was in inferno and i killed u 4 times i think, Without camp and u kicked me, i view the demo Vaity have asked to u ''did he used something?" and u said "4 low skills D"
Отредактированно Corban :P (10.10.2014 20:06:35)
Corban i newer kicked someone who killed me , i think its paranoia, i dont remember than i kicked u 4 kills me:laughing:, u can go to statistic and see that u not my concurent in cs... Corban 662 291 K-D 2.27 ... Реально Корбан сказочник, когда меня часто мочат я обычно говорю - тебе жопа(правда ему я точно такого не мог сказать
), и ищу чтобы отомстить, всегда иду на ту же позицию
, думаю тут не мало форумчан подтвердят
. Может где-то как в этот раз кикнул случайно , точно помню что за невыполнение миссии кикал его и предупреждал, он уже подумал что это заговор
. Тоже мне праплеер...
И то за кемперство я слапаю, кикаю только если слапаю, а игрок продолжает из раунда в раунд кемперить.
Отредактированно AHre/I u3 PA9I! (10.10.2014 23:25:39)
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
Corban i newer kicked someone who killed me
, i think its paranoia, i dont remember than i kicked u 4 kills me:laughing:, u can go to statistic and see that u not my concurent in cs... Corban 662 291 K-D 2.27
everyone haves sometimes bad gaming, i have u killed 4 times without camp im sure and u kicked me and u said "4 low skills D" on the ask of vaity.
I saw with my own eyes.
u still not remember?
Here Demo : 18.09.2014 18:38:00
I have recorded : …
watch it, i have killed u 4 times without camp, im transferred to ct and u kicked me vaity asked u and u said "4 low skills D"
а поднималась тема на счёт люстрирования админ состава
u still not remember?
Here Demo : 18.09.2014 18:38:00
I have recorded : …
watch it, i have killed u 4 times without camp, im transferred to ct and u kicked me vaity asked u and u said "4 low skills D"
Yes, i remeber that, and again it was missclick... I said "4 low skill" becouse joking, boring to say just mistake=). And on demo i kicked u not when i die, i kicked u, when u playing in my team(i buy weapons & accidently kick u, thats all)... Bro u get paranoia... I played with u many games, dont say that i get some questions to u... And i like play with u and other good players like Gemini or Vayti, i dont need play with bots... U kill me 291 times, Gemini kills me or Vayti and ill newer kick them, its just your carma... I got bind on "kick" and sometimes make mistakes, dont make conspiracy theory=)... Its just conjunction... Look full demo оn tuskan, again its was mistake i kicked afk player on ct he was on resp;)... And almost all players camp when play against me, its nonsense to kick 4 that .
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
If u not saw that, dont mean thats not happened
. If u not trust me look demo, Corban play in my team and i dont have any question to his game, its was banale mistake, i called this "missclick"
Firstly, don't take me one sided. I am playing with you both currently, But i want you to give me link if you ever kicked Sanya Dekan and Super Bock for camping. atleast Define me "WHAT IS CAMPING" in your opinion ?. and did you give warning Before KICK to player ? and he replied to you about that warning that make sure us that player received warning before kick. ?
However, as you said that was mistake, but you yourself said in your language to px that you kicked him for camping in below line.
А так пару раз спецом кикал Корбана за тотальное кемперство и предупреждал его за это
Corban have provided demo proof and i was played that time with Nick "SPONSER ADS" so i m sure you didn't give him any warning before KICK. it happens before also in another MAP in which you KICKED him for no reason. and you called that mistake ? Its really strange that you keep made mistakes and mistakes.
IPT Administration give you privileges for proper usage, NOT FOR MISTAKES. you are with the extra privileges position where mistakes are not acceptable.
Bro he got very moral humiliation, Corban many times dont make brifing map, stay 1x1 with 100 hp and dont trying do anything, if i plant bomb 90% times he dont go on plant(and he is not 4st time playing)... Im very patient admin i almost newer report 4 low skill, he got few random kick and think that his pеrsone interesting 4me... Makes demo on kicks:laughing: Yes, he missed 2 seconds of his life
. I called this paranoia, and im not program than can newer mistakes:laughing:. I kicked sometimes 4 mistake its called miss click, and players who was kicked if back on server and ask me ill always said sry and say why i kicked... Im always say sry 4 team killing... If u think im lier its u problem, i said my position;). And im kick someone only when they play in my team and i see that they dont make brifing map...
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
Bro he got very moral humiliation, Corban many times dont make brifing map, stay 1x1 with 100 hp and dont trying do anything, if i plant bomb 90% times he dont go on plant(and he is not 4st time playing)... Im very patient admin i almost newer report 4 low skill, he got few random kick and think that his pеrsone interesting 4me...
