Nickname: >noulifer<
SteamID: VALVE_0:0:1188603388
Steam Community ID: 76561200337472504
IP address:
Ban type: SteamID
Reason: WallHack
Invoked on: 17.08.2012 - 23:43:39
Expires on: 31.08.2012 - 23:43:39 (1 Week 6 Days 12 Hours 8 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px
Banned on: Website
Total expired bans: 0
Direct link: #!cs_banlist?bid=108519
How is this possible?
I tried to log in just now and it seems that someone who had the same IP as me was banned for wallhack yesterday at 23:43:39. I was sleeping at that time so i'm wondering how it is possible that i am banned aswell.
And no, no one in my household plays Counter-Strike
Отредактированно Harmony (18.08.2012 11:50:05)
I have no idea about the subject but it wasn't me playing or anyone in my house, can you please unban me so i can play?
Okay. I have viewed the demo a multiple times and it seems that i actually have been reported (thats what i assume from the chat) but with the wrong name in the report. The player noulifer plays in the beginning of the map, serveral minutes before i entered the server. You should skip the first few minutes of the demo. The time that i have been reported is probably after the map as i was not playing at that point. However i played the map before, here is a link to the demo: … ge.dem.bz2
Отредактированно Harmony (18.08.2012 13:00:38)
If you check the demo completely, you would find that there was person with nickname f0n reported, he have cheats, but IP/ID are different from yours. I've corrected both ban and report, and next time you'll see f0n you can tell him to be more careful with reports
Anyway was the player f0n cheating or did he make mistake in his report and got me banned due that?
Отредактированно Harmony (18.08.2012 13:35:32)
f0n cheater?
Skunk написал:
Fail (h*ll) clan
Отредактированно :.:War Lords:.: | GhOst (18.08.2012 23:34:26)
Skunk написал:
He is from the Fail (hell) clan
Dehumanizer написал:
Skunk написал:
He is from the Fail (hell) clan
u didnt get it?
u didnt get it?
Dehumanizer написал:
u didnt get it?
5fps) написал:
Yes, all fails are cheaters. They use secret cheat chlenix
5fps) написал:
Yes, all fails are cheaters. They use secret cheat chlenix
Yeah i saw it in his post but i think i saw somewhere on forum Px picture and i was sure it was a male