EarL написал:
gemini написал:
i played against respected "Swing, Sn!ck, Harmony, m1ke, Argento"
I would respect Aleksey's report as he is a decent player
did u also respect him inside the game like u did to me? i mean asking player "why u report someone" and when he reply u back with "he is using aimbot" u reply him in a front of all players with "ur donkey".. do u call this respecting ppl sweety ? if that so.. with all respect am gona clear one thing 4 u .. if u think ppl grow up like u inside stables and get used to say this to each other ur totally wrong.. as u sent me pm after i reported ur friend telling me "Listen, why did you report my good friend Slyx.. Was he very rude" i would like u to add the word donkey to ur "rude words list" this will make u avoid being such a pig while talking to players.. and for telling me while explaining to u why i reported him "and believe me i dont have to " the RUDE word "matter closed".. then no need to talk and ask me from the beginning if u know u will cross ppl lines with such words without considering what there react will be or what is their feelings..
Let's be honest here Admins, if Gemini would know that 16bit is forbidden and that he is actually is doing a game bug, i'm sure he would not have stated that he was playing with 16bit quality. If he knew about the 16Bit i am sure he could have said that he was playing 32Bit and the case would have been different. There is a big difference in actually knowing that you did wrong or not knowing that you did wrong. This is also a special case in the modern society. For example when a mentally ill person commit a murder or when a mentally healthy person commit a murder, the mentally ill person is excused and he will get different treatment to in the court. I'm not saying Gemini is mentally ill or something but i'm trying to state that this case could have been solved by shortening the ban or unban if possible and warn Gemini to not play with 16Bit and force him to read up on the server rules and also clearly write all of this in the unban report. Also leave ALEKSEY unbanned since his report was correct.
This is rather exceptional case in the matter and i hope with what i have just said the admins will also conduct a rather exceptional decision. Good luck to you Gemini and with the final decision (if this has not been made yet).
PS: Gemini you are saying respected players but all those respected players of yours are bots except for mike, he is pretty good, sometimes.
Отредактированно Harmony (19.06.2012 22:21:23)
Harmony написал:
PS: Gemini you are saying respected players but all those respected players of yours are bots except for mike, he is pretty good, sometimes.
В общем почитав всё тут, я понял что меня никто не любит
по теме: если gemini поставит 32 bit - я за снятие бана, у меня зла на него нет. Остальное за админами.
Вам решать играть ему или сидеть.
Aleksej написал:
В общем почитав всё тут, я понял что меня никто не любит
по теме: если gemini поставит 32 bit - я за снятие бана, у меня зла на него нет. Остальное за админами.
Вам решать играть ему или сидеть.
Хоть что-то понятно с данной темы
Вам CS мешает встречаться с девушкой?
Тогда бросайте девушку!
Aleksej написал:
я понял что меня никто не любит
we do love u!
beside that ur so fast in typing.. u should go for guinness
`PY.cm написал:
Лень читать,но я за своих!!!
За залогов?
Dehumanizer написал:
What you said here is more rude than what I've ever said to you. All I tried to tell you is that you have been making mistakes, firstly with KaJe report, then with y0s1, and what made me very angry was the fact that you did not accept you were wrong, and continued to believe y0s1 IS ACTUALLY STILL USING AIM-BOT, just me, Px and others are blind and cannot see he is cheat. In addition, if you make so many mistakes and are convinced you are right, then I wonder how many other WH reports were hasty and incorrect, getting rid of somewhat high skilled players from the server.
If I offended you in the process, I apologize, however the fact of the matter is that you have been abusing the report system sometimes without even spectating those you report, and that showed in how you made 2 mistakes in a row in a very short period of time. Therefore I think you should own up to your mistakes and try not to take it personally if I do say something mild to you - I only try to be fair and defend those that YOU GET BANNED.
P.S. Donkey is just as rude as Pig
so as people are going offtopic, i'm curious to what happend with Gemini?
Harmony написал:
this case could have been solved by shortening the ban or unban if possible and warn Gemini to not play with 16Bit and force him to read up on the server rules and also clearly write all of this in the unban report
Yup, that was the preferred way, but after Skunk and I pointed to rules... instead of apologies for incorrect setting he switched to "still in favor Aleskej who are also fail to showing any proof against me" and not answering on direct questions, so that way is closed for now
Px написал:
Pride is the mother of arrogance.
Pointing to rules is arrogance...
EarL написал:
Dehumanizer написал:
I only try to be fair and defend those that YOU GET BANNED.
P.S. Donkey is just as rude as Pig
there is admins here they can manage this .. not u,
and for what u said that "Donkey is just as rude as Pig " i have no comment as ur trying to proof clearly here that ur pretty good with dealing with such creatures.. u got mad its not giving u the right to call me donkey,, forget about how ur dealing with each other inside home and try to be as normal as the others inside this server.. otherwise any kind of such reacts u did would be so weird and pretty dumb and am gona tell u from now on if u used such words with players "me or the others" i will not hesitate to report u for a foul lang.. first time i just ignore it as i was shocked from a person i thought he is a friend of me.. but from now on.. u know the rest
enjoy this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emn4t1syDQ0
Px написал:
Pointing to rules is arrogance...
I have no idea what you're talking about but perhaps you misunderstood me too. What i ment was that Gemini pride made him arrogant enough not to apologize and therefor gave away his chances of getting unbanned.
Dehumanizer написал:
No, admins cannot manage it, because YOU GET THEM BANNED by reporting and the report is not investigated, it is nya.
Okay, thanks buddy
Harmony написал:
Px написал:
Pointing to rules is arrogance...
I have no idea what you're talking about but perhaps you misunderstood me too. What i ment was that Gemini pride made him arrogant enough not to apologize and therefor gave away his chances of getting unbanned.
there should be like button here
Sad-Flute написал:
there should be like button here
It is already here -
Px написал:
Sad-Flute написал:
there should be like button here
It is already here - http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/img/warn_add.gif
And there is also a dislike button!
На самом деле я один раз тоже заподозрила топик стартера , когда получила пару хэдов через двери на дд2 , но посмотрев за ним пару раундов убедилась что он чист и решила , что это была тупо халява . Оказалось не совсем халява . Кроме того на этом сервере действует призумпция виновности . Все виновны пока не доказанно обратное . И разбан нужен игрокам , так что их задача доказывать свою невиновность . Так сказать спасение утопающих - дело рук самих утопающих Собственно Гемени не смог доказать свою невиновность , и даже спалился на использовании 16бит. Так что бан вполне заслуженный .
p.s. http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/img/warn_add.gif Почему ВАРН ??? Этж репа
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
Почему ВАРН ??? Этж репа
Ну вот так решил автор плагина репутации, такое у него видение
Harmony написал:
Px написал:
Sad-Flute написал:
there should be like button here
It is already here - http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/img/warn_add.gif
And there is also a dislike button!
i know the dislike button better than u
Px написал:
[RC] KOTbKA написал:
Почему ВАРН ??? Этж репа
Ну вот так решил автор плагина репутации, такое у него видение
what she said px ?? why google translator dont make any sense what she write ??
Sad-Flute написал:
why google translator dont make any sense what she write ??
As I said before, that because her messages doesn't contain any sense