i have a problem with my secondary weapon when i press "2" to switch to the pistol its not working also when i want to buy the shield same problem.. but when am pressing it to choose the team its working fine!
i checked my control its fine..
can someone help me with this
How exactly it not working? Does menu item highlighted? Weapon switch sound produced? Does it switch with mouse wheel? hud_fastswitch is 0 or 1?
Hello Px
in fact this happened after i changed my keyboard.. the keyboard is working fine even inside the game when i press 2 to select CT its working but when i want to use it to switch to pistol or buying the shield its not working.. am buying it using the mouse cursors
even the z radio button is not working same problem.. just inside the game is not working..
menu item is not highlighting at all just by mouse cursors the mouse wheel i didnt try it before also " hud_fastswitch is 0 or 1" i didnt play with it am keeping it as default.. how much the value should be ?
Please follow the steps below. it will make all changes at default position.
Click > Options > Keyboard < then Click "Use Default" button. Apply and then check.
Also, check with NumLock ON:OFF and ScrollLock ON:OFF
Отредактированно gemini (05.03.2013 17:35:27)
gemini написал:
Please follow the steps below. it will make all changes at default position.
Click > Options > Keyboard < then Click "Use Default" button. Apply and then check.
Also, check with NumLock ON:OFF and ScrollLock ON:OFF
same problem it doesn't work i try this before.. it seems the problem is with my config file
gemini написал:
Did you try reinstall or Overwritten the current files with new fresh copy of CS1.6 ?
this mean re-install all the maps
Dehumanizer написал:
this mean re-install all the maps
Just copy cstrike\maps folder to any other safe place in your drive. reinstall the CS and then move the maps folder to cstrike directory and overwrite the maps folder.
Sad-Flute написал:
write in console hud_fastswitch 1 ....
Px написал:
New keyboard name is classified?
Touchmate brand
is it because of config file ?
gemini написал:
Dehumanizer написал:
this mean re-install all the maps
Just copy cstrike\maps folder to any other safe place in your drive. reinstall the CS and then move the maps folder to cstrike directory and overwrite the maps folder.
i'll try it thank u gemini
Px написал:
Did you install it's drivers?
I have the same problem dehu, its just because you press too much touch at any time, if I walk I cant choose pistol and my PC bips if I try to use maj +2
Px написал:
Dehumanizer написал:
Touchmate brand
Did you install it's drivers?
there is no driver for it
its working fine outside the game.. even inside it when i want to select the team its working normally..
this happened after i changed the keyboard.. i also tried to re-install the game but same problem.. when i stop inside the game i can get the pistol and i can use the "x" radio button.. but when i walk its not working..
3rAs3r написал:
Dehumanizer написал:
i want to buy the shield
shields can not be bought
every time i had to teach u bot.. press "O + 1/2" and u will have it
Dehumanizer написал:
when i stop inside the game i can get the pistol and i can use the "x" radio button..
Dehumanizer написал:
but when i walk its not working..
Throw that garbage out, it can't process simultaneous pressing of some keys, cheap controller inside
Отредактированно Px (07.03.2013 15:05:23)
NorthNikko написал:
I have the same problem dehu, its just because you press too much touch at any time, if I walk I cant choose pistol and my PC bips if I try to use maj +2
before it was working fine omg this is just..
Px написал:
Dehumanizer написал:
when i stop inside the game i can get the pistol and i can use the "x" radio button..
Dehumanizer написал:
but when i walk its not working..
Throw that garbage out, it can't process simultaneous pressing of some keys, cheap controller inside
there was an offer on it !! OMG
but its working with other buttons
Dehumanizer написал:
but its working with other buttons
That doesn't matter
Three years old topic with some tests in russian - http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2505
How to test: open notepad, press both Shift keys and type phrase "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", on my keyboard I get such results
This shows which keys not working with two modifiers pressed together
Px написал:
Dehumanizer написал:
but its working with other buttons
That doesn't matter
Three years old topic with some tests in russian - http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2505
How to test: open notepad, press both Shift keys and type phrase "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", on my keyboard I get such results
This shows which keys not working with two modifiers pressed together
noway!! am not gona do this test !!! i'll buy new one!!
Px, my keyboard has the same problem and on notepad I see the sentence..