Makes demo on kicks:laughing: Yes, he missed 2 seconds of his life
. I called this paranoia, and im not program than can newer mistakes:laughing:. I kicked sometimes 4 mistake its called miss click, and players who was kicked if back on server and ask me ill always said sry and say why i kicked... Im always say sry 4 team killing... If u think im lier its u problem, i said my position;). And im kick someone only when they play in my team and i see that they dont make brifing map...
i think that demo say enough that i kill u 3-4 times without camp and u kicked me and after saying "4 low skills D" with Laugh.
u also befor kicked me in low without reason, i was in same team with u and Gaddafy in ts, cts was dev/noskill, ne_on_eto, privatbank u and gaddafy was dead i was alone vs 3 cts players i hold shift and seen kicked, i come back i ask u why and u said "...."
Its was joking, and adress not 4u look on smile... If u back in game and ask me 4 that kick i answear u that was miss click:facepalm:... In screen u see that i make smile before that question, its mean i have good spirit:laughing:.
Don't look for a black cat in a dark room, i don't have any malice 2U... And more im welcome you many times, its becouse i hate u
. U play many times with me and u know that i kick and slap campers mostly times, thats know most of players who played with me... And don't say thats not is true=).
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
Its was joking, and adress not 4u look on smile...
If u back in game and ask me 4 that kick i answear u that was miss click:facepalm:... In screen u see that i make smile before that question, its mean i have good spirit:laughing:.
Don't look for a black cat in a dark room, i don't have any malice 2U... And more im welcome you many times, its becouse i hate u
. U play many times with me and u know that i kick and slap campers mostly times, thats know most of players who played with me... And don't say thats not is true=).
u cant say always its was miss click because u had only me kicked on that round.
i just kill u 3-4 times WITHOUT CAMP and seen again and again kicked without reason, u have me kicked like 4-5 times so u cant say for all kicks "miss click"
and yes i have so many times played with u, when i kill u as enemy = u kick me
when i play in u team and i hold shift = u kick me
im so bored with that.
Yes i kick 4 camping u few times, and not only u, many other players but they dont cry on forum, i said last times thats was "miss clik" look on tuskan if u don't trust me on inferno, next time if i see that u don't make map brifing i will report u 4 low skill "laming", "camping" if u so whant follow server rule .
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
Yes i kick 4 camping u few times, and not only u, many other players but they dont cry on forum, i said last times thats was "miss clik" look on tuskan if u don't trust me on inferno, next time if i see that u don't make map brifing i will report u 4 low skill "laming", "camping" if u so whant follow server rule
because i camp? i didnt camp in tuscan and in inferno and u kicked me and u say for this kicks "miss click"?
2 "miss click" ? in inferno u had on that round only me kicked. U didnt kick others on that round.
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
they dont cry on forum, i said last times thats was "miss clik"
cry? u kicked me without reason, and u said for that kicks "miss click"?
if no one say/do something u will that do for all-time.
its unacceptable for a admin and the best player of server.
Отредактированно Corban :P (11.10.2014 19:27:12)
u cant say always its was miss click because u had only me kicked on that round.
i just kill u 3-4 times WITHOUT CAMP and seen again and again kicked without reason, u have me kicked like 4-5 times so u cant say for all kicks "miss click"
and yes i have so many times played with u, when i kill u as enemy = u kick me
when i play in u team and i hold shift = u kick me
im so bored with that.
You can't always say "I killed you u 3-4 times without camp" it's really irrelevant to input on the statement. Please get on your fat thick head, it was mis-click on one of the kicks. About the other kicks you have experienced, provide proof and let him to justify the action
Watched Tuscan demo, AHre/I's explanations looks valid, there was a player, Go Away Pro, standing AFK at CT's resp, and after Corbain received kick:
ADMIN AHre/I u3 PA9I!: kick Go Away Pro
I am unable to recreate kick menu at that moment to be 100% sure, but don't see any reasons why AHre/I may be lying here.
No, I don't have plans to watch one month ago demo, because if "he kick me over and over again" there should be something more recent, any examples?
Px написал:
Watched Tuscan demo, AHre/I's explanations looks valid, there was a player, Go Away Pro, standing AFK at CT's resp, and after Corbain received kick:
ADMIN AHre/I u3 PA9I!: kick Go Away Pro
I am unable to recreate kick menu at that moment to be 100% sure, but don't see any reasons why AHre/I may be lying here.
