and ghost who r u u forgive me ? god ? if u all see his report u will all know it what happened actually pls admin check that report who started it first ghost or me and slip i don't mean do disrespect server rules
and i will be back after my ban expire
u started it by calling me bot like 20 times i warned u i will report but u continued to calling me that and then u said F*CK U
nop bro u never warned u start saying it to every one it is u who thinks that every cheats and gets ban for low skill i don't think so that im irresponsible it is u and stop to behave like a kid be mature dude
and i have proof who have started it first i have and image
Отредактированно vaity96 (27.08.2012 19:19:38)
Slip написал:
U know who I am?
i know and one more thing i will report the next one who will call me bot again after a warning ofc and i dont care if admins decide that this is not a reason for a ban and i would not have problem to be banned for wrong report as long as no1 has answered me if i can report someone for calling me bot
Geradot написал:
i will report the next one who will call me bot
bot is not a reason for ban so your report will be ignored
im already banned so u cant do anything
Skunk написал:
:.:War Lords:.: | GhOst написал:
im already banned so u cant do anything
I can.
yeah man i know but slip already extended my ban time so............
Geradot написал:
well every time i am in the server i see friends calling each other gay bots etc so i guess vaity saw that and thought it was not illegal thats why he was calling his friends "gay" it means that he did not know that he said something bad/illegal. But still i think u will not remove his ban :S because 3 days is not that much time. Here is a question which i would like to be answered please : Can be reported someone who calls me bot ? i mean is bot "bad word" as the gay ? because many people call me gerabot or gayrabot and i am starting being offended while i am going to play cs to relax after a bad day.
BOT is not bad word !!!!! it is bot when u play alone with server bots on cs and acting like them camping like them etc.....
well because it seems that your brains dont work very well i will say it differently : I am a bot an unskilled player a noob an idiot i am all the bad things ok ? we all know it so now shut up and let me play cs in peace . is it so hard to understand it ? or you guys want me to explain it better ?
Geradot написал:
I am a bot
we all know already
Geradot написал:
unskilled player a noob
no man u are PRO player
Geradot написал:
u are cleaver
Geradot написал:
shut up and let me play cs in peace
i wish i can play it too
zoran написал:
BTW if someone was camping for 5 maps can we report him?
Geradot написал:
well because it seems that your brains dont work very well i will say it differently : I am a bot an unskilled player a noob an idiot i am all the bad things ok ? we all know it so now shut up and let me play cs in peace . is it so hard to understand it ? or you guys want me to explain it better ?
No. According to the statlist you have 0.02 K : D Higher than Ghost, so basically it is Ghost who is a worse player than you
Ghost stats:
Geradots stats:
I have linked according to the most played on nickname.
Отредактированно Harmony (29.08.2012 06:07:40)
Harmony написал:
Geradot написал:
well because it seems that your brains dont work very well i will say it differently : I am a bot an unskilled player a noob an idiot i am all the bad things ok ? we all know it so now shut up and let me play cs in peace . is it so hard to understand it ? or you guys want me to explain it better ?
No. According to the statlist you have 0.02 K : D Higher than Ghost, so basically it is Ghost who is a worse player than you
Ghost stats:
Geradots stats:
I have linked according to the most played on nickname.
im playing on my new nick from 2 weeks :DDD
I think banning is a realization process in which player learn from their mistakes. I learn from my first banned alot. and I advise all of the banned players Please take it serious. and learn from your mistakes.
Hope to see you soon.
3rAs3r написал:
bot is not a reason for ban so your report will be ignored
gemini написал:
I think banning is a realization process in which player learn from their mistakes.
Dr.Salvator написал:
3rAs3r написал:
bot is not a reason for ban so your report will be ignored
gemini написал:
I think banning is a realization process in which player learn from their mistakes.
a doc
gemini написал:
and learn from your mistakes.
i didnt do anything im banned for a stupid joke go check my topic
:.:War Lords:.: | GhOst написал:
im banned for a stupid joke
so, you admit it is stupid.. that's already learning