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банно деталио
Nickname: yAtz'
SteamID: VALVE_0:0:1148965301
Steam Community ID: 76561200258196330
IP address:
Ban type: SteamID
Reason: WallHack
Invoked on: 19.02.2013 - 00:03:24
Expires on: 05.03.2013 - 00:03:24 (1 Week 6 Days 9 Hours 33 Minutes remaining)
Banned by: BeeR | [PRIDE]-Px
Banned on: Website
Total expired bans: 0
Kicks: 1
Direct link: #!cs_banlist?bid=116794
plz check..
Upload archive with .bmp screenshots from your cstrike folder to your favorite file share service and post link here
where can i get that screenshots?
Px написал:
Upload archive with .bmp screenshots from your cstrike folder to your favorite file share service and post link here
Untouchable | taE.m0 написал:
where can i get that screenshots?
1) Either you search in wrong folder
2) In wrong way
3) Using new client and affected by one of it's bugs
Make one screenshot by yourself (default key - F5) and see where it goes
It's in my csstrike folder. Is there a patch i'm missing? I have not been online for months maybe i missed it?
Отредактированно Harmony (22.02.2013 14:51:49)
I swear to god i dont have screenshots man want me to fraps it?
Отредактированно Harmony (22.02.2013 15:11:27)
Ok, I'd checked logs, screenshots was not taked thnx to dumb reporter , I'll check the demo later
Отредактированно Px (22.02.2013 15:27:49)
I am not banned, do not worry. I was just curious how this works.
Px написал:
dumb reporter
And what do you mean? Reporter enables screenshots on targeted player?
Harmony написал:
And what do you mean? Reporter enables screenshots on targeted player?
If report reason is properly set
Px написал:
Harmony написал:
And what do you mean? Reporter enables screenshots on targeted player?
If report reason is properly set
I go to website -> I found Cheater topic -> Report Px for wallhack -> System enable Px CS to make screenshots of gameplay?
Px написал:
Harmony написал:
I go to website
Nothing will happen
Why are you so dense? If you would have explained me the first post instantly we wouldn't have this post chat. Anyhow i guess we'll see when the time is right. Thanks for your time
Harmony написал:
Report Px for wallhack
i wanna do that
Px написал:
Coolya banned for low skill