No, I don't have plans to watch one month ago demo, because if "he kick me over and over again" there should be something more recent, any examples?
Okay have u also watched the demo in inferno? He kicked only me. İ was in ts and he ct.
At that time that he kicked me (inferno) i had sent pm to u but u didnt answered and i late it, im was trying to get No-Quarrel with hem but i played in tuscan seen again kicked and i was tired, he totaal kicked me 4-5 times.
Отредактированно Corban :P (12.10.2014 00:48:24)
Px написал:
I don't have plans to watch one month ago demo, because if "he kick me over and over again" there should be something more recent, any examples?
Px написал:
Px написал:
I don't have plans to watch one month ago demo, because if "he kick me over and over again" there should be something more recent, any examples?
At that time that he kicked me (inferno) i had sent pm to u but u didnt answered and i late it, im was trying to get No-Quarrel with hem but i played in tuscan seen again kicked and i was tired, he totaal kicked me 4-5 times.
Px написал:
What?, u dont have answered! Is it my fault? he was not trying to kick afk, there was also not afk. He kick me that i kill hem. Gemini and Vaity are Witnesses. İts not Honestly.
Px написал:
Watched Tuscan demo, AHre/I's explanations looks valid, there was a player, Go Away Pro, standing AFK at CT's resp, and after Corbain received kick:
ADMIN AHre/I u3 PA9I!: kick Go Away Pro
I am unable to recreate kick menu at that moment to be 100% sure, but don't see any reasons why AHre/I may be lying here.
No, I don't have plans to watch one month ago demo, because if "he kick me over and over again" there should be something more recent, any examples?
I m not going against your decision, but you really not realize that "AHre/I's accepted his mistakes 3-4 times". I suggest ban him for at least 1 hour for his mistakes so next time he will double check before players name before kick.
Its like you report someone multiple times and when they come to forum for explanation you reject them. I believe this types of actions and decisions will down IPT server reputation and Judgement process.
@Serege, Brother you know they way how to manage things, its my request to you, next time warn player at-least 2 times before Kick so they will not come to forum if you don't want they cry here as you stated above.
gemini написал:
Next time if u be an admin u warn player at-least 2 times or billion times check 20 times his demo and then if u see him in next game u warning him and said that u no good
Give me demo where i don't give him playing, 1 kick its not give u rights to laind me
. If someone have paranoia, its not my problem go in hospital, not 4 me. Look on statistics more then 1 hundred kills on both and he say that i kick him 4-5 times
. I don't give him playing, poor, poor kid:laughing:/. Omg
i need use thats fk reconnect button:lol:. Mam, he kick me again motherfk:D.
U are irreverent, always laugh. Certainly kicked me and saying "4 low skills D" you say yourself that u so many times kicked me + 2 "miss click" ? How could you do it? u kick some befor/without check who u have kicked?. and u say im poor kid? who is not serious here and always laughing?
Jaja rise in the west:lol:. AHre/I u3 PA9I! 51 165 К/D 0.31 hmm, yes fk story-teller AHre ... Butthert?!
Specially kicked me from server
. If u not trust me its u problem... The whole world not revolves around you:laughing:.
то 4 раза кикнул, то уже 3 раза, суть не в этом
люстрация то будет?
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
Next time if u be an admin u warn player at-least 2 times or billion times check 20 times his demo
It was px decision to give me admin rights, and it was my decision to return back to him. Because according to px i didn't given Warning to team flasher, and i reported him by using "Team Flasher report" option that i have not made. He banned me for 1 week for low skills. i leave the admin-ship authority because according to px i was "inability to distinguish intentional flash" where Flash are always intentional in game.
You can read here : … 48&p=1
Its the same case where you didn't give warning before kick. because according to the situation you can write him single line "Corban don't camp otherwise i kick you".
For the camping case. there are rule for this. and i believe Player was playing according to mission task. So your kick was not VALID,
7. to camp. By 'camping' we mean intentional map mission evasion as well as the absence of the player in the action zone except the cases when it is related with task of the mission
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
i need use thats fk reconnect button:lol:. Mam, he kick me again motherfk
If you want to use vulgar slang then you have to first read "Forum Rules". because i m stickily condemn your slang language against the respected player.
Отредактированно gemini (12.10.2014 21:21:11)
If you want to use vulgar slang then you have to first read "Forum Rules". because i m stickily condemn your slang language against the respected player.
Its not vulgar slang its vulgar humor .
