Someone can tell me why i was banned for teamflash when i just throwed 1 flash and becouse i was blocked
omg:facepalm: i dont know that man i do not do it on purpose unbann me plzz
px man can u unbann me plz i dont know that..if i throwed 300 teamflashes i will banned i dont know that.
dude u should go and thank Px for making it only 1 week because the normal TF ban is 2 weeks
{[=SHOOTER=]} | SpaiN написал:
px man can u unbann me plz
{[=SHOOTER=]} | SpaiN написал:
i dont know that
"Ignorance of the law does not exempt from liability"
{[=SHOOTER=]} | SpaiN написал:
BTW Px can u tell me where can i see the newest TF list pls??
:.:War Lords:.: | GhOst написал:
BTW Px can u tell me where can i see the newest TF list pls??
Nope, because it wouldn't matter tomorrow
Px написал:
Nope, because it wouldn't matter tomorrow
ok sorry for asking
Отредактированно :.:War Lords:.: | GhOst (30.09.2012 16:46:14)
Hi Px,
But i have seen that few players who are currently not active in IPT high are still show in the list ? like top 1 psycho ? and GarGameLL and P!G are exceeded their 300 to 350 limit. but they are still playing ?
gemini написал:
Hi Px,
But i have seen that few players who are currently not active in IPT high are still show in the list ? like top 1 psycho ? and GarGameLL and P!G are exceeded their 300 to 350 limit. but they are still playing ?
thats totally px mistake ... he banns one who he hates
gemini написал:
I believe when Teamflash introduced it was 300 limit and banned for 2 weeks & 4 for necromancers then a few weeks later it somehow altered to cut the half of the length of the ban and increased to 350 limit.
Hi Px, Sad and UFFL,
My Posts doesn't mean to Ban Respected Players. I just saw the Top flasher list today and just notice the list is not updated. Because it help me and all other players to care being Banned for week.
I'M sure i flash 40 to 50 players in this month. so just want to make sure that My name is not in the Top20. that's why i saw the list but did not get up-to date information's.
PS: bb5 was banned for week for teamflash. i think he was also unaware about his limitations of maximum teamflashes.
Отредактированно gemini (30.09.2012 21:35:50)
gemini написал:
Hi Px, Sad and UFFL,
My Posts doesn't mean to Ban Respected Players. I just saw the Top flasher list today and just notice the list is not updated. Because it help me and all other players to care being Banned for week.
I'M sure i flash 40 to 50 players in this month. so just want to make sure that My name is not in the Top20. that's why i saw the list but did not get up-to date information's.
PS: bb5 was banned for week for teamflash. i think he was also unaware about his limitations of maximum teamflashes.
dont worry about the list ..u will be banned when u exceed 350
and changing name will not matter as it is recorded with our steamids and ips .. right px ??
Sad-Flute написал:
only if the month not over
Hi Sad,
I talk about "awareness" of the TeamFlash limit exceeding. The top20 list is the only way that produce awareness to Players. So players care next time to flash any team mates if they are near to 300 and 350. But if the list not updated, then there is no way that aware/notice player about the Limitations.
I think care is a good and natural thing rather Changing nick or IPs or steamids etc. but its impossible until list not updated at Daily basis.
gemini написал:
Hi Sad,
I talk about "awareness" of the TeamFlash limit exceeding. The top20 list is the only way that produce awareness to Players. So players care next time to flash any team mates if they are near to 300 and 350. But if the list not updated, then there is no way that aware/notice player about the Limitations.
I think care is a good and natural thing rather Changing nick or IPs or steamids etc. but its impossible until list not updated at Daily basis.
Px написал:
Nope, because it wouldn't matter tomorrow
here is the answer
No need for that list ! Just try not to teamflash AT ALL !
gemini написал:
bb5 was banned for week for teamflash. i think he was also unaware about his limitations of maximum teamflashes.
Ну почему не знал,все я знал.Поэтому сижу молча .