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vaity96 написал:
srry the ban time didnt said it expaired and i reporeted him than i saw unbanned time atleast make the time expired near ban time it was and honest mistake >.<
Try detect cheaters without checking his data (IP, ID, Name) otherwise you cant learn to proper cheaters detect.
If you are trusted to "IP" or "ID" that means this player can turn on hack and you trust him as well
Your Capitan Obvious
Отредактированно АКМ16 (18.03.2016 20:06:57)
АКМ16 написал:
vaity96 написал:
srry the ban time didnt said it expaired and i reporeted him than i saw unbanned time atleast make the time expired near ban time it was and honest mistake >.<
Try detect cheaters without checking his data (IP, ID, Name) otherwise you cant learn to proper cheaters detect.
If you are trusted to "IP" or "ID" that means this player can turn on hack and you trust him as well
srry man i thought spammers are back so just reported straight away srry again
vaity96 написал:
srry man i thought spammers are back so just reported straight away srry again
That is calls "Low Skill"
АКМ16 написал:
vaity96 написал:
srry man i thought spammers are back so just reported straight away srry again
That is calls "Low Skill"
sure it is but i realised and came to forums to ignore the report i made
Отредактированно vaity96 (18.03.2016 20:10:36)
vaity96 написал:
АКМ16 написал:
vaity96 написал:
srry the ban time didnt said it expaired and i reporeted him than i saw unbanned time atleast make the time expired near ban time it was and honest mistake >.<
Try detect cheaters without checking his data (IP, ID, Name) otherwise you cant learn to proper cheaters detect.
If you are trusted to "IP" or "ID" that means this player can turn on hack and you trust him as wellsrry man i thought spammers are back so just reported straight away srry again
This guy previous ban was already because of false report, and if your really reported him for avoiding ban at least chose the proper reason in report command list as u didnt spec him to make sure he is cheating, this will be considered as a hasty decision, next time ban will goes against you for low skill.
АКМ16 написал:
vaity96 написал:
srry man i thought spammers are back so just reported straight away srry again
That is calls "Low Skill"
Not if he tagged his report in short time before the player banned like what happens here
Dehumanizer написал:
Not if he tagged his report in short time before the player banned like what happens here
You dont understand what i mean when writed - That is calls "Low Skill"
АКМ16 написал:
Dehumanizer написал:
Not if he tagged his report in short time before the player banned like what happens here
You dont understand what i mean
Not sure if i want to
T@RN@D@ написал:
is he hack or not ??
May be he is not hacker.
PX, i cheked demo, gohan.in is clean. Выпусти паренька, верь мне. Можешь конечно демку глянуть, но я тебе время с экономил.
skvid написал:
May be he is not hacker.
skvid написал:
PX, i cheked demo, gohan.in is clean. Выпусти паренька, верь мне. Можешь конечно демку глянуть, но я тебе время с экономил.
Я же говорил
skvid написал:
PX, i cheked demo, gohan.in is clean. Выпусти паренька, верь мне. Можешь конечно демку глянуть, но я тебе время с экономил.
it's really sad to see a regular known player attempting to join the server and getting kicked out because he got banned for false report and you don't see a complain from them, although the forum registration process doesn't require an advance internet user
Dehumanizer написал:
skvid написал:
PX, i cheked demo, gohan.in is clean. Выпусти паренька, верь мне. Можешь конечно демку глянуть, но я тебе время с экономил.
it's really sad to see a regular known player attempting to join the server and getting kicked out because he got banned for false report and you don't see a complain from them, although the forum registration process doesn't require an advance internet user
boy do i remember my struggle to register here for the 1st time
T@RN@D@ написал:
boy do i remember my struggle to register here for the 1st time
well this is a huge funny signature indeed, i really did appreciated the existence of the quote function it makes things here much easier
anyway i think using the chrome browser will come in handy in such situation, one right click on the website and then "Translate to English" thats it
Dehumanizer написал:
well this is a huge funny signature indeed
Dehumanizer написал:
anyway i think using the chrome browser will come in handy in such situation, one right click on the website and then "Translate to English" thats it
i was super bot back in the days.. i had registered using my old phone (not android and it dint have chrome or translation )
It isn't translate. I am right?
T@RN@D@ написал:
i was super bot back in the days.
We all was
skvid написал:
It isn't translate. I am right?
It works with me inside the forum and i think it should work also on the home page, maybe there is something wrong with your chrom browser
Dehumanizer написал:
is something wrong with your chrom browser
No all right. I understand what that because i am russian. But these words are distorted a little. And google transate perhaps cant translate it. It isn't important...
gohan.in написал:
Hi guys. It took a real time to get in here. Can somebody tell me where to put my query regarding my ban?
Hello gohan
the link below is where you should make the complain topic, as you have been reported for Multihack you need to provide the demo link so that Px can check it and decide what action should be taken against your case.
Dehumanizer написал:
gohan.in написал:
Hi guys. It took a real time to get in here. Can somebody tell me where to put my query regarding my ban?
Hello gohan
the link below is where you should make the complain topic, as you have been reported for Multihack you need to provide the demo link so that Px can check it and decide what action should be taken against your case.
Thanks a lot. But all of these are a bit tough for me. And how can I provide the demo?
gohan.in написал:
Dehumanizer написал:
gohan.in написал:
Hi guys. It took a real time to get in here. Can somebody tell me where to put my query regarding my ban?
Hello gohan
the link below is where you should make the complain topic, as you have been reported for Multihack you need to provide the demo link so that Px can check it and decide what action should be taken against your case.
http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/viewforum.php?id=3Thanks a lot. But all of these are a bit tough for me. And how can I provide the demo?
you can find the server demos by browsing this link:
as you have been reported in Low Latency server you need to search for the demo in the section 27016
you can see the time you've beed reported in by checking the reports topic from here:
http://www.cs.iptcom.net/forum/viewtopi … 80#p182480
as you can see the player who reported you called "<Warrior> Player" and the date of the report is "17.03.2016 12:13:17"
so compare it with the dates inside the demo page and find yours.
gohan.in написал:
And how can I provide the demo?
I think he reported you on de_nuke, yes?
This is link on de_nuke demo
http://cs.iptcom.net/hltv//27015/cs.ipt … ke.dem.bz2
АКМ16 написал:
This is link on de_nuke demo
There was a reason behind giving him the full instructions above to find the demo and you just wasted all the efforts
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