2Slip скучный тролинг, мог бы лучше анекдот на тему написать . А лучше сказку или басню
Slip написал:
то 4 раза кикнул, то уже 3 раза, суть не в этом
Как не в этом, он же его постоянно кикает! Постоянно! Прошлый постоянный случай был, правда, 18-го сентября, но кикает постоянно!1111
Я специально не кикал его с месяц чтобы в случае чего отмазаться, подобрал момент что если будет жаловаться я мог сказать что случайно. Вообщем это заговор ! Работает ФСБ ни как иначе
!!! Планировал это действие около месяца не меньше
Отредактированно AHre/I u3 PA9I! (12.10.2014 22:10:56)
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
Я специально не кикал его с месяц
Налицо предумышленные действия.
Поиздевался с особым цинизмом
Я вообще маляву на Ангела накатала что бы на Лоу валил когда я играю =с) Ну почти нереально с разницей в 100 в него попадать , это кроме того , что он и без того крут, ещё и видит тебя раньше , чем ты его . Кроме этого превышения админских полномочий за последним почти не наблюдалось. Посему склонна верить подсудимому , что последний кик был случайным , а до этого обвинитель знал за что был подвергнут наказанию . Хотя кикать афк помоему полнейшая глупость если их не 2-3 в одной команде и они реально влияют на баланс . Для этого есть бот , который автоматом их кикает . Хотя есть один товарисчь с ником GOE | Shagrath (кажется так) , так вот он постоянно АФК , и после киков сразу перезаходит играет в лучшем случае раунд и опять АФК и такое наблюдалось уже много много раз . Я вот думаю может в следующий раз на него маляву накатать , только какую причину придумать для этого ?
Отредактированно [RC] KOTbKA (13.10.2014 19:51:57)
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
Посему склонна верить подсудимому , что последний кик был случайным
лучше сразу банить, потом и думать не надо кикать там или не кикать
Slip написал:
лучше сразу банить,
На мой взгляд система наказаний вообще нуждается в тотальном пересмотре в связи с утерей актуальности самой контры ... игроков становится всё меньше и я уже пару раз натыкалась на полностью пустующие сервера . Раньше такого небыло =\ При этом список активных банов не такой уж короткий .
з.ы. На всякий пожарный решила проверить , что не балоболю и заглянула в банлист а тот мне сходу :
You have been banned!!"
Перепугавшись зашла в контру , а там вроде всё в порядке ... странный банлист =с)
Отредактированно [RC] KOTbKA (14.10.2014 03:48:18)
В бан-листе куча подсетей с некромантами, на игроков с нормальными клиентами они не распространяются, вечером, если не забуду, гляну более подробно статистику
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
Я вот думаю может в следующий раз на него маляву накатать , только какую причину придумать для этого ?
Abnormal Behavior
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
Перепугавшись зашла в контру , а там вроде всё в порядке ... странный банлист
Ничего странного, он тоже жить хочет
Px написал:
Checked at 5:00, didn't find any kick without reason
I didnt done something, he was afk and i go kill hem after that he kick me!
i had checked after kick the reason and its was only "kicked"
can someone explain to me why i'm kicked after a month again?
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
can someone explain to me why i'm kicked after a month again?
you find that funny?
why u kicked me after and after again? oh wait missclick?
mb u gonna find other mistake now?
Px написал:
i think if u gonna watch the demo u will be no question in the minds
Px написал:
20 minutes?
i got the kick on last minute of map, he was afk.
Px написал:
would waste
Yo There is injustice, are you so blind as that not to see?
if I will count how many times he kicked me, its will be pyramid here
Missclicks pyramid!
Yo There is injustice, are you so blind as that not to see?
1) It is not determined yet
2) You pretending that I must watch 19 minutes of demo because of last minute?
Px написал:
Yo There is injustice, are you so blind as that not to see?
1) It is not determined yet
2) You pretending that I must watch 19 minutes of demo because of last minute?
Everything before, im 100% sure i didnt done something also for that other kicks "missclicks"
Mb he find comic to kick me
There is nothing that he can call me as guilty.
if u watch demo = questions will not remain
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
Do not lie.
this is what u said to me
u give verify
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
Yes i kick 4 camping u few times
here u say to gemini like that you have not done that with your dirty words
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
he say that i kick him 4-5 times
. I don't give him playing, poor, poor kid:laughing:/. Omg
i need use thats fk reconnect button:lol:. Mam, he kick me again motherfk:D.
Отредактированно Corban :P (07.11.2014 19:50:27)
i ask now to myself why i'm keep trying to defend me
you will never change your thoughts
u are blind to see who is right-who is wrong
he also give confirms that he made mistakes
You don't find them adequate?
