L 11/08/2012 - 22:40:59: "Amon Amarth<17009><VALVE_0:0:2128299305><CT>" say "guys u know who admitted to being gay?"
L 11/08/2012 - 22:41:16: "Amon Amarth<17009><VALVE_0:0:2128299305><CT>" say "yes arg is gay"
I knew that might be the reason and there is an explanation man.
The thing I said actually happened,he admitted that on his Facebook page.
And in the chat after I asked.
I am not sure if he really was honest but he said and I just asked who knew.
He is my friend and if that is his sexual orientation i respect it.
I see no reason for ban.
If you want i can post screenshot of him saying it on his Facebook status.
3rAs3r написал:
The thing I said actually happened,he admitted that on his Facebook page.
We don't care about what happening on Facebook or other web mud places
Px написал:
We don't care about what happening on Facebook or other web mood places
I didn't say you should care I just explained why I wrote that about him.
Expressing sexual orientation is not prohibited.
I realize that there is abuse of the word "gay" by younger players who really don't care or know what it means.
I shouldn't be punished for their misuse of the word.
I said with no intent of insulting anyone.
Px написал:
not here
OK,I didn't have high hopes of reasoning with you anyway.
Just a suggestion..
Rewrite your server rules and add that its prohibited to say:
Just to be fair to all human beings
Px написал:
Of course
So you are a homophobe?
That would explain a lot of your behavior
Отредактированно 3rAs3r (08.11.2012 23:40:55)
Px написал:
any other reason
In this particular case,no.
If there is,I would like you to help me to see it,because I explained myself and why I said what I said and you refuse to believe it.
See you..one more thing...Is the "rule" that I must do nothing in the time of my ban and just wait on my PC 'till it's over still on?
Px написал:
on server
Not that rule...
Remember the "rule" when you doubled my ban time when I said I was going on vacation?
That's what I was asking,can I leave my house during ban time?
Px написал:
if I see you on server
I got more important things than changing my I.P. to reenter
3rAs3r написал:
Remember the "rule" when you doubled my ban time when I said I was going on vacation?
That's what I was asking,can I leave my house during ban time?
Ah, you still have butthurt about that ? of course you can't leave your house
3rAs3r написал:
I got more important things than changing my I.P. to reenter
We'll see that
Px написал:
Of course, if I see you on server during ban time the time would be doubled
dont worry Px i will tell u if i see him
Ill also report all who use that word ^_^
е мае, как меня задолбали эти односмысленные темы, банить перманентно и никаких вопросов
Slip написал:
е мае, как меня задолбали эти односмысленные темы, банить перманентно и никаких вопросов
I like it when you guys write in untranslatable language
he said if this happens next time it will be permanent with no questions
Отредактированно :.:War Lords:.: | GhOst (09.11.2012 18:04:06)