Bro, im trueadequate:laughing:!
i watched the whole demo for solving this matter, this was not a big deal to do.
Here is what i found in demo. " "
Demo link: … t2.dem.bz2
Exact Screen shot:
It was happens in the last round and it happen in the very end of the map.
Now i believe its not hard for Serge to explain "Why he kicked him" and its also not hard for the administration to take decision.
BeeR | Observer написал:
Сервер: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Игрок: [OttoMan].Corban
Low Skill
Я бы 2 недельки за лоу скилл дал бы корбану за репорт типа в 1м раунде...
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
BeeR | Observer написал:
Сервер: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Игрок: [OttoMan].Corban
Low SkillЯ бы 2 недельки за лоу скилл дал бы корбану за репорт типа в 1м раунде...
what will u bring now?
I can report, he was blocking us, and he always running back to starting place its that not enough?
if the player think its wrong report he can complaint here
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
BeeR | Observer написал:
Сервер: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Игрок: [OttoMan].Corban
Low SkillЯ бы 2 недельки за лоу скилл дал бы корбану за репорт типа в 1м раунде...
what will u bring now?
I can report, he was blocking us, and he always running back to starting place its that not enough?
if the player think its wrong report he can complaint here
4 one moment in 1 round ooo...
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
Я бы 2 недельки за лоу скилл дал бы корбану за репорт типа в 1м раунде...what will u bring now?
I can report, he was blocking us, and he always running back to starting place its that not enough?
if the player think its wrong report he can complaint here4 one moment in 1 round ooo...
if the player think its wrong report he can complaint here
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
what will u bring now?
I can report, he was blocking us, and he always running back to starting place its that not enough?
if the player think its wrong report he can complaint here4 one moment in 1 round ooo...
if the player think its wrong report he can complaint here
No i think u cant reports someone if he do mistake in one round... Next time i report u 4 that.
Отредактированно AHre/I u3 PA9I! (08.11.2014 14:33:40)
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
4 one moment in 1 round ooo...Corban
if the player think its wrong report he can complaint here
No i think u cant reports someone if he do mistake in one round... Next time i report u 4 that.
next time if u make mistakes on kick some players without any reason i will report u.
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
4 one moment in 1 round ooo...
No i think u cant reports someone if he do mistake in one round... Next time i report u 4 that.
next time if u make mistakes on kick some players without any reason i will report u.
I almost newer report someone 4 low skill, and im much better player then u...
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
No i think u cant reports someone if he do mistake in one round... Next time i report u 4 time if u make mistakes on kick some players without any reason i will report u.
I almost newer report someone 4 low skill, and im much better player then u...
I have never said that im better player then u.
I do not know what's in your head to say that, i know myself.
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
was miss click
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
i called this "missclick" .
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
its was banale mistake
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
again it was missclick...
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
thats was "miss clik"
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
I got bind on "kick" and sometimes make mistakes
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
next time if u make mistakes on kick some players without any reason i will report u.I almost newer report someone 4 low skill, and im much better player then u...
I have never said that im better player then u.
I do not know what's in your head to say that, i know myself.AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
was miss click
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
i called this "missclick" .
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
its was banale mistake
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
again it was missclick...
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
thats was "miss clik"
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
I got bind on "kick" and sometimes make mistakes
Bro, u reported player in 1st round in game, 4one episode, do u think normal if i report u 4that in next game? 4one episode? Or u truehardgamer to solve who low skill who not low skill, i have my opinion, u cant reported someone 4one round in game... Even i not report player 4one round in game...
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
I almost newer report someone 4 low skill, and im much better player then u...I have never said that im better player then u.
I do not know what's in your head to say that, i know myself.AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
was miss click
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
i called this "missclick" .
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
its was banale mistake
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
again it was missclick...
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
thats was "miss clik"
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
I got bind on "kick" and sometimes make mistakes
Bro, u reported player in 1st round in game, 4one episode, do u think normal if i report u 4that in next game? 4one episode? Or u truehardgamer to solve who low skill who not low skill, i have my opinion, u cant reported someone 4one round in game... Even i not report player 4one round in game...
I have seen that he is not sure of he know the game
they are task.
Do u think its normal that u (keep) makes mistakes on kick?
now my eyes on you.
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
and not only u, many other players but they dont cry on forum
there are afraid to come here to discuss
if u think that im the player of makes mistakes
whats then about yours MISTAKES? Change starts with yourself.
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
u not need to show that u are irreverent
i have also played with that player in the map befor,
I've seen what I should see for report.
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
was miss click
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
i called this "missclick" .
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
its was banale mistake
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
again it was missclick...
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
thats was "miss clik"
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
I got bind on "kick" and sometimes make mistakes
Px написал:
Игрок: [OttoMan].Corban
Low Skill
nya stop report players 4 low skill!
Its not missclick, its was warning 4 stop reporting players 4 low skill, it comes to you Rise too:P .
всех забанить, и Раю тоже
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
stop report players 4 low skill!
If they want effectively kill online and make this server empty - so be it
Да там одни про. Переведите им, что нужно быть терпеливее к слабым игрокам.
Как правило, банят за лоу тогда, когда ты сам уже мёртв и смотришь, как кто-то тупит. Ну так может самому играть получше и не умирать, как неудачник? Переведите им это тоже.
Если я не в теме, то прошу прощения. У меня по английскому было 3 по пятибальной, и то, я списывал.
Отредактированно skvid (09.11.2014 19:40:52)
Я ни в коем случае не хочу им мешать. И даже более того. Желаю им по больше слабых игроков на сервере, дабы раздавая по 3-5 хэдшотов за раунд, чувствовать себя богом сиэс. Ну а как ещё выигрывать с тройным счётом?
Does it take so long to give decision? Injustice. He made so many mistakes, do you not see that? mb will you not see that?
Need he more more write that he acceptance hes mistakes?
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
was miss click
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
i called this "missclick" .
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
its was banale mistake
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
again it was missclick...
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
thats was "miss clik"
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал:
I got bind on "kick" and sometimes make mistakes
I am trying to explain here that he so many mistakes made
do you think it can?
And you never get a decision.
Maybe you do not accept that he have done that?
Maybe you do not want to believe it?
I am trying to explain here that he so many mistakes made
Nope, it is not what you are doing
Promote Angel I'd say, he already explained why he kicked him, Corban because "he reported a player for low skill and that player played for just one round" and Corban claimed "i have also played with that player in the map befor," but player's first and last seen shows otherwise and it's on the Angel's side. So yeah, Angel is truly adequate and took the case very lightly, good on him
Polkovnik написал:
He said that i reported a player in 1round of map, Yes its true but
i have also played with that player in the map befor,
I've seen what I should see for report.
If the reported Player think its wrong reported he can complaints on forum, he not need to kick for that after he so many times kicked me. He has not given any caveat be for he kicked me.
AHre/I u3 PA9I! написал: rly?
with that player had i played in map Nuke.
u kicked me in dust_2 after i reported "unnamed"
what you say and what you do does not match.
You doing injustice.
Two week ago in de map Aztec u kicked "Cris" without any reason. he was in u team "T" i was "CT" im sure he didnt do something.
u find comic to kick some players? U have so more players kicked for nothing, i have personally witnessed. I do not remember them all.
now my eyes on you.
Ahaha, im always kicks 4 no particular reason, live with it ...
Сервер: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Игрок: Dekan Sanya
i just play 5 min and got banned
Screenshots: … 6394914117
Походу Саня встрял минимум до конца года =с)))
Nickname: Dekan Sanya
Reason: Low Skill
Invoked on: 12.12.2014 - 23:39:18
Expires on: 09.01.2015 - 23:39:18 (3 Weeks 6 Days 17 Hours 43 Minutes remaining)
Мэрри Клизмас или С новым годом пошёл нафиг =с)
Чо на месяц?
Px написал:
3 левых репорта
Another false report by Dekan Sanya
Сервер: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Игрок: Dekan Sanya
I have asked him to provide screen shots i will provide the link here if i got, he is player called Untouchable | Argento and was played with nick Bomber.
Отредактированно gemini (13.12.2014 20:26:13)
Всем привет. Зашел поиграть на сервер а я уже забанен. Не играл 2 дня и ток сегодня увидел. Честно сказать я в шоке и не могу понят за какие неправильные репорты я получил Low Skill. В шоке потому что не мог я сколь сделать неправильных репортов. Так как играю на этом серваку не первый год. Еще толком сам не разобрался, но уже знаю точно что после просмотра мною демок игрок с России играл под моим ником и банил всех подряд (как бы специально делал). Px просьба помочь и разобратся.
С моей стороны есть репорт (посмотрел в бан листе) по отношению к игроку hopka'zsombor, где он был отказан. Да он мне в спину зарядил с дробача, я его и репортнул, так как я на тот момент был уверен, что он это специально сделал. Но потом посмотрев демку я понял, что hopka'zsombor случайно попал, ток в кого он оттуда с такого оружия стрелял я так и не понял. По этому поводу я принощу свои извинения. Таких случаев в CS очень много, на тот момент я оценил это как TeamAttack/TeamKill.
BlacK -_- StaR [Phantom] написал:
В шоке потому что не мог я сколь сделать неправильных репортов. … 64#p167864 … 79#p167879
Эти репорты кто-то другой рассылал?
BlacK -_- StaR [Phantom] написал:
Да он мне в спину зарядил с дробача, я его и репортнул, так как я на тот момент был уверен, что он это специально сделал.
Ты чё млин, рэпортишь вот за такое? А я то думаю, чего это не с кем играть. Репорть хотя бы за систематические тиматаки, к примеру за третий-пятый. Бо много нубасиков первачков, которые заходят на серв с другого, где тиматаки отключены.
skvid написал:
А я то думаю, чего это не с кем играть.
Ну да, на сервере куча обиженных детей, "папа! папа! он меня совочком ударил, забань его на 2 недели!"
Sorry за задержу с ответами - свет вырубили.
Попытаюсь все по порядку объяснить.
Все репорты были 12.12 2014.
Первый: Игрок с ником Rock, жалобу накатал я (TeamAttack/TeamKill)
Он намерено не раз стрелял по своим, чем мешал играть.
Nickname: Rock
IP address:
Ban type: IP address
Reason: TeamAttack/TeamKill
Invoked on: 12.12.2014 - 12:06:47
Expires on: 09.01.2015 - 12:06:47 (3 Weeks 3 Days 23 Hours 56 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px
Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Total expired bans: 19
Kicks: 3
Direct link:!cs_banlist?bid=144119
Вот демо:
Второй репорт от меня был адресован игроку с ником ALEX. там 100% multi.
банно деталио
Nickname: ALEX
IP address:
Ban type: IP address
Reason: MultiHack
Invoked on: 12.12.2014 - 12:28:54
Expires on: 09.01.2015 - 12:28:54 (3 Weeks 4 Days 7 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px (BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px)
Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Total expired bans: 0
Kicks: 0
Direct link:!cs_banlist?bid=144124
Третий дал игроку с ником [Butcher's] Player, тоже чит multi
банно деталио
Nickname: [Butcher's] Player
SteamID: VALVE_0:0:1210831735
Steam Community ID: 76561200381929198
IP address:
Ban type: SteamID
Reason: MultiHack
Invoked on: 12.12.2014 - 13:40:24
Expires on: 26.12.2014 - 13:40:24 (1 Week 4 Days 1 Hour 18 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px (BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px)
Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Total expired bans: 0
Kicks: 0
Direct link:!cs_banlist?bid=144125
BlacK -_- StaR [Phantom]
Ты бы лучше спросил, какой именно твой репорт был ошибочный. Если конечно тебе это интересно. Бо толку от письма? Я то верю, что из вышеперечисленных, как минимум 2 справедливы.
4-ую жалобу это не я накатал, которая была адресована игроку с ником +hook.
Обьясняю. Игрока с этим ником я давненько знаю, он чист. Карта dm_aztec_maso3. На 8:35 заходит под моим ником другой игрок, его убивают, я так понимаю он делает репорт. И буквально сразу уходит. Пинг у него 40. У меня он в оласти 80-100.
BlacK -_- StaR [Phantom] написал:
4-ую жалобу это не я накатал, которая была адресована игроку с ником +hook.
Обьясняю. Игрока с этим ником я давненько знаю, он чист. Карта dm_aztec_maso3. На 8:35 заходит под моим ником другой игрок, его убивают, я так понимаю он делает репорт. И буквально сразу уходит. Пинг у него 40. У меня он в оласти 80-100.
Это хорошо. Наверное, снизят срок, бо есть жишь … 85#p167885 . Если конечно тот злой нарушитель, не приложил к этому мышку! (( Я кстати заметил на сервере, что есть Sanya Dekan и Dekan Sanya, который появился недавно.
Отредактированно skvid (15.12.2014 13:16:04)
Cледующий репорт был от меня игроку с ником Bomber!. Я заметил у него такое как wh. Через стены лупил. Вот сдесь сам не уверен был, но сопоставив все за и против выбор сделал, что у него чит.
Nickname: Bomber!
SteamID: VALVE_0:0:733340951
Steam Community ID: 76561199426947630
IP address:
Ban type: SteamID
Reason: WallHack
Invoked on: 12.12.2014 - 21:24:46
Expires on: 26.12.2014 - 21:24:46 (1 Week 4 Days 8 Hours 1 Minute remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | [M]-Slip.PG (BeeR | [M]-Slip.PG)
Banned on: IPT CS 1.6 High Latency
Total expired bans: 0
Kicks: 0
Direct link:!cs_banlist?bid=144141
Sanya Dekan и Dekan Sanya это мои Ники. Правильно под вторым ником, я зарегистрировался не давно. Px должен быть в курсе. Не удобно пишу с телефона. снова вырубили свет, задрали.
Не могу щас детально посмотреть демки, по-поводу других репортов. Но когда бегло просматривал, там тоже заходил другой игрок под моим ником. По ходу он делал репорты. Позже гляну.
Что касается репорта после Bombera, который адресован игроку hopka'zsombor, то я выше изложил. С тобой skvid полностью согласен, ты прав. Я лично очень мало сделал репортов TeamAttack/TeamKill, за все время игры на IPT. Но в этот раз просто меня достало то, что он убил меня с зади. Теперь в дальнейшем буду больше терпеть это тупизм. Согласен надо больше давать времени таким игрокам. Обычно я так и делаю.
По-поводу остальных 3-ех репортов, сделанных якобы мной. Произошли они на карте fy_snowplace_sym.
Вот демо:
Да изначально я играл и ушол в 1:58 со счетом 1:3. При этом заметте мой пинг 100. На данный момент это мой пинг 80-100. Раньше был 120, щас немного лучше. Проходит определенное время и в 9:00 заходит уже другой игрок под моим ником с пингом. 43-47. Заходит за CT и тупо стоит делая я так понимаю маляву на игроков AcaThePro и Dr@G0N. В 10:00 он уходитс сервера. Через время в 16:00 снова заходит за CT и просто стоит до конца мапы. При всем этом я предполагаю, что он сделал еще один репорт на игрока f0restw0w~.
Отредактированно BlacK -_- StaR [Phantom] (15.12.2014 16:21:38)
Px все что мог я сделал. За что меня на месяц забанили?
Я даже не знаю, что ответить на такой вопрос
Но в любом случае смотреть ещё раз и читать портянки выше буду не раньше завтрашнего вечера
Px реально ppc, я сижу не за что. А раньше не получится у тебя? Z же все разложил выше.
Ну думаю в таком случае стоит выбрать один ник , и поставить его под пароль , а нарушителя вычислить думаю будет не сложно и отправить за такую подставу в перманент =\
Полностью Кать с тобой согласен. Ток такой вопрос. А каким образом ставится ник под пароль? Первый раз с таким сталкиваюсь.
BlacK -_- StaR [Phantom] написал:
А каким образом ставится ник под пароль?
А тебе ниразу в голову не приходило , что таким же нехитрым способом как тебя подставили , злоумышелнник мог бы заходить под ником любого админа и собственноручно банить неугодных ? =с)
Ну а вообще самолично ты пароль поставить не сможешь. Для этого нужен доступ к файлу юзеров , а такой есть только у главных . Их и прийдётся просить =с)
Отредактированно [RC] KOTbKA (15.12.2014 18:02:10)
ото Санта-Барбара, я уже и попкорн взял, а тут на самом интересном - "завтра вечером"
Не вижу проблемы, чтобы забанить Фантомаса, если таковой имеется. Я полагаю, админ запросто видет айпи репортившего, а значит легко сравнить его. Пароль в данном случае не нужен. Вот, ёпте... И чтоб всё выполнено было к моему приходу!
skvid написал:
админ запросто видет айпи репортившего,
Пологаю админ не видит айпи репортившего , иначе мы бы к такой проблемме не пришли =с) Думаеццо мне айпи смотрится по последнему посещению или как то так .
Скандалы, интриги, заговоры
РХ написал:
со свободным временем у админа всё плохо
Вот и думал, что в этом вся трудность. Я уж начинаю думать, что РХ не последний человек в кибервойсках!
Отредактированно skvid (16.12.2014 10:59:52)
skvid написал:
не последний человек в кибервойсках!
зато диванных войск хоть отбавляй
Перепроверил авторов заявок, основной вклад внесли твои фанаты из Перми, двух дней на размышления насчёт репорта по hopka'zsombor я думаю достаточно, а когда/если Bomber пришлёт скриншоты, то восстановить бан дело пары минут , а пока свободен
Corban написал:
Px написал:
Px написал:
I don't have plans to watch one month ago demo, because if "he kick me over and over again" there should be something more recent, any examples?
At that time that he kicked me (inferno) i had sent pm to u but u didnt answered
and i late it, im was trying to get No-Quarrel with hem but i played in tuscan seen again kicked and i was tired, he totaal kicked me 4-5 times.
plz i m join ur server plzz i m mind rider